@Imperfect_Autumn group
"No, not really," Autumn said as she looked around. "No one's paying us any attention."
"No, not really," Autumn said as she looked around. "No one's paying us any attention."
Alex sighed and walked up to the register. He handed them their check and hs card, where the process of him paying for their food began.
"You okay?" Autumn asked, leaning against the counter with her side.
Alex looked at her. “Yep! I’m okay.”
Autumn smiled. "Good. Let's go… I'm ready for cheesecake!"
Alex took back his card and back into his wallet it went. “Yep! It’s just a walk’s distance, so we’ll just walk.”
"Really? Great!" Autumn exclaimed excitedly.
Alex smiled at her warmly. He walked to the doors and held them open for her.
"Thanks!" Autumn grinned as she stepped outside. "So. Which way?"
Alex shut the door and looked around. “Uuum, this way.” He pointed to their left.
"Great!" Autumn chirped, starting to walk that way.
Alex hurriedly trotted next to her, grinning. “Then at the crosswalk we go left, then we continue going straight.”
"Okay. So, how do you like it here so far?" Autumn asked.
Alex gazed up happily, listening to the sounds of the city. “It’s womderful.”
"Isn't it? I love it here," Autumn said, smiling.
Alex looked back down at her, smiling. “I can’t believe I’ve ever left it.”
(And now "shuhs"! You're just full of typos today. Lol.)
"Oh, you've been here before?"
(That was on purpose xD)
Alex smiled at her. “I have. Twice.”
(Why, though???)
"Cool! Did you enjoy it when you were here then?" Autumn asked, curious.
(Because I’m annoyinggnngngngg)
Alex hummed. “Of course I did! I was dead-lost all the time, but I still loved it.”
(Lol. Nah.
I'm listening to a podcast by one if ny favorite bands. Lol. They're hilarious.)
"Well, you don't have to get lost this time around. Just ask me, and I can show you around!" Autumn offered.
(xD Awesome.)
Alex laughed. “I wish I had you then, but I think I’ve learned the streets well enough.”
Autumn clicked her tongue. "Darn. Well, at least I won't be worrying about you getting lost, then," she teased.
Alex laughed and nudged her. “Yeah, that’d be awful!”
"I would hope you would have a phone with you if that happened," Autumn said with a grin.
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