forum Marvel OxO // Closed
Started by @ElderGod-Icefire

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(alright! I wasn't planning on introducing Alex for a little bit longer, so I was thinking we can do a timeskip eventually?? Maybe have a game night with the Avengers plus Dr Strange and Paisley?)

Jason looked up. "Hey, Paisley!" He greeted. "Good to see you." He had mostly finished his food, and so he crammed the last of his burger in his mouth and then getting up to greet her, smiling at her after he'd finished chewing. "How're you and Strange doing down at the Sanctum? Everything good?" He asked, running a hand through his hair and then throwing the trash from his lunch away. "Nothing's wrong, I hope?"

@larcenistarsonist group

"No, nothing's wrong!" She answered with a smile. "Strange just needs a cup of sugar. He's baking again and is determined that his Baked Alaska will turn out differently than his last eight attempts." Paisley laughed softly, her hands tucking themselves away in her navy peacoat she wore everywhere. "Do you mind if I borrow a cup?"


Jason laughed. "No, of course not. Come on up to the kitchen and you can have some." He headed towards the elevator to go up, assuming Paisley would follow him.

@larcenistarsonist group

"Alright," Paisley answered, following the blonde to the elevator. She stood in the center, slightly to the left, her back straight and head forward. Perfect posture, a stark contrast to Shea's slumped and sluggish composition. "How have things been here at the Tower? I feel like it's been ages since Strange and I visited last."


"They've been good, yeah." He said, nodding his head. "We got a new person, though. Shea. She'll be living here. You'll probably meet her sometime, if not today." He smiled a little, tapping a foot on the floor of the elevator for a moment, smiling a little.

@larcenistarsonist group

Paisley's somewhat cheerful facial expression fell for a brief second. "Shea Garner? As in the mutant who can manipulate emotions?" She kept her tone professional and clipped. "I've heard of her through the grapevine." Paisley was quiet for a few seconds before she picked up the conversation once more. "So, Strange is getting stir crazy since Wong's been gone visiting his sister. He hasn't been able to get back to the Sanctum, so Strange and I are the only ones allowed to defend it. Wong gets back in New York in a few days, what do you say for a game and movie night? With all the Avengers and such."


"Yeah, her. And yeah, that sounds fun. Though you might want to ask Tony and Steve, they're kind of…in charge." He gestured vaguely. "But if they give it the go-ahead, then that definitely sounds great." He smiled a little, stepping out of the elevator as the door opened.

@larcenistarsonist group

"Great!" Paisley smiled and followed Jason to the rather large pantry. She found the 10 pound bag of sugar and filled a few cups. "Do you know what floors Tony and Steve are on? I know they can be busy so I want to try and arrange the game night as soon as possible." She rolled the top of the bag and stuffed it back into the pantry where it belonged. "No UNO though… Granted how it ended last time. Clint was lucky that Sam caught him after Thor threw him out the window." She laughed softly and set the cups of sugar on the table.


He laughed as well. "Yeah. Uhm…I'm not sure Tony is here right now, but Steve is…Jarvis, where's Steve?"

"He and Mr Barnes are on Steve's level doing some research. I believe Mr Barnes had questions about something." Jarvis responded after a moment.

"Thanks." Jason called, then looked at Paisley. "Well, you heard what Jarvis said. I hope?"

(Qjbdhdhdh the fucking ending of Wandavision, holy shittt)

@larcenistarsonist group

(as;kdlfj;askdfj AAAAAAAAAAA I KNOWWWWWW Can't wait for Captain Marvel 2 just because Talos and Monica. And Goose. If Goose will be in it…)

"Yes, thank you Jarvis." Paisley looked to the ceiling and then to Jason. "Wanna come with? Doesn't seem like you're doing much." Paisley made her way to the elevator and clicked the 'up' button. She had memorized most the floors and knew that Steve was on 26, a floor above Tony and a floor under Thor, when the Asgardian was there. She got into the elevator and waited for Jason to join her.


