forum Miraculous Ladybug - One-on-one (CLOSED)
Started by Deleted user

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Deleted user

(I can't tell you, but Gabriel isn't gonna like it… again…)

After a while, she stopped and looked at her work, then at Gabriel. "Did I do too much?" she asked worriedly, unsure of what he wanted.


(ughhhh the torture!XD)
He walked over to her and stood behind her, scanning her work. He smiled and kissed her cheek "it's perfect," he whispered

Deleted user

Nathalie blushed furiously. "Thank you," she replied quietly.

Deleted user

She looked at him with wide eyes. "You… You would want me to do that?"

Deleted user

"I've never done anything like that before…" she murmured, half to herself.

Deleted user

She looked over her shoulder at him, their faces suddenly close. She remembered what happened the last time they were in a situation like this, and her heart began to race. "I'd appreciate that," she whispered.

(Cause I want them to kiss really bad…)


(I got you)
He smiled and leaned in close, brushing his lips against hers. "Good, can't let you have all the credit now can I?" He teased and kissed her passionatly, turning her around and pulling her towards his chest

Deleted user

(Yaaaaaaaay! so mature…)

She put her hands on his chest and surprisingly kissed him in return. His arms were around her and felt good. No, good wasn't the word. This feeling couldn't be described. All she knew was that his grip, she melted.


(lol maturity never existed in the first place🤣🤣🤣)
He tightened his grip, a silent promise that he would never let go of her, that he would love her for as long as possible. He continued to kiss her, promising everything he could offer in that one moment

Deleted user

(True! XD)

For the first time since she'd been kidnapped, Nathalie truly relaxed. She sighed softly to convey her intense feelings, but the real prize was getting her to moan.

Deleted user

She gasped quietly, pressing her cheek against his. Her stomach flipped anxiously.

Deleted user

"No," she breathed softly. For good measure, she curled into him and kissed him below his ear slowly.

Deleted user

She turned pink. "I'm sorry?" she whispered hesitantly, questioning her action at once.

Deleted user

Nathalie felt her heart racing anxiously. "Oh, I…" She didn't know what to say, especially when he brought her closer.

Deleted user

"We do," she replied quietly. "Is there anything you need me to bring you?"