@EldritchHorror-Davadio health_and_safety emoji_events
As much as Valiel wanted to be able to be down in the marketplace, she was stuck. The last couple of days had been nightmarish.
First had come the shocking news that her father was moving the wedding date. She'd hoped he'd wait, that he wouldn't force her to marry Phyros anytime soon, but… his outrage the night of Grandmother's party had led to him moving it to this weekend.
To tomorrow, in fact.
She had only tonight to prepare herself. Tomorrow, she would marry Phyros and be his wife, and everything about that repelled her. Not only would she have to go live with him and pretend to enjoy his company, he would expect her to be a wife, in every sense of the word.
Valiel would rather die.
She had felt this before, the agony of her father's anger digging deep into her soul and making her wish herself able to not live this life, but this… this was deeper.
Her light felt so far away, covered by the thick clouds of deep sadness.
Only one more night. If she was still alive by morning, it would be her mistake.
The heralds had gone through the marketplace once more, reminding people that tonight was the last night to wish the Princess good luck, before she became the Archduchess.
Most of the people of Konrack had been to the feasting the last couple of nights. Many of them had good intentions, celebrating what they saw as a happy thing for their royals.
A few, in the criminal world, had used it as a chance to case the Palace of Rime, and check security. They'd gone looking for valuables. Whispers of this had even reached Thatcher's ears, suggesting to him that the easiest way to get to Valiel might be to go as a guest.
It was an open invitation, after all.