forum Jokers and Aces (Closed- Stalkers welcome!)
Started by @amber_is_in_a_loop

people_alt 41 followers


OKAY I've finally gotten to this.
So: being honest, this is only my second time participating in writing a cult, so there'll definitely be some mistakes and such which I apologize in advance now. That also means that you should feel completely free to put in your input and opinions!
Now, the base I've got for the cult are the ranks: from most important to least, you've got the Joker (the leader, who I'll be playing), the Aces, Kings, Queens and Jacks. As for the rest of the organizing that'll go into it I've got some vague ideas that we can all develop together.
Now for the fun part ;)


  • All of andrew (Our Supreme Lord and Overseer)'s rules apply
  • Swearing/slurring and gore is allowed, but if one of us gets uncomfortable please reel it back in a little
  • Please, please, I get that this story might get violent and whatnot but please keep all the drama between the characters
  • Romance/sex-wise, let's keep this PG-13 (this might change as we go on)
  • Try to avoid one-liners and put some effort into your writing; if you're feeling uninspired let us know and we'll try to add some fuel to the story to revive the fun
  • I reserve the right to kick you out anytime and for any reason! I'll give you two warnings before kicking you out
  • You're allowed one to two characters, and tell me the gender you want and if you want one of the ranks

Character template will go up once everyone has responded their agreement to ^^^, heads up it'll relatively small for the sake of discovering each other's characters as we go. Ages will be between 16 and 35.


The ranks dictate how much say you get in decisions. There are two Aces, who are often directly in contact with the Joker to talk about cult-wide decisions. Kings handle recruiting, teachings, writing, and limiting the communication between people in and out of the cult. Kings and Queens often work together in event organising and such. Queens are in charge of groups of people, kind of like generals in the army. Jacks are the people who teach the Kings' teachings to children 15 and below, and they're basically child minders. People who have
esteemed jobs, like doctors or lawyers or professors etc, they're often Queens or Kings if the Aces deem them good enough.


Ah shit I didn't realize we forgot to wait for Icefire my maths is lame :P
If y'all could tell me if you want a rank (Emi and Reed im pretty sure you're reed right? I've got you down), if you want one or two characters and their gender(s)
We'll wait for Icefire too


Ack I'm so sorry!! I agree to the rules lol. I'm going to California for the next few days, so I'm waiting at the airport rn and my replies won't be fast for a while. I'm so sorry!