forum Kingdoms of metallic scarlet ((one-on-one//private// 18+))
Started by @ElderGod-Carrots

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Safe was not a word that Dominic had ever known, at least not after the death of his mother, the only person who had made him feel wholly safe. The the wide, vast and expanding universe that they lived in, she had been the only person to bring him peace. A young prince, with a father who had been overbearing before, allowed to be a child with the woman who lived him with all her might. Safe in her arms from the world, no matter how tall her child had been compared to her, it didn't matter. Dominic would have always been her little boy, even if he grew to be as large as the towering pines in the forests of Verillia, or the mountains that ranged their borders. Her love had been the bond tying his family together, and it had been taken from him faster than lightning could strike. Rage had been left in the wake of the love that had once filled the palace of Verillia. The towering walls that had once made Dominic feel safe and secure, made the palace a home, and had turned into nothing more than a prison.

Yet here Ariella was. A light shining in the dark that had been his world for so long. Dominic could deny it all he wanted until the very end of time but his heart knew the truth. And the truth was that she was becoming more than a friend to him. More than the princess that resided in his bed every night, or the woman he looked for in the crowd when he trained. It frightened the crown prince more than he would ever, ever admit. Love. Pure love was not something he had felt in such a long time. He didn't love himself, he couldn't, not after the things he had done in his lifetime and the horrible things he would continue to do. Not when he found himself enjoying what he did, enjoying the bloodlust that consumed him when the battle turned dark and gruelling. How could anyone love a monster like himself? His father's words echoed in his mind constantly, reminding him of who he was. He was the Crown Prince of Verillia. A kingdom that was throwing war at an innocent one. Deny it all he wanted, that was who he was, and who he would always be. The title would follow him wherever he went.

There would never be an escape from the torment. At least, that was what he had thought. Until one certain princess had come tumbling into his life unexpectedly. Or more so, he went near tumbling into her on a damned horse. A princess who was snarking and witty and smart and unlike anyone he had ever met before. Maybe that was the reason as to why he found his heart aching for her. Each beat called her name, thrummed in his veins like a siren song that he couldn't escape. Dominic didn't think he would ever escape it, nor did he think he wanted to. And that was what terrified him the most. But right there, in her arms, the universe settled. The stars didn't matter because she was the only one he was focused on. Buried away in her chest, hidden from the world and safe. Safe and she was singing and her voice was only an addition to that damn siren call that he had for her. Dominic couldn't help but calm when he was held so tenderly, sung to like he was worth something. His heart beat evened out, as did his breathing, his old on her softened a fraction but he didn't let go. If he had his way, he would never let go.

Finally, when Dominic found his voice and there was a break in Ariella's beautiful singing, he spoke, ever so quietly, "Are… are you and that… guard…?" Sleeping together? A couple? The words were unspoken but obvious and he couldn't get them out. Because if they were he would stop this. Stop them holding one another as much as it would pain him to do so. Dominic might have thought himself a monster but he would not take away a love for another. He refused to be that sort of man. Never. If Ariella was courting someone else, it would pain him, he would be ever so jealous but he would not stop it, not if that was what she wanted.


Ariella had never sang for anyone before and yet she was here singing for him. It had always been a secret she had kept to herself. Her mother would have surely exploited it. Her sisters would have found some way to use it against her. And her brother, well, she wasn't sure what he would do. Likely beg her to sing over and over again to satisfy his artistic heart. She had kept it to herself, singing to herself in the dark hours of the night or in the solitary of the astronomy towers. She would sing into the wind and let it carry her voice. And if she listened carefully, she could almost hear a voice speaking back to her. But tonight she let her voice reach another's ears. The prince currently in her embrace. Her voice was soft and quiet, and yet it filled the room. Perhaps one day she would truly perform for the prince. She would sit down at a piano and sing as her fingers struck the keys. Her mother may have forced her to learn the piano but she had found some join in it, when she wasn't forced to put on a show for others.

As her song came to an end, she heard the prince mumble against her skin where his head was still tucked. She looked down at him, eyes furrowed. Guard?Which guard? Peirce was harmless and nothing more than an infatuation with her. And most of all he sought approval. But that couldn't be who he was talking about. Dominic had still acknowledged her later that day at the training grounds. It was only after… Ansel. So that was what all of this was about, her conversation with Ansel. He had been on her personal guard for years and was a close friend to her. While he was an attractive man, Ariella never mingled with those on her personal staff. It left a door open for feelings of betrayal and grief. She would never put herself or others in that position. She needed to trust her guard with her life. How could she do that if they were scorned lovers?

Her lips twitched up in a smile and she was thankful that he could not see it. "Is this what all of this was about? Ansel?" She shook her head. "Ansel is a friend and on my personal guard. I know better than to mix my business with pleasure." Perhaps she shouldn't have told him that she had lovers. Her virtue, still intact, could not be questioned. To be so would to be scorned at court and married off as quickly as possible to quiet the rumors. However, she knew her secrets would be safe with him. If he hadn't told anyone of her nightly visits, he wouldn't tell anyone of her lovers. "He is a friend, nothing more."

Dominic was jealous of Ansel and yet Ariella couldn't understand why. She and the prince, there was nothing between them. Nothing but her stupid heart that would only get hurt if it allowed itself to attach itself further to the prince. He didn't reciprocate those feelings. Dominic wanted companionship and she was there to provide it for the time being. She was a means to an end, an itch, a safe guard to his nightmares. They were friends, yes, but nothing more. She expected nothing more even if her heart yearned for it. Perhaps he was jealous she was so familiar with another and he was not. Ariella was not an easy person to befriend. He would soon learn that if he had not already. "You should sleep," she murmured. "Now that you are back in the ring, my father will want to watch you tomorrow."


Dominic was pouting. He was sure that Ariella could feel it against her body even through the fabric because it was most definitely a major pout that he was sporting and one that he definitely wouldn't be able to deny even if he tried. There it was, the admission that he had been keeping that afternoon. Jealous. He was jealous over the guard and jealous that he had had her attention and he had not. That it had been Ansel walking her to the palace with her on his arm and not Dominic. Confusion of his own feelings didn't begin to cover the extent to what he was aching within himself, but what he did know, was that when Ariella said they were nothing more than friends, his body lost some more of the tension that he had been keeping within him. Good. It was good that they weren't a couple, or anything more than friends.

It was then that he shifted. He might have been tired, weakened by his own mind but that didn't mean he had no strength left in his body. With a quick move, Dominic was shifting them both so Ariella was against his chest instead of the other way around, wrapping her up in his arms as if those few words had been enough to grant him permission to take her and hold her in such an intimate way. Even though they had been doing so the last few nights, the knowledge that someone else might have been having her in ways that were usually reserved for lovers pained his heart and Dominic despised that he felt that way. Nevertheless, now that he knew the truth, he didn't hesitate to bring them back into such a position. One where Ariella was tucked safely in his arms and away from the world as if she were his. Deep down, that was what the prince wanted. It was an admission that he would not bring to light anytime soon, at least not out loud. Hell, not even to himself yet. Dominic was still reeling from the fact he had feelings other than pain for the first time in so long.

Ariella was an anomaly that Dominic wanted to unwrap and discover. It was as if he was beginning to chart the stars for the first time and she was the brightest of the bunch. Which wasn't entirely false. The princess was a shining star in the palace even if she, or others, could not see it. From her brain and caring nature behind the sharp tongue and snarky comments at times, Dominic couldn't help but be drawn to her. To her beauty, too. Right then and there, however, he pushed down all those thoughts in favour of focusing on the moment. The moment when he could feel safe from the world, from his own brain. He knew there would be no more nightmares that evening, not when she was there with him, holding him and curled into his chest as if made to be there. Dominic could unwrap or bury his feelings for her in the morning when he wasn't so tired, but then and there, he would give himself one more night.

