"Aw it's just a wolf spider!" He said while he headed over to the corner in his room, and began to work on scooping it up into the container. "With two egg sacs. I'll take them back home and put the mama and her babies somewhere where they will be safe. Oh! And there's the dad." Alex slowly worked away, happy to be catching spiders. Soon enough they were all in the container, and he put on the lid. "It's really nice having new neighbors." He said with a soft smile.
Will breathed a sigh of relief as the spiders were safely in the container, the mention of egg sacks making him full a face but it was gone once it was off the wall, "Thank you so much, I wouldn't be able to sleep with her staring at me," He smiled at the other boy, "I'm Will, it's nice to meet you…?"
"Alex." He said shyly, and then stared at the spiders in the container. Suddenly he perked up. "Oh shit my cookies! I've gotta keep baking for the bake sale!" Then. Another thought struck him. "You could come over and we could bake together if you'd like. As payment for spider catching."
"Can I?" Will's smile widened a little, "If that isn't too much trouble. Technically I should be rewarding you for getting rid of the things." He said, slipping his hands into his pockets, "But it would be nice to take a break from all the unpacking."
Alex smiled. "Yeah of course!" He said with a grin, heading downstairs, and then out the door. He stopped at his mom's rose bushes and dumped out the spider family, then headed back inside his own house, and went back to cutting out cookie shapes.
Will followed behind, making sure the door to his own home was locked and everything was secure as he followed Alex into his house. He looked around curiously before he entered the kitchen, "What are the cookies for?"
(I forgot about this and I'm sorry) "Oh! My anime club is going to try to go to Anime Con! So we've been doing stuff all year round to try to raise money to go." His eyes lit up excitedly,before they dimmed, getting embarrassed. "As long as mom will let me go…" He sighed and headed into the kitchen, rolling up the sleeves of his sweater. There was a patch work of scars from dark times, but he ignored them as he began to make more dough. "You can help cookie cut and decorate those that are already baked." He said, gesturing to two sheets that were already cooling down on the table.