@imJUSTasillylittleguy group
doesn't trust people.
just wants to help A
the plot doesn't matter, I will probably end up being A.
doesn't trust people.
just wants to help A
the plot doesn't matter, I will probably end up being A.
This sounds right up my alley tbh. Do you mind if I join? I have class in like, five minutes, but it's not long (fifty minutes at most) and afterwards I'd love to get started?
I don't mind at all my dude, I have class in ten but it went be long either. So we can definitely get started sometime today
Sounds good! I look forward to it :)
I have a character in mind that fits B, but I'm not sure if you're looking for a romantic or platonic relationship (I don't mind either way; I love both), or if romantic, what kind of romance. My character is a pan male, so just let me know if he might work or if you'd like something else!
Honestly its up to you whther its romantic or platonic either would work for me! I can be A and you can be B that would work really well :3
We could start it and see if our characters have chemistry, then? Honestly, at least for me, they kinda write themselves lol. But here, I'll post him and see if you're still cool?
Name: William Abner
Nickname(s)/Alias: Will, Willy/Abbey
Age: Twenty
Sex & Gender: Male
Sexuality: Pansexual
Nationality: British
Appearance: Will stands at about 6’4. He’s thin and pale and gawky, but his figure is filled out just enough that his height doesn’t seem terribly unnatural on him. He has a slender neck leading to a friendly face with a defined, round jawline and the tiniest bits of stubble growing in around it. Following this is a squared, slightly dimpled chin and thin, smooth lips that tilt upwards slightly on either end and rest between some very pronounced dimples. Will has a button nose leading to a pair of friendly dark brown, almond shape eyes. These are usually offset by thin, round glasses, and his curly mess of hair naturally the shade of dark chocolate, which tends to cover his round, unobtrusive ears. Said curly mess is at most two-three inches at the top, sides and back of his head, although his bangs are often inconsolably everywhere, and there are typically a few unruly strands that tend to hang a little longer.
Clothing/Outfit: At the time of his first appearance, Will is wearing a black beanie, his glasses, a horizontally striped white and black long-sleeve t-shirt, black overalls that end at his ankles, and a pair of black high-top Converse.
Personality Will’s appearance and mannerisms are a bit of a false pretense. He comes off mostly as an innocent teddy bear, and though teddy bear he is, he’s a mischievous, dark-humour and innuendo-loving teddy bear. His friends used to be taken aback by his sheer ability to make any situation uncomfortable, but by now they’ve learned to either ignore him or laugh along with him. Asides from this, Will is a kind, respectful soul. He never intentionally takes his jokes too far, and the moment he does he’s already apologizing and searching for a way to make it up. He’s a lot more open around his close friends and family than with strangers, predictably, but it doesn’t take much to break down his initial barriers, although he does tend to fall into many more awkward silences with people he doesn’t know all that well.
Other: He’s longsighted, hence the glasses.
, "Will is a kind, respectful soul. He never intentionally takes his jokes too far, and the moment he does he’s already apologizing and searching for a way to make it up"
Me: reads that internally laughs kali is the opposite of that and like a huge tsun
We love a good tsundere here, and by "we" I mean "me" because I haven't spoken to the majority of my friends since quarantine began. But yeah, honestly, I think a major clash in personality is exactly what is needed here. Unless you were looking for something else?
Also, oops, I just realized I didn't edit out all the bits from the Zombie Apocalypse roleplay I copy-pasted his template from.. Let me just… Yeah.
Sorry. He's currently my favorite character, so I'm using every opportunity to write him lol
(Lol nah it's fine my dude. Is it okay if I just like copy and paste her from the rp she was born from?)
Yeah by all means, it's your rp
Name: Kali Arden
Age: 18
Gender: female
Short Backstory: Since she was young she had always had a very easy time in the dark, she could also blend in pretty well. Good for hide and seek she thought. One day she began hearing voices from the darkness and the shadows. she went to talk to her parents about the voices, She had only been hearing whispers but when she grew up the voices got louder, and more frequent. eventually her dad left, complaining about the fact he couldn't deal with a 'cursed child' growing up with just her mom. her mom eventually married her step dad.
Personality: Rude, sarcastic, mean, disrespectful, impatient, loyal to a fault once she actually likes you. doesn't like many people. honest.
she comes from an elemental rp so if we doing realistic then just ignore the element part.)
I don't mind if she has elemental powers, but I probably won't give Will any. Mostly because I can't decide what he'd have an affinity to lol.
okay thank you, she wont use them or anything is just she hears things and can disappear in dark areas.
do you wanna just plan as we go or plan now?
Sounds intriguing in all honesty. And I don't really mind, tho I should warn you: I'm kind of terrible at coming up with starters lol.
My only sort of planning I'd want to know is do they know each other beforehand? My mind jumped to like, maybe they have a college class together?
Sure- or high school and they cane meet each other for the first time or maybe they know each and she doesn't like how positive he is
That should work! I can age him down if I need to
whos gonna start first?
@Cheers hey you still wanna do this?
Yes, if you'll still have me!
I'm sorry for disappearing. Things took a really dark turn for me these past few days, but I think I'm good for now. I'll try to let you know ahead of time if it happens again.
I can start if you want me to? Although you'll have to let me know if we're doing high school or college. I have more experience with the latter, but I'm fine with either.
Is everything okay?
Also you can choose if you want.
I think so. I've just been going through a really rough bout of depression, and it's been hard for me to even leave my bed throughout the past few days. Class was the only thing getting me up, and I didn't even have the motivation to finish a lot of my work, which my grades are definitely beginning to reflect. I'm doing better now, though, which is reassuring.
And we can leave it up to whoever starts, then. Would you like me to?
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