As he began to drift off to sleep, he couldn't help but mumble quietly into her hair, "For the record, I have no interest in your ladies, either." Dominic had seen how they had looked at him whilst he was training, the hunger of those who wanted to be with him simply because he was a prince and in line for a crown. And Dominic wanted nothing less than to be with a woman who only wanted him for his throne. If he had it his way- better yet, if Ariella hadn't shown up in his life - he wouldn't marry or be with anyone. But those ladies were those he certainly did not want. No, he might not think much of himself, but he knew that there was at least something more to him than a crown.


Ariella let out a noise that could be described as a squeak as she suddenly found herself trapped between his chest and arms. One moment, she had been cradling him and almost laughing at his pouting and the next she found her cheek pressed against his chest. She chewed on her lip as she rolled her eyes. Her fingers grasped his shirt, her leg moving to rest on top of his. She never could quite understand why he wore the shirt. She was tempted to ask at more occasion than one. She had seen the glimpse of a scar on his chest, jagged and horrid. She wondered if that was the reason why. If he was ashamed of it. She did not think his scars were something to hide. If anything, the only proved what a man he was.

Her fingers reached out and she traced the scar. She remembered where it started, she only had to follow the rough skin to find where it led. Her touch was light and soft. She said nothing. She just traced it down to his waist before lifting her hand and returning it back to its original spot. With her mind now calm and her worries soothed, exhaustion was settling back in. She released a long breath, her eyes closing as she settled agaisnt him.

She felt safe in his arms. She couldn't explain it. The world went still in his arms and there was nothing. No mother in her ear, picking her apart and scrutinizing her for rejecting all marriage prospects. No suitors trying to win her favor. No courtly women to spread their lies and rumors. It was still, quiet, peaceful. It was like everything disappeared and she could finally breathe. Just as she fought his demon's, he scared away hers. His heartbeat was soothing, lulling her to sleep. God, did she need sleep. She was tired, she had barely slept a wink before his scream had awoken her. She might have been better off if she hadn't tried to sleep at all. And yet here in his arms, she could barely keep her eyes open. Because the world was still and she was safe with him.

Ariella knew what they said about him. What they called him, a monster. Ruthless and brutal. And yet that very man screamed every night because of terrors haunting his dreams, terrors that could only be caused by something very real and alive. That very man held her in his arms, spooning her and shielding her from the world. He was kind to her and he hadn't showed her any anger. What had happened earlier wasn't anger. It wasn't done out of spite. He wasn't cruel to her. He hadn't raised a hand. It had been out if jealously. It was unnecessary for him to be jealous. She had no feelings for anyone but him. But those feelings would remain unanswered because how he coukd he ever love a woman like her?

Her lips turned up in a smile and hid her face further into his chest. It shouldn't please her that he was not looking at her ladies but it did. It did and she hated it only…she didn't. She didn't hate it and that was a problem for another day. Tomorrow, she would distance herself. Tomorrow, she would remind herself why she could never be with him or anyone else. But tonight, she would let herself have this.


Dominic couldn't stop himself from tensing under Ariella's touch when he felt her fingertips against the scar on his chest. Even though her touch was light and gentle, the memories that came with the lingering wound were anything but. The day his life had turned upside down and he had lost the people that meant more to him than anything else in his entire life. The woman that had cared for him and shown him how beautiful the universe was, the brothers that had been a pain in his ass even as children but he had had the best of times with. Gone too soon. Ripped from the world in an attempt to get to him. Your fault. The words would forever echo through his mind and he had every right to believe them. Spoon fed those words over and over by his father, the tormentor of his troubles, his fear, his insecurities. Nothing would ever lessen the burden that he felt knowing that it was his fault they were dead, and he had the scar to prove it. For a moment he was tempted to take her hand and remove her touch, but he didn't. For once, he let her touch, and released a breath when her hands stopped tracing the scar.

He didn't need the reminder when he was already so vulnerable right then and there, but maybe he could let her in, just a little. For one night he would allow her that touch that no one else had ever been granted, even if it was just for one night.

Sleep came quickly after that. It was always easy when Dominic had Ariella in his arms. Her breathing was a song in itself, reminding him that she was there, holding him back, wrapped around him and keeping him from harm. Realistically, he was aware that nothing would come to harm him, at least not then and there, but having the princess in his safe was another reminder that he needed to fully grasp that he was safe. And the rest of the night came without any more terrors. No memories or twisted dreams plagued him, not even a dream or a whisper of something that could have led to another screaming fit. Nothing but silence and black calm came to the prince, and it was all because of the woman that he had in his arms, the one he refused to let go of all night despite her drooling and shifting around as best she could when the prince didn't let up his hold on her, just in case she disappeared.

When sunrise came Dominic was still exhausted. He never slept well, not really, but at least he had had some form of sleep the last week with the princess in his bed. It was better than nothing. He didn't want to get up, didn't want to move from the comfort of the soft bed, the silk sheets and the rumbling that came from Ariella next to him. If it had been anyone else he would have smothered them with a pillow, but not her. She was the only exception to ever rule he had ever had and the only one that had come close to climbing his walls. Terrifying didn't begin to cover that feeling, yet there were pangs of excitement there that he wouldn't deny, even if he didn't acknowledge the true meaning of them.

He didn't know how long he slept in for, how long they stayed there, wrapped in each other, but he did know that when there was a knock on the door it drew him out of his slumber quicker than he had ever been raised. As much as he didn't want to leave Ariella in the bed, he untangled himself and made his way to the door.


He was tense under her touch and yet he did not stop Ariella. There was a story to this scar, more so than all the others he likely carried on his body. This scar held an unbearable weight that even she herself could feel as it trembled beneath her touch. What she wouldn't give to be able to reach out and take that burden from him. To lift some of it off of his shoulders and onto her own. She wanted him to know he was not alone. That he did not have to bear this weight alone. But even as her lips parted, the words did not form. Her lips pressed together once more and she tucked herself under his chin.

One night, she promised herself, one night and then she would end this for both of them. It would be cruel to continue this relationship between the two of them. The only thing that awaited them was heartbreak and betrayal. She could not be what he ultimately would want: a wife, a queen. She would not subject herself to that life. Not when she had spent her whole life rejecting it and running from it. She could be his friend and watch from a distance as he found someone more suitable for his needs. A good woman who would make a good wife and queen. Someone that wasn't her. It could never be her. And even if she did long to be taken by him, her father had other plans for her. To make her a wife for an army, if their allies did not come when called. If it was not enough. She prayed to whatever god would listen that it would be.

Sleep found her easily whenever she lay in Dominic's arms. It was the rhythmic beat of his heart that lulled her to sleep. Just like the lullabies that had been sung to her as a babe. It was as if her body knew what her mind could not accept, that this was right. That this was where she belonged. She fit just right in his arms. His body always curled around iner as if sheilding her from any harm that may befall them. He protected her body while she protected his mind. And with him, her body was at peace. The dreams that found her were of freedom and the salty air of the sea. Here she travelled the world, even if her body could not. Her mind would take her anywhere she wanted to go, she could be anyone she wanted to be. She could be happy.

Dawn had come and gone and Everand had questions for his sister. He had been late that night, reviewing her notes and comparing it to his own. He wanted to discuss things with her before she tended to her duties, whatever those may be these days. Only when he knocked on her door, he found no answer. Strange, then, that she was usually up by now. Or he would at least hear a grown and garble of cursing as she told him to go away. Yet today, there was nothing. He opened the door to find the room empty, and it looked as if it had not been slept in for hours. he looked at the guards posted around. "Where is my sister?"

