forum I'm alive and not sure for how long (MATURE + CLOSED)
Started by @Desvelarse pets

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@Desvelarse pets

We could do assassin/target, that would be interesting!!! Which role are you going to take My character would fit more into assassin but could honestly do either tbh

@EldritchHorror-Davadio health_and_safety emoji_events

Was figuring you'd be assassin, since you mentioned you had a character that fit that role :)
Idea: Assassin is sent to kill a young royal, only to find out the target wants to die, or wants to appear dead, at least, in order to escape their situation.
Something like that? Better ideas, concerns, questions, total resets?

@Desvelarse pets

Ok ok was just making sure :3
I like the sound of that idea! Do people here still make character sheets or just jump into the scene and introduce characters like that?

@Desvelarse pets

I definitely prefer character sheets. I have many character sheets saved for my characters here so I would just need to clean it up a little bit and then I can send it

@Desvelarse pets

Name: Thatcher Wain.
Age: 813 years old, though in human years would be considered about 21-23.
Gender: Male.
Sexuality: Pansexual
Race: Caucasian
Species: Reaper (planning on revealing more about this throughout the RP, but some basics are that he has a tattoo of a scythe that forms into a material one in a ribbon/shadow like manner. He cannot kill/heal anyone he likes, only those who are provided to him by the high Reaper council whos names appear on a small piece of paper he carries with him. He is not immortal, and can be injured by any normal means. Death would require drowning or by the same material that his weapon is made of. They are also able to morph into a group of birds to allow them to travel fast to get to targets, but that makes them much more vulnerable and susceptible to any forms of harm and death).
Appearance: (based off of ) Has a scythe tattoo on his upper and inner right forearm, various scars across his skin from past injuries, and most notably, a large group of burn scars on almost his entire back and parts of his sides/ribcage. He stands at around 6'4 with a toned and slender build. Clothing wise, he is usually dressed professionally (as all Reapers are required to do) with a black button down top, black slacks, black dress shoes, and a black trench coat. On a more casual note, he would usually wear any color of sweatshirts and joggers with a pair of sneakers. With both of those outfits, he usually wears various silver rings, silver necklaces/chains, and different earrings. Bird wise, he is able to morph into a murder of crows.
Personality: More on the ambiverted sided of the spectrum. He is easy to talk to when first meeting, and while it takes a bit for him to open up and get deep, after doing so, he can freely be chatty and honest. He tends to be polite to most and can almost seem fatherly at times. He appears to be intimidating, but it is much more of an act, as he is really a kindhearted and tender individual under the façade he puts up. He tends to be more dominant with most, taking lead of conversation and other things, but under the right circumstances, he is comfortable being more relaxed and submissive with others. He is protective and clingy with his loved ones, and when his loyalty and trust is gained, he tends to be a 'ride or die' type of individual.
Likes: Nature, birds, Nike (more on her below), silver items, close friendships and other relationships, and listening to other's stories.
Dislikes: Deep water, sinners, his 'job', large flames, and car rides.
Hobbies: Running, going on hikes, and reading about history.
Bio: Thatcher first came into existence around 800 years ago. Around 500 years ago, he was caught up in the Witch trials, and because people believed him to be a witch, those people caught him and tried to burn him at the stake (causing the burn wounds on his body). When that didn't work, they attempted to drown him, but he escaped and left to heal from his wounds and trauma. During that time (around 400 years ago), he came across an abandoned, runt of the litter hell hound. He took in the starving pup and raised her until the present. He gave her the name Nike. In current times, he resides in the area he was assigned to find and dispose of those he was assigned to kill/heal.
Other: He isn't easily identified by those around him, and seems to be close to human by appearance. Nike looks similar in appearance to a Doberman, but to those who would be a target for Thatcher, she can appear more hellish and distorted.

