@Nyx-is-with-frost health_and_safety brightness_7
"Why are you crying whats happening?!" She screeched again looking confused
"Why are you crying whats happening?!" She screeched again looking confused
Jo starts holding their stomach, falling out of their chair with laughter.
"Oh- my god- stop screeching- I'll die-!"
Nikki's face went red and she coverd her face "your making a scene!"
"There's no other customers in the restaurant!" Jo replies, starting to wind down a little.
"There are still people here!"
"We also own the restaurant!" Jo chuckles, their laughing finally dying down to occassional giggles.
"I don't care….you're very loud-"
"Says the lady who was just screeching." Jo retorts, laughing silently.
"Nobody asked you jo."
"And nobody asked you either, yet here we are. You still mentioning how loud I am and me calling you on your hypocrisy." Jo shrugs.
"….shut up "
"Hm. No. I don't think I will. Because again, hypocrisy." Jo grins.
"Dear God-"
Jo laughs.
"I'm right."
"I don't care dear you're gonna pretend im right. "
"Mmmmm. . . no. I don't think I will. Because we both know who's really on top here." Jo replies.
"That's the amazing thing about permission, i can cut you off if i want to and you can't do anything. "
"Hmmm, true." Jo shrugs.
"Very true…do id like to think i hold the power."
"However. I also have the right to cut off permission." Jo says cheerfully.
"That's true but you're to sex driven.."
"Mmmm. Fair. But if I really tried, I could go a month without sex." Jo admits.
She smirked and crossed her arms "oh and after that one month?"
"I'd fuck twice as much to make up for lost time." Jo replies cheerfully.
Nikki tilted her back and laughed "oh thats if i let you."
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