They did not answer but their eyes shifted to the prince's door. Dominic. Right. He may yet know where his sister was. This wouldn't have been the first time his dear sister had managed to slip the guards. Or pay them for their silence. Even from him. He knocked rapidly on the door, not waiting for it to open before he spoke, "Dominic? It is me, Everand. I am looking for-" The door swung open, revealing a disheveled prince with what looked to be a drool stain on his shirt. And what laid beyond him was his dear sister, spread out like an eagle, sheets wrapped around her, and her hair a mess. Something she had managed to do in the seconds that Dominic had released her to come to the door. Why Dominic kept her in her bed when she looked like that, he did not know. Ariella looked like something from a nightmare.

"Are you fucking my sister?"


There was a brief moment where even Dominic didn't register what was going on. That was, until, the next sentence out of Everand's mouth was one that had his eyes widening and the taller man shushing him with all his might as he moved them away from the door, just enough so he could close it nearly all the way with the slightest gap to remain. Dominic pressed his index fingers to both their lips, giving Everand a look that screamed, 'Let me explain' as his shushing died down and they were stood there, with him in his boxers, crinkled shirt and Ariella's scent and drool over him.

"No, I'm not-" He sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose as he pulled a face that only conveyed how annoyed he was at himself for letting this happen, "I'm not fucking your sister," He continued, and levelled the other man a stare that hoped he showed he was telling the truth, "Ari-she-" Fuck, he was going to have to come clean about his nightmares to the other prince otherwise he was going to think something was up no matter how hard he tried to convince him otherwise, "She helps with my nightmares."

Because that was all it was, even if he yearned for it to be something more. Ariella couldn't bear to hear him scream at night and disturb her beauty sleep which, there was never anything beautiful about it considering the ogre-ish state she ended up in every morning. It was comically, really, just how dishevelled she looked. No amount of braiding could ever prevent the tangles and knots she ended up with. Half the time she left before Dominic could even offer to help her untangle the mass that it was, since he was partly responsible for causing them. Moving them around in their sleep just as much as she moved herself. It was something he could do, at least, if he ever had the opportunity to do so.

"I kept waking her up…" For the first time in front of Everand, he looked nervous, fidgety, like he was going to think lesser of him because of the nightmares that he suffered. The terrors he endured and plagued his memories, his sleep and his thoughts in everything he did. Even know Dominic could feel the weight of the scar on his chest peaking out above the fabric and wished he had chosen better attire. Then again, he hadn't thought he would have been sleeping in the same room as Ariella that night, so really, was that his fault? "… screaming. Ariella decided she would stay with me so it stopped happening. I swear."


The last thing Everand had ever expected from this encounter was to be shushed and moved away from the door. Dominic, for whatever reason, wanted to let his dear sister sleep. Perhaps he shouldn't, what with the condition she looked to be in. She truly was hideous in the morning. He didn't understand how she could go from this creature to looking like a respectable woman at court, that was, until she opened her mouth. It was better, he supposed. There had been plenty of times were Ariella had gone to bed with her head on her pillow and woken up with her feet where her head should have been and her head where her feet had been. He would know all of her sleeping habits. They used to share the nursery when they were children. And even after, they shared a room at Ever's asking, for a couple of years.

Dominic looked nervous. He was fidgeting as he very poorly explained what was happening. He was shifting on his feet and pulling at his fingers. Everand didn't think he had ever seen him like this. Not even when his father had spent hours interrogating the prince on exactly what they were up against. Dominic had always kept his head high and a strong composure. But before him now, he could have been a boy had it not been for his domineering stature. Nightmares. Dominic suffered nightmares that were so great it could wake even his sister. His sister could sleep through a raid if she had fallen into a deep sleep and yet this man could pull her out of it. Whatever monster had caused these nightmares, he never wanted to be introduced.

He took a step back, dropping his arms from where they had been crossed to slipping them in his front pockets. He looked Dominic up and down before looking at the door, where his hideous sister lay beyond. Was he deliberately taking his time to make the prince sweat? Perhaps just a little bit. But he also knew the prince would be training him soon and he had to find some way to get him back for it. If he couldn't physically, well, he'd might just be able to use his sister. Oh, this was going to be entertaining.

"You must truly care for my sister if you can wake up to that every morning and not be repulsed by it." And yes, he did mean it. His sister was not a person until she had bathed and brushed out that mess of she called hair. "Go back to bed, Dominic," he smirked as he turned on his heel, striding back down the hall. "I will cover for the two of you." Then he was out of sight, grinning like a fool.

Durning this conversation, Ariella had managed to get herself trapped in the covers, having completely ripped them from where they had been tucked under the mattress. She had rolled until she laid on the spot Dominic had once occupied. The spot was still warm and smelled strongly of him, and yet he was no where to be found. Her lips had pulled into a slight pout as she slept, still not roused by the harsh whisperings of her brother and Dominic.


It was obvious that Everand was being a dick by taking his time to respond, looking him up and down and contemplating his response before he replied. The other prince had been nothing but kind to him thus far during his stay, and they got along well enough that there was no trouble between them beyond that of a civil disagreement here and there over war plans. Nothing like the arguments Dominic and Ariella had in private, and he was far more civil to the other man than he was with Ariella when it came down to it. Only because she dished it back out to him whereas Everand did not. Either way, right then and there, Dominic was far more nervous than he ever had been in front of the other prince. He had no idea how he was going to react to the truth he had just told him.

And he nearly breathed a sigh of relief when Everand said he would cover for them, "Thanks, Everand." He called after the man as he walked away, and Dominic slipped back into his chambers not long after. The door clicked shut softly as to keep Ariella asleep for as long as possible. She seemed tired, as was he, but now that he was awake there would be no more sleep for the prince for the rest of the day. Perhaps he could retire early that night.

From his place on the door, Dominic looked at the princess tangled in his sheets. Everand's words echoed in his mind. 'You must truly care for my sister.' He did. He cared. He properly cared for the woman despite their arguments and disagreements. Something was drawing him to her, whether that be her mind or her nature he didn't know, but there was a string tugging him towards her no matter how hard he tried to cut the tie. Deep down, though, he didn't want to sever what they were building. Ariella was the only person to know who he was, at least, more so than anyone else at the palace. She was the only one who knew the true extent of what his nightmares did to him, the side that he kept hidden from the world. And through it all, she had come back each night and let him hold her.

Sighing, the prince rubbed his face with both hands. What was he doing? How did he get here? Dominic didn't want to get married, he had never been inclined to think more than a moment about the concept because someone seeing him - truly seeing him - was terrifying. Romance, feelings, complicated everything when it came to war, alliances. Galen had been speaking in passing of Ariella being married off to someone if needed and the thought now only made his heart ache. Dominic didn't know what was happening to him, nor was he liking this new side of him that came out around Ariella.

That didn't stop him from climbing back into the bed, at least, on her side of the bed now considering she was rolled onto his own. Wrapped in the blankets Dominic took to lying on top of the sheets instead, gently moving an arm around her once more. He wouldn't be able to sleep, but he was more than content to lie with her for a little while longer while she slept.


Everand never thought that anyone would ever be able to get close enough to his sister beyond her prickly front. She had always been so hostile to any potential male suitor, especially ones their mother tried to force upon her. He had seen men fall for her little facade only to get a glimpse of the horrid creature she was beneath and go running for the hills. He had always wondered if she would ever meet her match. Everand was no match for her. Even her sharp tongue could cut him deep, even when he did his best not show it. But Dominic could take it. He could take it and throw it right back at her without a quiver. He only wondered now who would come out on top. And how long it would take for them to realize their feelings of one another and admit the truth. Knowing his sister, Dominic was in for a long road ahead of him. His sister was always quite dumb when it came down to noticing who had feelings for her.

