forum I Just Want A Cute Romance RP That Won't Die In A Week IS THAT SO MUCH TO ASK FOR??
Started by @Elder-God-Jacks347

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Arthur was still flushed, and now a lottle tense as he looked up at the other.

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Arthur tensed even more, not sure how to react.

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Arthur melted, burying his face in the other's shirt out pure embarrassment.

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Arthur whined in protest… "I b-barely even know you!"

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Arthur couldn't seem to stop blushing, lookinf away shyly.

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Arthur nodded slowly, nit daring to look over at the other.

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Arthur squeaked, still trying to hide, though he didn't pull away.

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"Uhmmmmm….. N-no….." he said quietly.
(Yes. Yes he does. He my little floof.)

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(You fall in love with him and I rip your heart out.)

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"Idon'tknowwwww" whined Arthur, still trying to hide.

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Arthur's eyes locked on the other, and he didn't fight.
You have soooo fallen for him haven't you…