forum Just craving a werewolf x human thing? (Closed)
Started by @gracehustle

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(I'm going to play this one interaction with a pack member just so I can get a good response in, but then you can take over :D)
Selina reached the cave within a few minutes, being spotted by a few of the lower pack members even before that though.
"Alpha is looking for you," One of them called to her, their tail wagging and showing that they were happy she was back, "He's inside the cave."
She nodded, then headed to the cave, not stopping as she made her way inside until she was standing only a few feet away from him. "I'm back from scouting, I was told you wanted to see me?"


(I can do Alpha XD Take whatever ones you feel comfortable with, maybe be a different one in the cave that is looking through Frankie's stuff or something lol up to you)

@FanfictionFanatic-The-Elder group

(Whew… ok. Thanks.)

The other pack member looked up respectfully as Selina approached before going back to sniffing around the camper's belongings. Whoever this human was… they had enough food to last a while. Maybe a month, depending on how much they ate. But why would a human come all the way out here? They normally stuck to the pre-existing campsites the park had. They were loud, inconsiderate, and just the worst.


(lol no problem)
"Report?" A sleek black wolf said, turning to look at her. They were clearly the Alpha, from their stance to how Selina seemed to shrink down slightly in his presence.
"No sign of the northern pack or any rogues, from the lake to Standing Cliff." She replied, meeting the Alpha's eyes for a moment before looking away, "No out of place scents either, no sign that anyone werewolves other than our pack had been in the area for a long time."
This seemed to be enough for the wolf, who nodded and then turned to look around the cave and over Frankie's various things. "There is a human in the area, as you can clearly see. Know anything about that?"
She immediately became more nervous as the Alpha mentioned Frankie's stuff, though lied, "I smelled them around, but never got close enough to get a glimpse of them." It hurt to lie to him, but to keep her new friend safe, she would lie as much as needed.

@FanfictionFanatic-The-Elder group

The other two members of the pack who were with the Alpha, continued to look around though they shrunk a little when the Alpha spoke. There was a reason why he was the Alpha and no one was going to challenge that.

”No sign of any weapons.” the bolder, light gray wolf spoke up respectfully. ”But whoever this human is, there’s enough supplies to last a while.”


The Alpha was silent, thinking for a minute as he turned and paced around the empty space in the cave, "No sign of weapons either means whoever is here is either just a very curious camper, or someone from the government who wants to find our kind." He stopped his pacing instantly, turning to talk to Selina, "Beta, I'm assigning you to watch whoever stays here until they leave. Report to me every night."

She nodded, instantly relieved at her assignment. Selina could easily watch over Frankie or pretend to for a while, without a doubt. "I can do that sir, I'll report anything that might tell us more about whoever this is."

@FanfictionFanatic-The-Elder group

Meanwhile, Frankie had finally reached the river and was pacing back and forth along the bank, trying to kill more time before going back. A part of him honestly would have liked to meet Selina’s pack but… he knew that was insanely risky and would get them both in over their heads in trouble. Even if they pretended that they didn't know each other. He let out a small sigh of frustration and slowly turned back to the cave.


The Alpha nodded again, starting out of the cave with only a few more words, "Good, let's go back to the den then. Leave no sign that we were ever here." His words were enough for the other wolves to follow him, stopping what they were doing. Within another minute, all of them besides Selina had disappeared into the woods, leaving the area strangely quiet. Selina made sure they were out of sight before padding out of the cave and laying down with her head on her paws right next to the opening. At least she could talk to Frankie more now.

@FanfictionFanatic-The-Elder group

Because of his deliberately slower pace, it took Frankie a few minutes longer to reach the cave than it normally would have. He wasn't exactly scared of Selina’s pack… just cautious. The fact that they had found his stuff did make him nervous. Now Selina’s Alpha would most likely know about him… His head was spinning as he felt a cold ball start to form in the pit of his stomach. Finally seeing the cave, he slowed down even more, making sure no one else was around.