(YES. Also like. The second Dr Strange movie?? Because Wanda is going to be in it! And I need answers about Fietro/Ralph because wtf)

Jason got into the elevator, a little unsure that he wanted to see Steve, but not going to say anything about it. He didn't mind seeing Steve. It was just that they didn't really get along that well, and Steve didn't know how to behave around him. Neither did Jason.

@larcenistarsonist group

(YES GIMME MORE DOCTOR STRANNNGEEEEEEEE!! Also: wasn't WandaVision supposed to introduce us to the multiverse?? Because it didn't do any of that. And not gonna lieeeeeeee… Agatha was kinda a disappointing villain. She was very 1-dimensional and just ???? C'mon Marvel you can't bait us with multiverse stuff and not give it to us…)

Paisley smiled and clicked the button for floor 26. The doors slid shut and the elevator ascended. "How are you, Jason? I haven't been stopping by a lot, Strange has been very vigilant on my training."


(I still liked it tho. But like. Yeah, multiverse)

"I'm good, thanks. How about you? Is the training going well?" Jason asked, looking over at her and cocking his head faintly. "Strange isn't being too hard on you, is he?" He laughed a little, a smile tugging at his mouth.

@larcenistarsonist group

(Maybe they were gonna do the multiverse idea, but then Covid and stuff maybe messed with that??? Maybe? Anyways, I am HYPED for TFATWS!! An episode even comes out on my birthday :DD)

"He can be harsh at times, but he's a good teacher. He's taught me a lot about the mystic arts and how to work with the powers I was born with," She laughed and rocked on her feet. "Strange is like the father I never had." The doors opened and Paisley exited, softly knocking on the wall to alert Steve and Bucky of their presence.

"Hey?" Bucky greeted and offered a slightly confused wave with his flesh arm. "Steve went to get some supplies from Stark's lab he'll be back in a second." The Winter Soldier went back to whatever he was working on. It looked like a customized Wakandan rifle that he'd been toying with.


(ashdgdg YES I can't WAIT!!)

Jason came closer to peer at the rifle. "Oh, that looks fun to shoot." He commented, refraining from touching it. It wasn't his weapon, after all, and he didn't want to mess with it without permission.

Bucky shot him a faint smile. "It is. You can try it out sometime, if you like."

Jason grinned. "Yeah, that sounds great." He said with a nod, leaning back on his heels.

Steve came back after a few minutes, carrying a box in his hands. He set it on the table, eyes flicking between Jason and Paisley. "Oh, hey. What do you guys need?"

@larcenistarsonist group

"Hey, Steve!" Paisley smiled and waved. "Strange has been stuck up in the Sanctum for the past three weeks and I was hoping that we could get all the Avengers together and have a game night like we did not to long ago. I just wanna know if this is alright with you. I don't want to cross any boundaries."

Bucky raised an eyebrow, a slick smirk teasing at the corner of his lips. "We gonna do teams of four again? I could get Sam and Nat on our side."


Steve thought about it. "Fine with me. Might want to double check with Tony for the timing. He's out right now though, so we can have Jarvis send him a message, maybe?" He glanced at the ceiling for a moment.

"I can indeed. What precisely would you like me to tell him?" Jarvis said in his calm, pleasant tone.

@larcenistarsonist group

"Just tell him that the kids wanna have a game night," Steve answered beginning to empty the contents of the box onto the table.

Bucky nodded and grabbed a screwdriver from the collection of tools next to him and a piece of scrap metal from Steve's pile. "Can we play Phase 10?"

"Is this because Sam beat you last time, Buck?" Steve asked, rummaging through the pile of scraps and parts.

"Damn Wilson," Bucky grumbled, a smile forming. "Someone needs to put him in his place."


