"I can tell," He smiled as he herd her breathing "rest my angel, you have a long night tonight."
"I can tell," He smiled as he herd her breathing "rest my angel, you have a long night tonight."
"I can't," she said suddenly. "I must meet with Dimitri or he'll figure out that something is wrong. What should I do about the designs?"
"show him the ones you did for him, show nothing that you've talked to me about it or anything, just act as if I don't know." he said
"The ones I did for him… The ones you're going to use?" she asked softly. "Then his show will look like a copy of yours if we can get ours launched first, or he'll call it off," she thought aloud. "But what happens after that? Then he'll know that you know, and he'll try to kill you."
he shook his head "you'll be using these," he said pointing to the ones you drew for him already, the ones we draw will only be used for our show, not his." he reasured her "he's not getting anywhere near me, you or Adrien."
Nathalie sat very still for a moment.
Essentially, he was asking her to design roughly two complete fashion lines within two weeks for two fashion shows. One was for him, her lover. She'd already begun to sketch a few ideas, and they truly came from her heart with all of her devotion and love poured into the work. The ones where she would only be known by an elusive fake name. No one would know that she was the creator of some of the designs featured in the Agreste Fashion Show except for Gabriel. She couldn't mess up – it would let Gabriel and the Agreste Fashion business down.
The second was for her captor. She would need to design and create this line all by herself. Dimitri was a fashion expert who knew Gabriel Agreste's work by the smallest details. If Gabriel so much as offered her one bit of advice, Dimitri would suspect something was going on. Under this line, no one would know she even spoke to Dimitri before. She would design in fear that her love would be murdered should she fail.
"I won't disappoint you, Gabriel," she promised him quietly. Their faces were very close, so she inched forward to seal her promise with her lips.
(ahh the details are so good!!!!!!!)
His normally sharp features softened as she kissed him. He wrapped his arms around her, promising her safety, protection from any harm and an endless love. He pulled away, lips still brushing hers "you could never disappoint me, love. No matter what you do." He whispered, kissing her again, promising everything and anything to her.
She absorbed his touch and moved her lips over his with newfound passion. She was no longer afraid of Dimitri, at least for the moment. She just savored Gabriel.
(shives was reading the last page and thought it was an affair…now she has confirmed it as fan fiction XD)
He continued to kiss her, only breaking away to mutter something before drawing back to her again.
(Wait, what?)
She moaned quietly.
(she read it over my shoulder, she's not actually stalking.)
He smiled and parted "get some rest love," he said quietly
(Oh, lol!)
"I'm not tired," she replied.
He sighed deeply and nuzzled her neck "but you will be, guaranteed." He said gently
"I have to meet with Dimitri…" she whispered in his ear.
"all the more reason to rest while you can love, you'll be exhausted while working, then he'll know something's up." He whispered back
"I have to meet him tonight."
He nodded "you still have three hours until then, get some rest." He encouraged gently
"I don't need rest, Gabriel," she sighed.
he glared at her then rolled his eyes with a smile "when did you become so stubborn my love?"
She blushed. "I've always been told that I am stubborn."
"really, by who?" he said sarcastically "will you rest if I promise we do something tomorrow night?"
She looked into his icy blue eyes and couldn't look away. "Do what?"
He shrugged "anything you wish," he glanced at her "I hadn't thought that far, to admit."
Slowly, she leaned forward and brushed her lips against his while she whispered, "Alright." She stood and left for her room, purposefully leaving her sketchbook with him.
He looked after her, lips still warm from the kiss. Taking the notebook from the table and a pen from his desk. He wrote a small note in the back pages
I will always and forever love you, don't forget that love.
He set the notebook back on the table, kissing her head as he walked by her room and headed to his own to sleep
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