Damn it.
Jamie gave a little sigh and continued down the stairs, throwing away the sneaky tactic. "Hey Lia, I was just grabbing some dinner before I headed back up to the lab-" They really shouldn't argue, at this point they knew it was useless.
"Ah ah ah ah no you don't." Lia walked over to her sibling and took their arm. "You are going to celebrate the death of our former number 1 enemy! Come on! It'll be fun!"
"W-which one? It changed every week-" Jamie stuttered out, letting Lia pull them along. They ended up sitting in a seat next to Lia, with a plate and a cup of soda.
"Arachnid, of course! The spider 'god' has perished at out hands!" The minions cheered. "We're celebrating his death. Soon we shall plan the downfall of Caysee, but that shall come soon."
Jamie nodded. "So now you're having a party?" They asked, voice at it's usual quiet tone. "Because I'm pretty sure I have some edibles in my lab… They were for science."
"Of course we're having a party, sibling!" Although she often felt it was awkward, Lia made it a point to use gender-neutral terms and Jamie's correct pronouns. She might have been a villain, but she loved her sibling to death. They were all she had left.
"But not that kind of party. We're getting drunk, Jamie. Not high."
Jamie shrugged. "It just tastes better than drinking, but I'll let you decide, since you did do most of the work on taking down that guy." They poked at their food, trying to figure out what would be best to eat first.
Lia quickly downed a full glass of wine, burping afterwards. It look longer to get her drunk than the normal human. The chatter in the room was immense, though you could still pick up individual conversations. She turned to her sibling.
"You alright? You know, after Arachnid's death. I…I know you guys knew each other in college. Truthfully, that's how I found out who he really was."
Jamie sighed. "He… We used to be friends, than he did stuff in college that made me realize he wasn't a good person to be friends with. I don't feel anything for him anymore, his death was deserved." They finally said, having paused to think.
"Was it really?" Lia was surprised by this information. The only reason she wanted to kill him was, obviously, because he was her enemy. "What types of stuff did he do?"
"He tried to get our group to do a lot of drugs, party ones." They said quietly. They had substance abuse issues earlier in life.
Lia's eyebrows raised. "Well then, he definitely deserved it didn't he?" The minions let out a cry again, and she just roller her eyes at them. A lot of the time, she just let them do their thing. It made them more likely to follow her biddings.
"I- yeah. I'm just happy you're happy." Jamie focused back onto their food, they picked at some meat with a fork for a bit before popping it into their mouth.
"How have your studies been going?" Lia asked awkwardly, wanting to engage her sibling. She often struggled to talk to Jamie because the two of them were so different.