forum Just craving a werewolf x human thing? (Closed)
Started by @gracehustle

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(Here this is…a tad bit later than I had hoped)

"For me, anything having to do with leaving the park is exploring," She replied with a soft laugh, looking around happily, "Do you have a preference for going in or staying in the car?" Selina looked to him as they neared the shop, happiness in her eyes. Either way was fine with her, she just wanted to try coffee and see what it tasted like.

@FanfictionFanatic-The-Elder group

(It's fine. I don't mind the wait.)

“I guess that's a fair point.” Frankie nodded. “Uhm… No, I don't really have a preference. But if you want, it might be more of an experience for you if we go inside.” he suggested, thinking that she might enjoy seeing the inside of the coffee shop and all the options they had.


Selina nodded, ready to go along with whatever he decided was best. "Going inside sounds wonderful then." She was quite curious to see what the inside of a coffee shop looked like. Was it similar to a regular shop? Or was it laid out like the inside of a restaurant she had been able to glimpse in the last time she had come to the city.

@FanfictionFanatic-The-Elder group

Frankie smiled a little at her and pulled into an empty parking space near the building. He had been inside many places like this and was fairly hopeful that Selina would enjoy both the coffee and the shop. “You ready, my Beta?” he asked gently, wanting to call her that one more time before they were in public earshot.

@FanfictionFanatic-The-Elder group

(lol. I just spent the last 3/4 days reading our whole roleplay and realized our characters still haven't kissed and the closest we got to admitting how they feel for each other was that night they spent on the cliff.)


(LMAO..they taking things slowwww)

She couldn't quite hide the tiny smile or blush that came with hearing his nickname for her, even if it was her title. "I'm as ready as I can be," Selina said, "My packmate." She could already smell the faint smell of coffee from where they were, but she was excited to explore the building and taste coffee, hoping it was as good as she was thinking it would be.

@FanfictionFanatic-The-Elder group

(Very slow… Then again, despite being head over heels for Selina, I guess Frankie is a little nervous about starting relationships because of his last one.)

He chuckled softly at her cute blush and nodded as he started to get out of the car though his own face turned red at the turnabout of her calling him her packmate. It was unexpected but he would admit that it was nice, as he remembered the “honorary title” she gave him the other night. He walked around the car to her side and opened the door for her. “Let’s go then. I think you'll like this place.” he smiled at her. “If you're hungry, they have some food here too.”


(Maybe Selina will start it….in her own territorial way. If you want to get them into a relationship, we could do something with Frankie being hit on and her being overprotective and scaring off whoever dared to steal her only friend's attention)
Her eyes widened at the mention of food. Even if she wasn't hungry, food sounded lovely, especially food from somewhere besides a can or the woods. "I think I'll like it too," She agreed, hopping out of the car and looking over at the doors to the shop. It looked like an inviting place, even if it was full of humans that she was naturally wary about.

@FanfictionFanatic-The-Elder group

(Ironically, I was thinking of having Frankie do something similar. Maybe a flirty barista says something or writes their number on Selina’s coffee… I know it's cliche, but Frankie gets a little jealous or overly protective. But we can do your idea if you’d like.)

Frankie smiled at her and lead her to the building. He was tempted to hold her hand again if only to prevent them from getting separated and a little reassurance for her… Though he held back since she seemed fine and it was unlikely that she would get lost. As they got closer, he opened the coffee shop doors for her. The strong smell of fresh ground coffee and baked goods wafted out as well as soft music almost welcoming them.


(Your idea works perfectly!)
Selina stayed close to Frankie's side even as they entered the shop. "Thank you," She said happily as he opened the doors to what seemed like a new world. Her senses were flooded with the smell of coffee and sweets and it caused her to smile brightly. "Oh wow, this already smells amazing," She happily chirped, almost bouncing on her toes as she looked around, then at Frankie, "I like this place so far."