Jason snorted faintly. "Don't forget truth or dare, too. Tony always suggests that one." He shook his head a little. Tony usually suggested that one later in the night, when everyone had had a bit to drink, and then the dates and truths ranged from perfectly innocent to just about as bad as Tony could make them go. Tony and a few others, anyway, were the ones that suggested those dares. No sex ever happened because of them, but kisses and making out did, sometimes. The only hard and fast rule was that people who were related did not do anything like that. So that meant Jason didn't have to get to know his dad more than he wanted to ever know.

"And Never have I ever. The drinking one." Steve shook his head as well, not seeming to realize how similar he and his son were in that moment. "But we can retry Phase Ten, Buck, if you really think you can beat Sam."

@larcenistarsonist group

"Of course I can beat Wilson. He got lucky that one time," Bucky snapped but there was no heat behind it. He went back to repairing his gun.

Paisley laughed at the banter. "So it's a date? This Friday?"


"Yeah, sounds good. Tony will probably be fine. Tell Strange to bring some of that stuff he brought last time? The stuff that he tinkered with so that it works on Bucky and I."

"And me." Jason piped up.

Steve narrowed his eyes at his son. "Jason, absolutely not. You're seventeen."

Jason's eyes flattened a little bit as he looked at Steve, and he crossed his arms, making a face. "And?"

@larcenistarsonist group

Paisley clamped her mouth shut when Steve shut Jason down. She never was one for conflict and only intervened when absolutely necessary. "Yeah, I uh- can talk to Strange. He's been working on it a lot more too. Maybe it'll work on Thor this time."

Bucky raised an eyebrow and leaned into Steve, whispering a few words into his best friend's ear. Steve sighed and relaxed slightly, his facial expression still stern.

"So- uhm… I guess I'll see you guys next Friday?" Paisley opened a portal at her feet to the kitchen a few floors down and hopped through it. She closed the portal above her, grabbed the sugar, and opened another portal to the Sanctum.

@larcenistarsonist group

(OKAY- Fun Fact #1! I'm probably gonna hurl a bunch of these at you In one of the newer comic series, Bucky has a cat named Alpine and I think that that's adorable.)


(i also think that's adorable, we should definitely bring this kitty in sometime)

"See you." Jason said, waving a little as she vanished, then turning to look at his dad for a moment. To tell the truth, he didn't really want the alcohol anyway, he just resented that Steve seemed to think he could tell him what to do. He almost said something, then just shook his head and made his way towards the elevator. He had learned a while ago not to even bother getting into arguments with Steve. It never ended well for either of them, not with their history. Or lack of, was perhaps the better word for it.

@larcenistarsonist group

(yes we must bring Alpine into this sometime)

"Bye," Bucky waved and went back to his project, only looking up when Jason had disappeared. "Y'know Steve, for being that kid's dad you…"

"I know, Buck," Steve sighed and shook his head. "It's just weird. I go under and when I wake up, I have a kid that I didn't really even want and this kid has powers and is always going on these dangerous missions… I just feel like I gotta protect him. It's just-"

"You don't know how?"

"Yeah… Jason's a great kid and all, but I never know how to act around him. Do I treat him like a son? A soldier? Another coworker?"

"Just treat him like a normal human being, Steve," Bucky laughed softly and put down the screwdriver he was using to tighten the bolts on the gun.

"I mean- Yeah, I guess that's the first step." Steve huffed and sat down in one of the leather armchairs Steve had used to furnish his floor.

"Just relax, pal, and soon enough you'll be best friends."

"Nat, are you sure about this?" Shea asked, slowly raising an eyebrow and eyeing the deadly redhead.

"Yes, come on, let's go spar. It's been awhile." Nat slung an arm around Shea's shoulders and led her to the elevator. Natasha clicked the down button and squeezed Shea just a little tighter. "I know it's been a hot minute since we've battled it out. Woman on woman."

Shea laughed and pushed herself out of Nat's grasp. "Prepared to lose?"

"Prepared to eat those words?" Nat replied without hesitation.

Shea laughed and the elevator doors opened.