@EldritchHorror-Davadio health_and_safety emoji_events

Name: Princess Valiel Galcan
Age: 147- young adult, just came of age at '21' equivalent
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Straight, as far as she knows
Race: Caucasian, usually.
Species: Skin-changer. Like the rest of her people, she is able to shapeshift with ease, providing she has the strength and energy to do so. She's also light aligned, with mild magic in her blood.
Appearance: Standing 5'8" and weighing in at 135lbs, Princess Valiel is known for her striking auburn hair and flashing icy blue eyes. Her skin is very pale, similar to other Skin-changers of the Northern Hinterlands. If she had her way. she'd wear comfortable, drab clothing that would allow her to blend in. As it is, she's stuck with the gawdy dresses associated with royalty.
Personality: Valiel is a gentle soul. She avoids fights if she can, and is quick to help others. However, she's been through some garbage, which has given her a heart of steel, and she will not shy away from violence to defend herself and those she loves, if she must. However, she also just desperately wants to live a life free of royal expectations. That has lead to some issues in her heart and mind.
Likes: Music, swimming, the full moon
Dislikes: being cooped up, stuffy situations, two-faced people
Hobbies: Reading. She's not been allowed to have very many more.
Bio: The Galcans have ruled the Northern Hinterlands for generations, and have always passed off the kingdom to the next heir with ease. Valiel may be the first person to buck that. She grew up with all the privileges of royalty, and all the hurts of a child in a home with cold and abusive parents. She has lived beloved of her people, and with a target on her back as a royal. She's been verbally encouraged to learn who she is, while being actively repressed from any such action. And now, since coming of age recently, her father has been trying marry her off to pull in a male to inherit the throne. Valiel has never wished to be free of anything so badly.

@Desvelarse pets

Of course that's ok! It looks great to me! How were you thinking we should start? I was thinking for it to start by Thatcher receiving Valiel's name, and them to be meeting in some way out and about

@EldritchHorror-Davadio health_and_safety emoji_events

The Northern Hinterlands. A frozen wasteland of snow and ice, punctuated here and there by small towns of people huddled together for warmth. To the north of the mainland was nothing but freezing ocean and ice floes; the south warmed a bit, and was hemmed in by the Evergreen Forest on the east, and the Wolf's Teeth mountain range on the west.
Nestled between the Wolf's Teeth and the Evergreen was the city of Konrack. A sprawling metropolis full of everything from wealthy merchant districts to slums, Konrack had as its center the Palace of Rime. It was from this Palace that Clan Galcan had ruled the Northern Hinterlands for centuries. A family of powerful Skin-changers, their legacy was cemented in the Hinterland's history books, as both villains and heroes over the years.
Rhethiak Galcan was no different. He had come to the throne young, and had battled to keep his lands safe and his people alive. He'd garnered the love and respect of his subjects, as well as the ire of many enemies.
It was no surprise then that one of those enemies would strike at Clan Galcan- not by going after the King, but by trying to destroy that which was most precious to him:

Princess Valiel.

@Desvelarse pets

(Yeah that's perfect!! There we go!)

The Council of High Reapers were strict on justice. They wanted the good healed and the bad punished, to keep the order of the world in line. But, like many other forms of government, they still took payments to shift the scales every once in a while.

That's where Reaper#72893 came in- Thatcher Wain. Hearing that he was selected for an important take down was amazing news for him. He prided himself on his work, and was pleased that The Council chose him to complete an important task. Finding out it was a princess of a hidden city in a chilly wasteland, though, did bruise his spirits in the slightest.

Travel had been difficult. Flying far enough as a murder of crows through cold weather was not made for him. Why they couldn't have chosen a snowy owl Reaper was beyond him. Worst of all, he had to listen to Nike complain the entire way. Hearing he whine and woof about how cold she was despite her leaving scorching footprints in the snow had started to get to him, and he was ready to get the job over with. What could a princess have done to deserve such a high profile take down? He would find that out now that he has landed on the outskirts of the settlement, shifting back into his human form and making his way into the city.