As a weight dipped the bed on the opposite side now, Ariella rolled towards the familiar scent. She curled against his body instinctually, her hands gripping his shirt in a death grip. It might have her unconscious attempt to keep him from leaving their bed again. Her hair was a tangled mess as it usually was in the morning. She rolled around far too much at night to keep it neat unless she braided it in tight braids. But that would only hurt her head and cause further headaches which she was currently trying to avoid. She would just have to have patience when de-matting her every time she woke. Her maids were quite used to it and always came prepared in the morning. Only this morning, they wouldn't be called.

The sun was steadily rising and yet she did not wake. Ariella could have likely slept until well into the afternoon had she been allowed to. She wasn't sure what it was, if it was her blasted internal alarm or warning bells going off in her head that she was still in a bed that was not her own, but her eyes flew open and her head shot up, hitting Dominic's chin in the process. "Ah," she let out a pained sound, "You mother fucker, why do you have such a pointy chin."

She was holding the top of her head, wincing, and clearly waiting for the prince to apologize. It was his fault, of course, for having such a pointed chin and being positioned in a way that allowed for her to hit him. Not her fault at all. She glanced around the room, trying to figure out what may have caused her to wake in such a hurry. Then she caught sight of curtains and the bright light peaking through them. Light far brighter than it should have been. She should have been up hours ago and back in her room to avoid suspicion. Why had he not awoken. "Fuck, Dom, why didn't you wake me?" She was starting to scramble out of bed. "IF they catch us in here. If my mother, oh fuck." She may have been panicking just a little bit.


Dominic couldn't help the way his lips curled into a soft smile when Ariella rolled towards him and grabbed onto his shirt so tightly. He knew she was doing so because she was sleeping, there would be no way in hell that Ariella would ever actually grab onto him in such a way, like she wanted him to stay, but he disregarded the thought simply because the idea that it might have been a possibility made his heart race. Dominic was too tired to fight the thoughts that morning, so he let himself revel in them, just for a little longer, while the other slept. Maybe he needed to find a way to wake himself up earlier in order to see this view. Well, that was debatable, considering the woman slept with her mouth open, drooling, and had hair like a birds nest. At the same time, though, it was quite endearing.

There was something so vulnerable about being this way with her. Not only had Ariella seen part of the scar that came from the worst day of his life, the day that had ruined him for the rest of it, she'd touched it. Albeit through the fabric but it was enough. She had seen him at his worst, nearly, with the aftermath from his nightmares, the way they tormented him and tortured him no matter how hard he tried to forget the memories, they would never cease. And through it all, she had stayed. Ariella hadn't run away, hadn't fought him off or changed her mind about staying with him to help calm him down. Fuck, even after he had locked her out she had come back when Dominic needed her. Maybe it was just his imagination, but friends didn't simply do that. At least, not with who they were. They were royals of two different kingdoms. If news got out that they had been sleeping in the same bed they would be wed at once to avoid scandal.

And it seemed neither of them really wanted marriage. If the princess before him had wanted to be wed she would be by now. With the amount of men no doubt throwing themselves at her, it was a surprise to Dominic that she wasn't married. The only explanation could be that she didn't want to marry, just as he didn't. At least that was what he had thought until he had met her, and now his perception was changing and Dominic didn't know what do to with that. In a matter of days, his whole life had been flipped upside down and there was no going back to what he used to know. Not that he wanted to go back to his old life, the abuse was too much to bear even now that he wasn't enduring it physically, but with Ariella in his life, now… it was a better incentive than anything to stay where he was.

His thoughts were interrupted by a bash on the head as Ariella awoke and Dominic groaned low in his throat, moving one hand to rub at the underneath of his chin as the other still was still wrapped around the princess's waist, "Can't help I was born with this handsome face," he replied, even if he didn't believe the words that he spoke about himself. Before he had time to think it through, though, Ariella was moving and he was grabbing her hand to keep her from moving too far off the bed, "Relax, sweetheart," Dominic continued with an eye roll, "Your brother is covering for us. He came looking for you, but you were still asleep. I told him what was happening and how you were staying in here because of me. If he tells anyone I'll break his wrists."


Perhaps telling Ariella that her brother now knew about them in her panic wasn't the best idea. Her eyes seemed to widen and she stared down at him for a moment. Her hand, while she hadn't comprehended they were holding hands yet, tightened in his. Brother. Her brother knew. Her brother had been here. "What?" The sound she let out could only be described as a screech. "My brother knows about this? My brother was here?" It wasn't that she was worried about Everand telling their parents. He wouldn't. Of all people he understood and would keep his promises. But it was the principle of it. It was the fact that she couldn't even admit to herself what was happening between them and now someone else had their own opinions and thoughts about whatever this was between them. It meant Everand was going to have opinions and share them with her because he didn't know how to keep his mouth shut.

"Why would-" she ran a hand across her face, ultimately moving to sit beside him on the bed. Then she turned her narrowed gaze to him. "No on threatens my brother but me. Say that again and I'll smother you in your sleep." It was just the sibling rule. Only siblings could threaten and cause harm to one another. But if anyone else tried, she would kill someone for Everand. She loved her brother and wouldn't let any harm come to him, and she hoped he would do the same for her. But Everand was a soft soul.

She dropped her head back with a bang against the headboard. She released a breath before eyes the curtains once more. She needed to get up and get ready. She had some place to be today, the market. A gift for Everand and perhaps a thing or two for herself. She couldn't go into the market and not explore. She liked to people watch. She liked to give back to her people. She liked to walk through the stalls for hours, taking lunch in the city, and enjoying herself. It was a nice escape from the palace life and she needed it right now. She hoped it would clear her mind of her conflicts. Of her thoughts of Dominic and marriage and her mother. She hoped it would give her some clarity and remind her why she must stay strong. Why should couldn't marry Dominic or any other man. If she were able to, that was. She hadn't heard any more talk of her father's marriage plans for her. Maybe their allies would all come and it wouldn't be needed. Perhaps her sisters would finally do something to help their family.

She untangled her hand from Dominic's, swinging her legs over the side of the bed. "I have to go," she said, looking down at him. She cringed at the drool stains and the wrinkles where she had clearly clutched his shirt. He hadn't said a word about it. Not a single complaint. Not a word of anger or disgust. She knew she wasn't exactly pretty to sleep next to. She knew what she did in her sleep and what the aftermath looked like. And yet he always drew her towards him even when she tried to sleep away from him. "I will see you later."


Dominic practically cringed at Ariella's shriek in response to knowing that Everand was now aware that she was staying in his room at night. There was an argument waiting to happen, right on the tip of his tongue. What was he supposed to do? If he had lied about the reason as to why she was in there, because he had clearly seen her, then chances were it would have ended in an argument between the two princes, waking up the princess in his bed and that would have been a whole different can of worms that he hadn't wanted to open. Simply being honest was the only way to go about it, and there was nothing he could have done differently that would have resulted in a better outcome. Ariella was just going to have to deal with the fact that her brother knew about the situation. It wasn't as if they were fucking, they were simply staying in the same bed and nothing more. There would never be anything between them, it was clear as such when Ariella disappeared every morning before he woke, or scurried away the second she had the opportunity. Complicated didn't even begin to describe what was going on between them.

Regardless, Dominic was only half joking about his half-baked threat towards Everand, and he once again rolled his eyes at Ariella's comment. He would never harm the other man, not unless he gave him a serious reason to do so. But, he supposed with his tone that might have been a little hard to realise, so he guessed that the response was only right. He would have done the same for his siblings, but the thought was quickly pushed aside before he spent too long on the idea, otherwise, Dominic knew he would go down a spiral that he didn't need to go down that morning.

