forum Immortal love
Started by @Celeste_X0X0_ group

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@Celeste_X0X0_ group

"I'm coming too. I've got nothing to do" he says standing up, grabbing the soda and tossing it to her. "don't worry, I'm not gonna bother you" he says rolling his eyes, able to see the anger in her. It was annoying to him how easily poeple get offended and mad at the smallest things. But he never voiced it.


"Don't care, just lock the door when you come out." She muttered and walked to the elevator. Running was one of the things they were good at. It had been a big part of their highschool life although they had never taken part in track and field.

Once the elevator came, Kharis went inside and held it open for Min-Hyuk to come.

@Celeste_X0X0_ group

He wasnt expecting that reaction from them, but he was happy with it. Why?
Well… it was better than he had expected. Min always had low standards set for them ever since highschool.
He grabbed his phone, shoving it in his pocket and locking the door before catching up to them and sliding in the elevator, leaning up against the metal wall as he watched the green numbers change.


Kharis was furious at her brother, but more upset than anything. She found that when their emotions were too strong, running helped calm their nerves.

The elevator stopped on the last floor and both figures left. Kharis had never been to this side of the town but knew of the park nearby and with that destination in mind, she set off, ignoring Min and running.

@Celeste_X0X0_ group

He only kept quiet, not daring to say a word. He didn't quite want them yelling at him when he had a headache. So, he simply ignored her until she ran off, waving to her “see ya. If you die I’m not calling the cops” he says with a chuckle, thinking he himself was absolutely hilarious.
Pulling out his phone and checking the time he looked up to the sky, feeling the slight breeze on his face. As he thought…today wasn't a very good day and it wasn't going to be for the rest of the year was it?

@Celeste_X0X0_ group

(Maybe tonight? They could talk a little bit after school. Oh this sounds cliche, but what if they have some sort of project they have to do together. Or an event coming up for the new year maybe? I’m just brainstorming)


(Ooh! Building on your project idea, what if they signed up for the same afterschool extra credit program and were assigned a project where they had to capture images of certain expressions using the backgrounds?)


(Thanks fren!)

Kharis had been doing well in her classes. They was an english major doing a minor in art and found their classes were very enjoyable. On their professor's advice, they had join an extra credit photography class that ran after their classes, so it fit into their schedule really well. Today was the first day the class was meeting up and recieved the first assignment in an introductory email.

For your first assignment, you will be given a pre-selected partner and the two of you will have to take photos of certain expressions or moods using the background around you. One or both partners have to be in the photo and you will be given materials in class. This project will not be completed in one day and it will not be due until a bit later so no need to worry about submission dates. Come to class on time to find your partner so you could get to know them before the project.

@Celeste_X0X0_ group

(sorry this one's going to be short)

Min-Hyuk barely stayed awake during this stupid class. He was too busy ovetthinking about other things and how they could go wrong to even worry about anything this twat said. Until he mentioned a project with partners. He almost stood from his desk when his eyes widened.
"are you kidding me? Partners? Emotions? Pictures?" he thought to himself in pure frustration and litterally wanting to die in this very moment. This… This was his living hell…. College.

(starts PLaying this is my deathbed)


Kharis walked into class and saw that the Prof had posted the partner list. They scanned the list in curiosity and paled at the sight of the name of her partner, Min-Hyuk. 'Great. I had to be partnered with the one person I wanted to avoid.' She thought

@Celeste_X0X0_ group

After class he scanned the board only to see… Oh no…
Looking to the his side with a piercing glare. "out of all of the people? Are you planning this or what" he crossed his arms.