@FanfictionFanatic-The-Elder group

(Thank you 😊)

“I’m glad to hear that.” Frankie smiled back before leading her towards the counter, showing off all the different pastries. “Let me know what you’d like.” he said, gesturing at the large menu. He hoped it wasn't too overwhelming for her and that she would find something she’d enjoy.


In an instant, the pastries caught Selina's eyes and she looked over the variety of things, amazed by how pretty everything looked and smelled. It took willpower to do nothing more than smile like a giddy child, lifting her gaze from the food to the menu. There were even more options there, and for a moment, she wanted to order everything on the menu.

@FanfictionFanatic-The-Elder group

Frankie almost chuckled at her reaction to the pastry display, though he wouldn't say he could blame her. They all looked so delicious. Cookies, muffins, scones, and slices of coffee crumb cakes… they even offered breakfast burritos and english muffin sandwiches on the menu. But he already had a good idea of what he was going to get, he would just wait for Selina to decide before he ordered.


"Can I get a drink and something to eat?" She asked after a moment, eyeing up the menu and pointing to one of the items, "I like the sound of a latte, are those good?" Selina looked back to him, "The muffins look good too. Maybe we can split one?" She didn't want to waste any of his money buying food, but she was hungry, and to be fair, everything looked good.

@FanfictionFanatic-The-Elder group

"Of course you can." Frankie nodded with a warm smile. "Lattes are pretty good but if you want a muffin, we don't have to split it." he told her as they walked up to the counter.

"Hi, welcome to Starbucks. Can I take your order?" the male barista smiled broadly at Selina, his bright hazel eyes quickly darted up and down her figure.

Frankie cleared his throat slightly and stood closer to his friend. He wasn't too surprised that someone would try to hit on her, but that didn't mean he was ok with it. "One hazelnut latte and a chocolate chip muffin for me." he answered quickly before glancing at Selina to let her place her own order. "Looks like they have blueberry muffins too." he told her, remembering those were her favorite.


Oblivious to the barista's interest in her, she smiled back without hesitation. "Can I have a cinnamon dolce latte and a blueberry muffin please," She added onto Frankie's order, rocking on her feet. Even dressed in baggy clothes that didn't fit her well, her slim build was obvious, whether that was a good thing or not. She didn't care either way, she was just excited to be trying something new, especially with Frankie.


(Lmao I love this rp, I have to say that…most of my rps that involve romance have their first kiss within the first 15 pages, were on page 50 and no further than friends…I love it so much XD)

@FanfictionFanatic-The-Elder group

Frankie blinked a little at her choice of drink but smiled at her. He was more surprised at how flawlessly she handled pronouncing and placing her order.

“Excellent choice.” the barista winked at her before reading off the total for both of them.

Frankie nodded at the price, pulled out his wallet and handed his card over to pay. “Let’s get a table while we wait.” he suggested to Selina once he had his card again. Since both he and the barista were men, Frankie knew exactly what the other man saw and… Well, he couldn't blame him but Frankie at least respected Selina.


"Thank you." She smiled again, happy with the barista's praise about her choice. Selina wasn't quite sure what was all in the drink she had ordered, but she had liked the sound of it.

Turning to look at Frankie, she nodded, scanning around the room for a place to sit. Pointing to a corner, she spotted a table that hadn't yet been taken, it had four seats when there were only two of them, but still, it was a place to sit for now.

@FanfictionFanatic-The-Elder group

Frankie nodded when she pointed out the partly secluded spot and walked over to the table with her, glad to get her away from that… irritating cashier. “You did great.” he cheered softly once they were closer to the table. “Are you sure you’ve never been to a coffee house before?” he asked, teasing lightly as he pulled out a chair for her.


Selina sat down in the chair happily, her bright smile still ever visible, "Thanks, I heard some camper bring up that type of latte a few months ago when I was wandering around, and I wanted to try it. I just hoped I pronounced it the same way they did." She looked still as excited as ever to be in the coffee shop, though she did fiddle lightly with the edge of her shirt just to give herself something to do while they waited for their order.