Sighing, he leaned back against the bed as Ariella removed her and from his grip, his own suddenly feeling far too empty now that he had nothing to hold. Dominic brought a knee up, the other resting on the ground while his arms came to rest behind his head, nothing but a picture of an unbothered prince, "As you wish, princess," He replied with a soft shrug, "You need to sort out your bird's nest of a hair-do anyway." Even though he wouldn't admit it, he had found himself growing quite fond of seeing Ariella's messy morning looks. Sure, she was dishevelled, a complete and utter mess from how he had drool on his shirt and his pillows, how Ariella looked as if she had just fought in a war herself with the mess of hair she woke up with, but it was quite endearing. Probably why he didn't complain about it, from how crinkled his shirt was and the stains that were now everpresent. Even though the shirt was uncomfortable every night he went to bed, it was the only thing between Ariella and the truth of his past, and the demons that weighed him down every day.

"Can't go out into the world looking like you are now," Dominic half wondered where she was going. What plans did she have today that were so important that she had to leave in a hurry? "You need a professional hair-detangler." He needed to get back into the sparring ring. The prince knew that Galen would want to watch him, and he had much to teach the soldiers of Araniel if they were to ever defeat Verillia and the army that would be soon knocking on Araniel's doorstep. And, soon, he would be needing to train Everand, too. The other prince needed to learn the proper ways of the sword if he was to fight in his war, there would be no hiding away on the sidelines, not when Dominic was around.


Ariella was not taking kindly to her brother knowing about this agreement between the two of them. She knew questions would come and inevitable teasing and back handed comments. Not around their family, hopefully, he understood her desire to keep her family out of her personal affairs. But that also didn't mean that her brother wouldn't slip up. He wasn't the brightest of the bunch and had let things slip before. She wasn't sure what she was going to do. Likely avoid her brother as long as she could until he confronted her and grilled her for avoiding him. She knew the outcome and yet still decided on that course of action. She didn't want to speak to her brother, didn't want see him. Luckily, her trip to town would occupy most of her afternoon. She had until tonight to decide one how to approach her brother.

She turned her head back to glare at Dominic for his comment on her hair. She knew how bad it was. She had to deal with it every morning. No matter what she did, she could never contain the rat's nest on her head. She could braid it, wrap it, wear a bonnet, and yet the result was always the same. It was a nightmare to deal with. With her maids, it was easier to handle. Two of them worked on her hair, combing gently through the matted strands. She would have to summon her maids and prayed they came to her room. Everand had likely dismissed them for the morning, saying she wouldn't need them. Which was quick thinking on his part to keep them from discovering her absence. But what would she do about her hair? If she summoned them looking like she had just rolled out of bed, they would suspect something would they not? Knowing her brother, he likely said that she was already up for the day after a bad's night sleep and occupying herself elsewhere. Which meant she was by herself to get ready. It was fine enough had it not been for her hair. And tying the strings of her corset might prove difficult.

"I am aware of this," she said through gritted teeth. "I'm not exactly planning on strolling through the halls with my hair a mess and my tits almost out." She would have had a robe to cover with hade he not been an asshole the night before. She tried running a hand through her hair, only for it to get caught and she winced visibly. Never mind then. This was going to be an interesting morning. She only hoped that she could be ready in time. She didn't want to leave her guards waiting forever. Not that they could leave without her.

"I will see you later tonight." She stalked out of the door and headed to her own room. She stared at her reflection, cringing at how she looked. Her hair was awful. She icked up a comb and sprayed her hair and got to work. She started at the ends, slowly working her way up. Tears sprung in her eyes at the pain of the tugs and pulls of her hair. It took longer than it should have to untangle her hair and her frustration was rising once more. She felt unraveled after being caught by her brother and sleeping in so far. Her scalp was sore by the time she was finished detangling her hair but she wasn't yet finished abusing her scalp. She braided her hair tightly and pinned them to the back of her head.

Ariella looked in her closet and chose a light blue gown for the day. Getting dressed wasn't exactly easy by herself but she managed, until it came to tying the corset. She wasn't sure if the strings were just complicated or it was her frustration that had caused her fingers to fumble so much, but she just couldn't do it. She was almost on the verge of tears. She almost called her maids. She debated it heavily but she turned her head towards the door before clenching her jaw and stalking back down the hall to Dominic's room. "You owe me," was all she said before turning her back to him, making it obvious she wanted him to help her with her gown.


Dominic couldn't stop his smirk at the princess, that cocky gleam in his eyes when it was clear that he had annoyed her. Nothing wrong with having a little bit of fun now and then with her, especially when it came to pissing off the princess. The prince, though, didn't stop himself from giving Ariella the quickest once-over of the princess. From the way her breasts were, in fact, nearly half out and the straps of the skimpy nightdress hanging off her shoulders. It would have been erotic had her hair not been a complete and utter mess, "Don't get your knickers in a twist now," He said, waving her off as she headed for the door, "Have fun wrangling your hair." At least he never had to deal with any of that bullshit.

Once she left and the door was shut behind her, Dominic didn't stop his sigh, stripping himself of his shirt and throwing it on the ground without care as he headed to the bath. His trunks followed once the bath was full and he slipped into the cool water, needing the refreshment from the water that morning to keep his mind from hurtling straight into the gutter. It was difficult when all he could think about was the princess, but as Dominic scrubbed himself down he brought his attention to thoughts of training instead.

As much as he loved the sword that he had chosen from the weaponry, it wasn't his. The weight, the weapon itself was magnificent but at the same time he couldn't shake the feeling that there was something wrong about wielding such a weapon when it didn't belong to him. Sure, it was his for the time being, but the blade was not one that had been tailored for his own making, his needs and wants out of such a weapon. No, what he needed was a blade of his own. One that was his and his alone. Dominic half thought about options for retrieving his sword from Verillia, but that would only end in disaster if he attempted to train and gain his trusty blade back. Besides, it was old now, he needed a new one, and this was the perfect opportunity to do so. And, he needed to get out of the palace, if only for an afternoon.

Dressing in his usual dark navy shirt and black pants, the prince was finishing tying up his boots when Ariella all but stormed into his chambers, and Dominic's gaze darted up from his shoe to the princess when she spoke. He raised a brow at her, which was quickly followed by an eye-roll at her comment. Clearly her stubborn ass didn't want to call a maid. Once his boot was laced he strode the short distance from where he had been sat on the edge of the bed to Ariella, "I see you have tamed your hair." Was all he said, beginning to lace up the corset. Calloused hands were delicate as he did so, rough fingertips brushing against the exposed skin as he weaved the lace between their correct positions, tugging gently when needed and bringing the corset in and tied correctly with no fumbles or complaints.


Ariella did not like asking for help. She never had and likely never would. It irritated her beyond words having to march down to Dominic's room to have him help her with her corset. She could have called her maids and made some half-cocked lie to satisfy them. But not only did she not want to wait, she was not in the mood to cater to them. She didn't want to deal with them, and thus in extension, her mother. She supposed she could have had one of the guards help her with her gown but she wouldn't put any of them in that compromising position. She also didn't want to deal with a cranky Dominic if he found out she had asked someone else for help. He had just seemed like the most reasonable option in her rage. Though she was now seeming to regret that decision.

"And I see you have not yet tamed that tongue of yours. You were never taught manners, I see." Ariella had been and she chose to ignore them, especially when Dominic insisted on teasing her about her hair when she was already in a bad mood. Between her brother and her hair and the corset, things just really couldn't get much worse for her. Or at least, so she thought. She swallowed softly as she felt his calloused hands brushing against her exposed skin and she tried to block out the sensation. She ignored the shiver that ran down her spine and the hair raising on her arms from his simple touch.

She hated him for how he made her feel. And she hated herself even more for not guarding her heart better. She had a plan, she had a life ahead of her if only she was daring enough to slip away. A life to explore, a cottage to retreat to, a peaceful life. Albeit, lonely, but Ariella had never gotten along very well with others. At least not most of the court. She had made some friends here and their with the staff, the ones that were not on her mother's payroll, mind you. But a cottage on the edge of a small town, she could be content. If only she could make it there. But if Verillia came wiped them all out, she wouldn't have to worry about a thing. She would not allow herself to be captured. She knew what happened to captured women, to princesses. She would rather be dead. Dead than have to endure that.

