forum I definitely shouldn't be typing this out right now... but here goes (oxo // closed)
Started by @saor_illust school

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"Cool, so I'm gonna go home and… probably do nothing, but I'll finish it at some point. Um, give me your number so I can text you if I - like - die, or if I need to brag about how great my ideas are," she closed her computer and looked up, smiling faintly.


Caelia typed the number into her phone and shoved her computer into her bag. "'Kay, cool, see you tomorrow or something," she waved and left the library.

@saor_illust school

"Okay…" Kiara stood up and watched Caelia leave, dumbfounded. Why was she being so nice to her? Didn't she recognize her from earlier that morning? She'd clearly noticed her that morning, so what was she doing?