@Nyx-is-with-frost health_and_safety brightness_7
"It's not personal I've gotten used to your smell and your stupid noises so that way I can listen for intruders it would be slightly difficult to get used to Nat having that. "
"It's not personal I've gotten used to your smell and your stupid noises so that way I can listen for intruders it would be slightly difficult to get used to Nat having that. "
Jo chuckles.
"Good to know it's not personal. And I do not make stupid noises."
"See that shit that just came out of your mouth, stupid noise. "
"Oh I know you didn't just call my voice a 'stupid noise.' Do you even realise how annoying you are? Constantly nagging me about righ and wrong and how people have morals?" Jo growls in disgust.
"It gets on my fucking nerves. You were in the military for god's sake, you wouldn't even come close to knowing right from wrong." they add, their casual position shifting.
"I sound like a human being you sound like a stupid teenage boy with daddy issues, and yeah I was in the fucking military being trained to be a goddamned fucking weapon for North Korea the place that fucked me over but at least I have respect for people unlike you. "
"Stupid teenage boy, huh. At least my daddy stayed around long enough for me to develop daddy issues, bitch. And people don't deserve respect until they fucking prove that their worth it." Jo replies, standing up, shoulders tense and eyes narrowed.
"Your acting like having daddy issues is something to be proud of! And you don't deserve respect prick you never fucking have! "
Jo growls and steps forward, slapping Nikki.
"At least I don't pretend like I have morals or empathy." they hiss.
(Bless you)
Nikki pauses for a moment before lunging at Jo and punching him in the face no commentary needed
Jo snarls as their head is snapped to the left, then punches Nikki in the jaw, not holding back.
Nikki clenched her jaw and struck Jo again
Jo smirks viciously, rolling his neck and feeling it pop before throwing a vicious left hook, catching Nikki in the ear.
Nikki grunted and swung left hitting him in the jaw and then once more in the throat
Jo takes the blows like a champ; they still hurt, but it wasn't enough to disable him.
With a growl, they grab Nikki and flip her onto her back, pinning her hands above her head and straddling her in the same manner as earlier.
"What the fuck Jo let go of me! "
Jo considers the order for a moment before grinning.
"Nope." they say, leaning down and kissing Nikki.
Nikki is about ready to scream just them Jo means down to kiss her and she panicks what the fuck is she supposed to do she fights it for what feels like forever before she finally gives in and her eyes slowly flutter closed and she let's out a soft breath
After a beat, Nikki kisses them back.
After two beats, Jo pulls back and grins, licking their lips slowly.
"Knew it." they say, not moving off of her quite just yet.
Nikki rolled her eyes and didn't say anything she didn't even look at Jo
Jo smirks.
"What? Now that I know, you can't be bothered to argue or come up with some witty response?"
Jo laughs.
"Well, good to know. All it takes is a kiss to shut you up."
"Get the fuck off of me bitch. "
"Hmmm. . . no. I actually quite like it here. Very cozy."
She scoffed and tried to pull her arms from his grasp
"What the hell do you want from me? get off!"
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