"I can hear you Frankie, it's just me here now. Everyone else left, you're safe," Selina called out gently when her ears picked up his footsteps. She hadn't moved from her spot by the opening of the cave, and had even closed her eyes as she waited patiently for her friend to make it back. The quicker she could tell him about what Alpha said, the better.

@FanfictionFanatic-The-Elder group

Frankie jumped about a foot in the air because of his nerves before her realized who was talking to him. ”Selina… Well, I'm glad it's just you.” he smiled, walking over to her and sitting down next to her. ”How much trouble are we in? I can move again if I need to.” he offered.


She couldn't help but laugh softly at how much Frankie jumped. Or at least she did her best to laugh even if it didn't sound quite like what she was going for. "Alpha basically just was paranoid about your intentions around the area. He didn't know if you were working for people that are looking for us and he told me to watch you for anything suspicious. I'm supposed to report to him every night." A tiny hint of a smile pulled onto her face at that, "Maybe his orders can also be an excuse for me to come to the city with you."

@FanfictionFanatic-The-Elder group

Frankie nodded a little. ”I guess that makes sense that your pack would think that… Your Alpha was here?!?” he asked in shock once her words finally caught up with him. That was not what he was expecting. ”I thought he would hear about me, I just didn't know he would be here personally.” he sighed, running a hand through his hair nervously.


"Yes, the Alpha of my pack was here, along with several other of the wolves that he trusts the most," She replied calmly, slightly surprised by his reaction. Selina could see how Alpha visiting could be worrying to Frankie, but she knew that Alpha visiting where he wanted in the park was something she couldn't control. "He didn't mess with anything, just looked around…and maybe a few of the others pushed your things around a little but that's only because they were checking for weapons."

@FanfictionFanatic-The-Elder group

He nodded slowly as he started to calm down. ”That’s fair. I mean, considering what you told me… The only real weapon I have is my knife and I wouldn't use it like that except in self-defense.” he told her, laying down.


She nodded watching him with her same partial smile, "I know that, and I know that you're not bad, so this whole 'watching thing' will be extremely easy. Maybe I can make some stuff up though, to maybe convince Alpha to let me go to the city with you." Selina rested her head on her paws again, scanning the area like she had hundreds of times.

@FanfictionFanatic-The-Elder group

He laughed a little, turning to face her. ”I kinda like that idea… As long as whatever you make up doesn't get us into too much trouble.” he agreed. ”I’m glad it's you who gets to watch me. We’ll get to spend more time together this way.”


"I wouldn't make up too much, just enough that Alpha would want me to 'follow' you to the city just to be careful," She explained, not bothering to hide her excitement, "Spending more time with you will be really fun I think." Even if Alpha didn't like people, Selina did…Frankie especially. Telling him that she liked him would most likely ruin their friendship though, so she would keep quiet.

@FanfictionFanatic-The-Elder group

”I think so too.” Frankie grinned, sitting back up. It almost surprised him how much he already wanted to hang out with her. Originally, he came all the way out here to get away from people and now… He shook his head to keep from blushing. ”I trust you. We should probably wait a couple of days before we go to the city, so you can be more convincing.” he suggested.


Selina nodded, agreeing with the idea of waiting a few days, "That makes sense, plus maybe I can show you around the park a little more." She flicked him lightly with her tail, laughing as she looked up and then around the area again. That would be the one part she didn't like about this, would be having to constantly watch for any of her packmates that may be nearby.

@FanfictionFanatic-The-Elder group

”Hey!” He laughed at the tail hit. ”That sounds fun. I would love to see more of your home… At least what you can show me.” he amended, still not wanting her to get in trouble for his sake. Frankie looked around with her even though he knew his senses were nowhere near as good as hers were.


"I can show you any part of the park that you want to see, besides the pack den," She agreed, thinking about everywhere she wished she could show him in the park. Most of the places were quite the hike though, and she had no clue how he felt about riding on her back if she wanted to get anywhere faster. "Anywhere you wanted to see, even if it's a popular tourist spot, I could show you."