She stepped away from Dominic as he finished her gown, putting some space between them. She reached her hands back and felt the neatly laced up corset. Instead of voicing her thanks, she merely said, "Have some experience with corsets do you?" She didn't wait around to hear his answer. She didn't want to. She had other things to do today.

She headed to her room to finish readying for her trip. A hat tied under her chin, riding boots, and some gloves on her hands. Hopefully, she wouldn't burn today. Her cheeks were still a little pink from the previous day being out in the sun for so long with nothing to protect her. Her complexion had always been sensitive to sun and yet her mother forced her outside, despite knowing this. Thankfully, the city would have plenty of shade, even on the streets as buildings and banners and flags would block out most of the sun. Ariella headed out to the front courtyard only to stop dead in her tracks at what she found. "No."


The prince pretended not to notice the way the hairs on the back of Ariella's neck stood up at the touch to her skin. It was tempting to see how many more reactions he could draw out of her simply by grazing his fingers along the exposed skin that he was privy to, and more than once the thought of what his teeth and tongue would feel like against her crossed his mind, too. In over his head was one way to describe how he was feeling, but Dominic refused to acknowledge it any more than he needed to. Right then and there was certainly not the time to do so.

At this point, Dominic was going to have his eyes permanently rolled into the back of his head with the amount of comments Ariella made that caused him to do so. Although to be fair, he was sure that she felt the same way about him and the comments he made towards her. Either way, it didn't matter, and there was no need to think about what she was implying. Yes, he had some experience was corsets. Dominic was far from pure as the nobles put it in regard to virginity and they all hated him for it. Really, he hadn't been pure since the abuse had started, but the prince had never truly counted that considering he had been violated. But, he had slept with his fair share of people in his life, and more than once he had had to help tie up the corset of a woman he had taken to bed before she had left for the night. Usually, they were all more than capable of doing the lace-up themselves, however, but Dominic wasn't an ungrateful lover as much as people thought he might have been. Ariella was gone before he could even make a comment or retort in response.

Dominic muttered to himself, reverting back to his native tongue as he grabbed his sword and headed to the stables. There was no need for the guards to hear what he was saying to himself while he was on his way to his horse. Training could come later, for now he had a commission to make and a city to explore, at least just for a few hours or so. The palace was beginning to feel quite constricting when he had spent the last week or more inside drawing out war plans and strategies, and only now allowed to return to training. A ride would do him good, a walk and some adventure even more so. Even if the adventure was a trip to a blacksmith.

Tywyll seemed to be waiting for him in the stables, and Dominic was more than happy to see his horse when he arrived and the black mare greeted him with a knicker and a huff as if mad that his rider had left him alone for a few days. Dominic muttered to his animal friend and the stablehand- Emroy? Yes, Emroy made his way over with a saddle and the necessary requirements for Dominic to ride. It was there that he was told Ariella was also headed for a ride, too, and that he had just prepared Buttercup for the princess. Even though he didn't really want to go with Ariella… he supposed there was no use going separately, and perhaps she knew of a good blacksmith.

The prince took both horses with him to the palace front, feeding the two horses some carrots Emroy had given him while he stood and waited with his back to the door. In the sunlight, Dominic's tan was clear, dark golden skin courtesy of the bright, dazing sun he was subject to in Verillia. Unlike the princess, he never burnt. And the moment he heard her voice Dominic only slightly regretted his decision to accompany her whether or not she liked it. He turned around to face her, "How nice of you to join us."


Ansel could have at least warned her when he greeted her by the front door and escorted her out. He had likely kept his mouth shut for his own enjoyment and Ariella would rip him a new one for it sooner rather than later. There, standing with her mount among her guards, was Prince Dominic. There was already several more guards then was necessary, especially with the prince's skills, as it was that he was joining them apparently. Something she was not entirely happy about and Dominic would hear it form her later. It felt as if the world was against her today, her brother, her hair, and now this. She wished she had never woken up this morning. Or left Dominic to his nightmares last night so none of this would have ever happened. Only she didn't wish that. His nightmares were awful, terrible things and she would never wish that on anyone, least of all him.

Her jaw clenched and she turned to Ansel who seemed to be hiding hid smug grin. She did not like the way his eyes twinkled. "His Highness needs to go into town anyways. It only makes sense for you to travel together, especially with a warrior as fine as he. If you truly would not like to travel with him, we can go separately but I will have to call the rest of your guard. Captain only let me dismiss half of them because of the prince." Half. Half? There were already five guards, including Ansel. The captain put too much faith in Dominic. She thought he was distrustful of him, and yet Eric was putting her life in Dominic's hands. Curious. She didn't know what to make of it. All she did know was this day had gone from bad to worse, and she hadn't even thought it was possible.

"Fine," she refused to travel with ten guards. It was obnoxious. All she was doing was going into the city. Nothing ever happened there other than the occasional crowding of a show or the circus coming to town, which wasn't for months. She had never had an incident there. the people loved her but that was only because they did not know her. They loved it when any member of the royal family came down to the city, it just so happened that Ariella was the one to frequent it the most. She strode over to her mount, Buttercup, and scratched her chin. "Let's go, we've wasted enough of the day."

Technically it was she who had wasted the day. She had slept in and then taken even longer to get ready. It wasn't her fault her hair took so long to untangle and then her gown decided not to behave. And then she couldn't decide on a hat to wear. the first one she wanted didn't sit right on her head and the second didn't match her gown. This one sat on her head at a slight angle as it was intended and the silk ribbon was tied under her chin. There were two discreet pins also holding the hat in place, as she was about to go for a ride. Her gloves were white and were about the length of her mi forearm. Her boots were brown with a small heel to them. Perfect for riding and walking for the day. She liked to take her time in the city, wandering around the vendors and buying a thing or two. Even though she was going to find a present for Everand it didn't mean she wouldn't find anything else for herself along the way.

A small step stool was placed in front of Buttercup. Ansel reached out his hand and helped assist Ariella to climb her mount, sitting side saddle. She slipped one boot into the stirrup and fanned her gown across Buttercup to make sure the fabric wouldn't wrinkle and she was modestly covered. Ansel knew better than to offer her a carriage. She never took it. She felt stuffed inside and cut off from her people. She hated it.


Now that Dominic was aware that there was nothing going on between the red-headed guard and Ariella, the prince had no trouble with the man. Really, he shouldn't have had a problem with Ansel to begin with, because his jealousy was completely unwarranted when he shouldn't have any attachments to the princess beyond that of an unexpected friendship, but at least things had been cleared up between the two royals last night. At least that was until he had told Ariella that Everand was now aware of their little arrangement and was pissed off at him for telling her brother. Dominic was just as irritated with her as she was with him. What the fuck did she want him to do? Lie? Did she want a scandal? Denying or refusing to say the truth would evolve the situation to something far greater than it was. Ariella had no choice but to get over the fact that the other prince knew. At least it wasn't one of her ladies-in-waiting, that would have been even worse.

The fact that the captain had been kind enough to dismiss some of the guards eased Dominic a little. Being surrounded by so many was not something he enjoyed, just as it was clear that Ariella didn't enjoy it, either. But, having only five there instead of ten was better than nothing. He had had little to do with the captain as of late but the man seemed nice enough. If they were to be working with one another to discuss further training for his army he would need to be on good terms with him. Honestly, it had surprised him when Eric had allowed half the guards to be dismissed when he was told that the prince was to be joining them. If anything he would have figured that it would increase the need for the extra men to prevent anything from happening to their beloved princess, but, clearly, he had been wrong about that. Not that he would be complaining anytime soon.

