forum Miraculous Ladybug - One-on-one (CLOSED)
Started by Deleted user

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Deleted user

A look of alarm rushed her features and she hurried off to check the kitchen.

Adrien awkwardly shuffled his feet, his bag draped over his shoulder like always.

Deleted user

"Hm?" Adrien looked up from where he'd been staring at his shoes, lost in thought. "Yes, Father."

Deleted user

Adrien blushed harder. "I might if I wasn't so afraid to tell her I like her…"

Deleted user

"I don't know… I don't want her to hate me. I really like her."


"Then there should be no problem if she says no. give her the time and space to let her find her way. You're still very young. give it time, she'll find her way to you, eventually."

Deleted user

Adrien shook his head. "Advice is more than enough." He ran up the stairs and into his room.

Nathalie reappeared, looking slightly flustered. "I took care of it."


he smiled briefly as he watched his son leave before turning to her "umm, love, it looks like it took care of you," he grabbed a towel and handed it to her. "are they burnt?"

Deleted user

She accepted it and nodded. "Yes. I'm sorry, I should have remembered."


he shook his head "don't worry about it, I bought store bought ones in case this happened." he said, grabbing the casing out of the fridge and offering her one.

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She sighed and took it. As she reached for it, her blazer sleeve pulled back and revealed a fresh, red burn mark on her skin.


his eyes widened slightly "what are those from…." he asked, gently taking her hand in his "are those from the oven?"

Deleted user

"No, I was just clumsy with the oven," she answered, steadily meeting his gaze.


his eyes narrowed slightly, an instinct he picked up from his other half "hm, have you put anything on the burn to help it?" he asked, his face still sharp with concern, but his tone, kind and gentle