forum I needith another roleplay please
Started by @imJUSTasillylittleguy group

people_alt 74 followers

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A BxB or A BxG. About "A" never seeing the world because they were locked up. They escape. They bump into "B", a person who know's the town like that back of his hand and helps him escape the town. or we can go for one of the other propmts

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  1. "Maybe the poison wasn't clear enough sire. They in fact, want to kill you."
  2. "The king only cares about one thing, so lets take it from him."
  3. "I'm an elf thank you very much!"
  4. "I'm not an assassin! I'm the baker!"
  5. "The knights came over here last night, they didn't realize that I was the one they were looking for."
  6. "Maybe murder isn't the only option, perhaps talking could suffice?"
  7. "My horse is named squiggles, you got a problem with that?"
  8. What if… The stars were actually lanterns and lights from far off beings' homes? You know how you can see lights through the woods as a ball of light? What if it was something similar to that?


“But –”

“No! I am not petsitting your dragon again!”
The two stared at each other for a while and then looked back at the large dragon blocking their way.

“I say we’re screwed?”

“We’re screwed.”

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(Ya. Because it's more fun to find out about the characters as the plot goes on. But Character A Is The person trying to poison the king. Character B is the head guard who watches over the king. May I be A?)

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(Ah. So It's the king and the Person who tried to poison him? Also, Age range is 14-20 [Yes that's young but I have my idea's])