Dominic's smirk pulled at the corners of his lips again as he swiftly climbed onto Tywyll, the horse moving in place to adjust to the added weight of his rider and flicking his mane. The prince petted the horse on the side of his neck before watching as Ariella was assisted onto her own horse. Dominic's smirk, however, faded more into a look of confusion and bewilderment as Ariella was not positioned to ride normally, but side saddle. Sure, he understood that most women rode that way, at least most royals rode that way when presenting in public, but it was stupid, in his mind. The position looked far from comfortable and for longer trips riding correctly made the most sense. Why ever would Ariella be riding side saddle? He hadn't picked her for the type to do so.

It wasn't until they were all set off and trotting through the gates did Dominic move until he was riding next to her, looking over at the princess, "Nice hat, was it your grandmother's, perchance?" He said, choosing not to make a comment about her riding style for the time being. Somehow, Dominic had a feeling that she was going to grow uncomfortable seated in such a way very quickly, and if she did, well, he wouldn't stop himself from making a comment about how she was seated. What was on his mind was the hat and how, really, it seemed entirely unnecessary. He knew she was pale, could see it, but the ribbon? Perhaps it was his lack of fashion sense but it wasn't the most flattering looking thing, not with that big ribbon underneath.


Ariella was not happy about the amount of guards that were mounted and traveling with them. She had never gone into the city with any more than three guards. She had never wanted to. Traveling with so many guards made her feel cut off from her people and that was the last thing she wanted. The people needed to see that their royal family was accessible to keep them from loosing faith in them. And while she wouldn't admit it, she quite enjoyed being surrounded by anyone else than the courtiers. She could only pretend to enjoy herself so much at court before she let her wicked tongue out.

"Is it truly necessary to be traveling with so many guards, Ansel," she said, looking over as he mounted his own horse. "I mean really, I've never traveled with this many before. And the prince's skills are.." she hated that she was complimenting him for this right now, "exceptional. I think I would be more than fine with my usual company, with addition of Dominic, of course." Nothing had ever happened while she was visiting the city. She had never been harmed or swarmed or overtaken. The people had never begged her for this or that. They were relatively well taken care of. Her country wealthy enough and as far as she was aware, poverty was low and business was booming.

Ansel gave her a look. "You know as well as I why we travel with so many, princess. War is on the horizon. Your people can sense a shift. While they might not know what is happening, they know something is. I will not risk your safety. And if you wish to go into the city, this is what we must do. If you do not like, we will not go. I'm sure whatever business you have could be solved with a missive."

Ariella did not like that answer but she said nothing. With a click of her tongue, she urged Buttercup forward, her guard falling in around them. Two at the front, two at the back, and Dominic and Ansel on either side of her. She had to bite the inside of her cheek to prevent from saying anything she didn't mean. She knew he was just doing his job and that he had her best interest at heart. And that this order had most likely come from Eric. It still didn't mean she had to like it. The only reason she wasn't throwing a fit about it was because she knew he was right. Deep down, she knew. There was a greater risk traveling outside of the palace walls now, even if Verillia was so far away. There could be spies or scouts anywhere, taking note of their movements. And she may be the sixth and forgotten daughter of the king, but she still had some value to herself. She was still a princess.

Her eyes narrowed and she turned her gaze to Dominic. The guard at her side was pressing his lips together to suppress his amusement. "No, it was not my grandmother's." She wasn't about to reveal to him her sensitively to the sun, even if everyone else around them knew. Dominic could have very likely known as well, what with all the gossip at court. But in the slightest chance that he didn't she wasn't going to reveal that to him. "It's called fashion, not that you would know anything about that." She gave him a once over, as if judging his appearance. If anything, she felt attraction towards him. Not that she would let him know that, however.


Dominic hummed, pulling a contemplative face as he considered her words as if they were something of a prophecy he was trying to decipher, "Really? Because I could have sworn with a hat like yours we had regressed at least a hundred years." It was all banter, even if the hat was slightly ridiculous, she did pull it off in her own little way. Not something that he would ever say out loud, to her let alone around anyone else - and certainly not around this many guards, either. That was something he was going to keep to himself, most likely take to his grave. Feelings weren't exactly a field he was the most versed in, feelings of attraction and desire less so. Lust he understood, liking a woman for more than that was uncharted territory.

"The day is so lovely, why not enjoy the sun?" It was a genuine question that time rather than banter or teasing. The sun was shining high in the sky, beating down with just enough heat that they didn't need jackets or coats for there was barely even a breeze. Dominic didn't need a tan by any means, but if he had been as pale as Ariella was, today would have been the perfect day to do so. With minimal clouds in the sky, too, it was perfection, and reminded the prince of his home.

Verillia, being the southernmost kingdom on the continent was the hottest. They had little rain for most of the year and three months of heavy rain, where even then it still barely grew cold and the rain was warm and the days moist. Really, there was only one month right in the middle of the year when it grew cold enough that heavy coats and furs needed to be worn, but at the same time, even that didn't last the full month. Nothing more than a few weeks. The rain was always a blessing with the dry heat, but when one grew up in the conditions they were all used to it by now. Verillia, the kingdom of the sun and the sea. With great beaches on their coastlines which many frequented to cool down on the exceptionally hot summer days, even the prince.

Dominic had found a secluded bay one evening when he had escaped the palace after a particularly harsh punishment from his father. He had run barefoot through the streets, bleeding and sniffling until his toes hit the sand and he was before the great ocean that he loved so dearly. And in the moonlight, he had found his little bay and slept on the sand beneath the stars. That night the punishment for disappearing had been worth it when he knew he had his own little sanctuary to enjoy away from his father. A place no one could touch or find him, where he didn't have to be a prince anymore, he could simply be a boy enjoying the beating heat of the hot sun that gave him his dark, golden tan and the salty waves that caused his hair to curl. He hoped one day he would be able to return to that place, although his worries feared that he would never see it again, just like he would never see his people, his kingdom again.


For how warm the day was, Ariella was certainly more covered than most. The fabric was light and breezy but it would protect her from the glaring sun who had a vengeance out for her. Perhaps it would have been safer to take the carriage simply to keep herself out of the sun. But she was relatively covered and her hat managed to block out the rest. She would be safe from the sun and safe from overheating. The only thing she wasn't safe from was Dominic's smartass comments. It was tempting to jump from her horse and tackle him to the ground. She imagined, pushing off of Buttercup and slamming him to the ground. It was something that would only be achievable in her mind, for he was much too tall for her to do any damage to him. An annoyance.

"I can enjoy the sun without it glaring into my eyes, thank you very much." She would have been much happier if the sun would stay hidden indefinitely behind clouds but even then, she could still catch a burn to her skin. An even bigger irritant. She hated feeling so delicate, so fragile, when she was anything but. Her mind was sharp and cunning and yet her body was fragile and easily broken. Or burned, in her case. It knocked her down a beg or two but couldn't stifle her confidence and arrogance. She knew exactly what she was and was not capable of and used that to her advantage. Though she supposed there were some advantages to her lithe body, she could convince a man to do just about anything for her. As long as she preyed on their need to prove how strong they were to a little girl, they would do just about anything she asked of them. A useful skill when it was needed.

Her gripped tightened on the reigns only for Buttercup to protest. She relaxed her grip and bent down to stroke the side of her mane, murmuring to her mount. She turned her head to look at Ansel, dismissing Dominic altogether. "I think I would like to have dinner in the city tonight, Ansel, if you could secure my favorite restaurant and send word to my parents." Ansel looked like he wanted to protest but Ariella gave him a narrowed look. "I haven't visited the city in months. I would like to enjoy my afternoon. This will probably be the last time I can enjoy myself for a while." Assuming Dominic didn't ruin her afternoon for her as well. With he preparations for war increasing, more lords were arriving at the palace every day, missives sent, the palace would soon be on lock down. She would likely be confined to the palace or sent away somewhere for safety reason. Or end up married to some prince or other for another alliance. She prayed their allies came through. She didn't have five other sisters for nothing. Though, only three of them were married to royals outside of Araniel. Araniel's main trade was crops. Without Araniel, food would be cut off from all over the continent. There would be food shortages and starvation and poverty everywhere. Hopefully the other kingdoms would see reason and stand up against Verillia.

