forum “My dads my nemesis…” “Damn- you know he’s right behind you, right?” “Damnit-“
Started by @Eli-the-transboi group

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@Eli-the-transboi group

Finn flinched and scampered back, fear now clouding his eyes. Tears immediately filled his eyes and streamed down his cheeks. Screaming. Yelling…he hated it…the one thing that instantly terrified him…

Finn couldn’t control it anymore. He started sobbing, holding onto his stuffed animal, shaking slightly. The look on this poor child’s face was heartbreaking…

@Eli-the-transboi group

Finn moved to a corner, sobbing and coughing into his pillow. His panic attack lasted for about 15 minutes before he eventually calmed down to quiet whimpering and hiccups. He looked up and stared at the door, hiccuping. He wanted to leave…he didn’t want to be here…

Maybe…he should get the police…he already had his proof she was the wanted villain…he could get them…

But…what if they chose not to believe him…? What would happen? Would he be killed? Tormented? What would happen.

Finn whimpers again, his bottom lip shaking slightly as more tears rolled down his eyes.


In the other side of the house, Aella was too crying, something she hadn't allowed herself to do in a long time. She cried for her mother, who had been killed 3 years ago, and she cried for herself. Her Sadness quickly morphed into anger as she trashed her room, ripping apart useless papers and smashing her lamp. Her fire quickly spread across her arm and danced around her long claws. She wanted to kill the child. She wanted to kill herself. She wanted to kill every single person she could. She wanted her mother.
She quickly realised that acting like a baby wasnt the option, and composed a plan within a couple minutes.
She ordered her most trusted maid to dust some pillow cushions with her powder, and replace Finn's pillow case with the powdered one. And to draw the attention from the action, to strip the bed aswell. then hand the boy his chocolate. She knew the boy would be too caught up inspecting the chocolate to care about the bed. And while he was asleep, she could descided what to do with the child.

@Eli-the-transboi group

Finn slowly got up and sat on the floor, looking at his tiger. “She…lost her mom too…” he rasps, speaking to the toy as if it were his best friend. “Like us…” he bites his lip. “Maybe…” he thinks for a while, then, with childish hope, he gets up and rushes out, looking around for Aella. Soon, he found her. He stands in the doorway, then murmurs. “I lost my moma too…” he hugs his stuffed animal. “And my da.” He hiccups again, looking down. “I’m…sorry…I know how it feels. I was only a baby…but I remember…kinda…”

@Eli-the-transboi group

Finn looks up at her, his purple eyes gleaming. “I know why you’re mad…and I was too…but…now I wanna help people not be like me. Cause…I don’t like it when people are sad. Cause I don’t like being sad either…” he shifts on his feet. “Can…i…help you?” He murmurs.


Aella looks up at the boy, and cant help but smirk, before quickly smiling fully, as not to contuse the boy
"Yes" she whispers.
"but, you will need to get your cancer removed. I dont know how you would be able to defend yourself with it. I will call for a doctor to come here. but for now, i need you to get some rest. My maids have given you fresh sheets and a bar of dark chocolate. Please try to get some rest"

@Eli-the-transboi group

Finn looks at her, a hurt look in his eyes before rushing off to his room. He slams his door shut and lays down on his bed, not even eating the chocolate. Tears keep falling down his cheeks and he quietly cried. After a few hours, he started feeling sleepy. He could hardly even keep his eyes open.

After another hour, he was almost fully asleep, barely fighting it.


Aella stood over the sleeping boy, he would be out of it for atleast another 3 hours. Plenty of time. She ran her clawed fingers gently over the boys face. and snipped some of his hair of. Not enough for him to notice, but enough for her. Once she was done she called the doctor over, and told him to begin the procedure. She knew this is not what he wanted, but it would be in the best intrest of herself, and thats all that matters. She watched as the doctor finished removing the cancer from his throat. She watched as the doctor left. She watched as the boy slowly woke up.
"I'm sorry Finn"
She watched the look of horror on his face as she left