Ansel bowed his head towards her. "Of course, princess. I'll contact the city guard as soon as we arrive in Greoak." Ariella gave him a small smile, which he returned. He knew as well as she did that this was the beginning of the end. Because once the war started, nothing would be the same again. Let her have some normalcy before the world burned around her.


The prince refrained from rolling his eyes when he was dismissed and Ariella turned away from him. Fine, if that was what she wanted then so be it. Dominic knew she was still pissed off from the fact that Everand was now aware of their little agreement and it was beginning to piss him off, too. What the fuck did she want from him? Maybe it would be better to deal with his nightmares alone so they wouldn't have this issue again. Ariella would have to deal with him screaming but she could get over it. Once she learned to tune him out just as she was doing right then and there, there would be nothing to worry about.

He had been dealing with his nightmares on his own for years, there was no reason why he couldn't continue to do so now. Of course, back in Verillia, everyone was aware of the prince's nightmares and terrors and how he screamed at night. There was no need to worry if someone was going to walk by at night and overhear him waking up in such a terror and alerting the king or a guard and Dominic having to face that talk. Here, though, few overheard or understood. Beyond that of the two royal children and the guards posted outside his door at night, it was a secret that Dominic wanted to keep between them. The moment it got out that the prince of Verillia dealt with such terrors, that he barely slept most nights, or even that the only thing seeming to help him sleep at least somewhat decently was the princess, of all people, the two would be in even deeper shit than they wanted to be. If Ariella had a problem with their current situation, she could stop staying in his chambers. As much as his heart seemed to ache at the thought of no longer being close to her in such a way, Dominic didn't want to deal with the brat of a woman when things went south.

For the rest of the trip into town, Dominic stayed quiet, instead pondering his own thoughts in favour of annoying the woman on the horse beside him. If Ariella was going to dismiss him then so be it, he didn't need her conversation to keep himself entertained when for the last near-decade of his life he had spent it alone already. Why make friends when all he ever did was get them killed? All he ever did was bring death to those around him whether he liked it or not. A bad omen, that was all he was and all he ever would be. Death clung to him like a second skin, and if it weren't for his cologne, he swore he would have reeked of the stuff. After all, he had brought death here, most likely faster than it would have arrived if he hadn't made it out of Verillia alive. Now? Now there would be hundreds of deaths. Hopefully, there would be some opportunity for the civilians of Araniel to leave for safety before the real war came to their doorsteps. It was only a matter of time and waiting, the worst part of all.

But, when the town neared the the chatter of people started to perk up, Dominic turned to Ariella once more, "Why do you ride side saddle?" It was a question that he had been mulling over between his thoughts of death and war. It looked uncomfortable. Really, what was the point? Sure to maybe show off a dress when in a parade, perhaps, but when simply riding into town there was no need for that. The whole way, too, would certainly grow tiring and uncomfortable after a while. Dominic didn't know how she did it without complaining or making a fuss. He could have sworn a woman like herself might have refused to ride in such a manner.


It was about a twenty minute ride or so to the outskirts of town and the nearest stables. It would have been a lovely ride had it not been for the prince beside her. She knew she was taking her anger and frustration out on him but he had always been able to handle it. Part of her wanted to run away from everything. Everand's eventual questioning. Her possible betrothal. Her mother. And away from the only man that was melting her cold heart. She didn't like the warmth spreading in her chest. She was supposed to be untouchable by the charms of man. She could argue it was Dominic's fault she was so upset and therefore, she was rightfully angry at him. He was doing things to her that she had never felt before and she hated it.

It was safe to say that Ariella had not been expecting a question from Dominic. Especially that question. She had been so surprised that even Buttercup had come to a stop beneath her. Ansel had let out a small shout beside her to stop their little party. He said something to her but she wasn't registering. No one had ever questioned her riding before. Emory had offered a couple times to teach her to ride straddling instead of on the side. She had refused only because she knew her mother would throw a fit if she ever saw Ariella riding in any manner other than side saddle. It was the only thing appropriate for a woman if she wasn't in a carriage, or at least so her mother said. Queen Eveline already hated that she chose to ride rather than take a carriage. This was the compromise. Ariella had never ridden any other way.

She looked at Dominic with almost a vulnerability in her eyes before quickly dispelling it. "This is the only way I know how to ride." Then she turned to Ansel and gave him a nod for them to continue. She didn't particularly want to dwell on her shortcomings anymore. For her hat and now her riding. It wasn't her fault that her skin hated the sun. And it wasn't her fault she had a terrible mother who didn't let her do anything fun. Sometimes she wondered if her mother didn't want her to learn the proper way to ride because she was didn't want Ariella to steal a horse and run away. As tempting as it might be, she wouldn't abandon her people with war on the horizon. And where would she go? What funds would she use? She would have nothing. No name, no title, nothing to her. Her books would have to suffice. They were her only escape from this hellhole she was living in.

The first two guards dismounted and went into the stables to procure stalls and ensure the stables were safe. As if the city guard hadn't already swept the city and given a full report. Even from here she could see their guard was doubled due to her presence. It was an irritant but she had only fought Ansel on it once, where she lost badly. As long as they stayed out of view she could ignore them. The guards returned, giving the okay. Ansel dismounted and walked alongside Buttercup before raising his hands to help her dismount. She was a little too stubborn to use the stepstool they provided.


Dominic stopped himself from raising a brow at her answer. She didn't know how? That surprised him, he could have sworn that, out of every princess there was, Ariella would have been one of the few who would have known how to ride straddling. The woman was stubborn and, even though she was physically small and frail in comparison to others, had a fire alight in her soul that burned through those pale blue eyes of hers. Even at a distance, the prince could see that, and it only drew him to the other royal more than he would have ever liked. Yet here she was, riding lengths side saddle because she didn't know how to ride in a more normal fashion. It was shocking, even if he didn't show it in his expression. Something about that fact didn't sit right with him. Dominic didn't know why, because, well, most princesses didn't know how to ride in a more common fashion. Still, he had seen that flash of vulnerability in those captivating eyes, and decided to do something about it.

"Well, you must be taught then, Ari." He said matter of factly. There was no room for argument in his voice, it wasn't phrased as a question, either, asking whether or not she would even like to be taught how to ride straddling. It was said because he was going to teach her. Besides, it was a life skill that would be necessary, especially in the upcoming war. What if she needed to flee and there was no other option to leave but on horseback? Being alone and unable to ride away from danger would result in her death and that was something Dominic was going to try to avoid. Dominic was going to defend Araniel to his last breath, even if he died trying in order to save the kingdom, even though it wasn't his own, he would do.

Teaching the princess how to ride was one step in that direction, in his mind.

They might have been in the midst of an argument that was being dragged out far longer than it needed to be due to Everand deciding to make an appearance that morning, but Dominic was just as stubborn and determined as the princess. He knew for a fact none of the guards would ever teach her and face the wrath of her mother and father, but Dominic didn't give two shits. Well, at least not as much as they probably did when it came to earning the approval of the king and queen. Dominic was too valuable of an asset to discard now, and so, teaching Ariella to ride would be the least of their problems and he wouldn't get into too much trouble for doing so. It was settled in his mind then and there.

When they arrived at the stables Dominic was quick to dismount with ease, tempted to help the princess off her own horse but someone else was already doing so. Tywyll was given a few mates and the strong horse was taken to his own stable while his rider moved to glance out at the city before him.