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Deleted user

So I was watching a tumblr video and a post sparked my interest

siniristiriita: Okay there's introvert villains and and extrovert villains, and a sufficiently powerful villain can shape their lair to be exactly how they want, but what it two contrasting villaisn had been forced to join forces to gain power?
Like the extrovert villain is down there throwing it down with a bunch of their minions and lesser baddies and the other's screaming down from the mountaintop skull castle of solace like WILL YOU TONE DOWN THAT GANGSTER PARTY I CAN'T HEAR MY OWN BROODING.

siniristiriita: nvm additional idea: they're siblings

like yo, this is a really cool idea

Deleted user

(Having too many rps is overwhelming but can I stalk?.)

Deleted user

Pffft, this title really caught my attention!

(could i get like a writing sample? i don't think i recognise you so it'll just give me the gist of your writing)

Deleted user

Ah, I can do that!
Sorry, I just find it so awesome that something I started has become a big part of joining an rp!
Let me find a sample real quick!

Deleted user

Ah, I can do that!
Sorry, I just find it so awesome that something I started has become a big part of joining an rp!
Let me find a sample real quick!

that's all good! can't wait to see it!

Deleted user

Ryan swore in rapid fire russian, rubbing his temples as he paced. His flight home had just been canceled, he knew there was a small chance of getting a flight back to Russia, but he had tried anyways. He sighed as he typed in his mother's phone number, dread building in his stomach as he listened to it ring. "… Hi Mama… No, I couldn't get the flight… Is Amon and Remi home? … Good… Yeah…. Yes Mama I will call. I'm just gonna be stuck here for a bit… yublyu tebya mama." And the call ended, Ryan letting out a loud groan. Damn it! "Hey Tyler, my flight got canceled so it looks like I'll be staying here for the foreseeable future. You have any luck?"

Deleted user

(yeah, it seems okay. would you like the extroverted villain or the introverted villain? i think it would work well if the extroverted was older)

Deleted user

(that's cool, i was kinda leaning towards the extrovert anyway haha. i'm in school right now but i will post a template when i can)

Deleted user

Name: (last name…McKarthie? idk, it just has to be the same lol)
Age: (19-21)
Appearance: (detailed, no links unless described (can't access pinterest). i suppose whoever posts first can dictate the family's basic appearance)
Style: (day-to-day clothing)
Background: (just do a basic one)
Villain name:
Backstory: (how they got them)

Deleted user

(imma just let you know this now…i may take a while. i'm studying for a bio exam (in 6 weeks yes, but it's two units worth) and then i have like three assignments. so my time is going to be aimed there. i will work on it when i am free, but its probably better that you just work on your character and post when ready. i don't really mind all that much, but my character is female and 24 if that helps. that's literally all i've got down rn)

Deleted user

That's fine lol, I'm working on school work as well

Deleted user

(so sorry! I've only just managed to get a break!

Name: Amelia 'Lia' McKarthie
Age: 24
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Hardcore Lesbian
Appearance: Lia has dark brown hair, though it has been dyed a dark red. It reaches the middle of her back and is quite straight, typically tied in a tight and neat ponytail. Her skin is average peach, darkened slightly by exposure to the sun. Her eyes are a deep green, and she can easily manipulate them to whatever emotion she wants.
She has cracks on her skin that glow green, acid that hardened and won't remove. The acid on her face is relatively thin, and she still has complete movement over her face - so the hardened acid just moves with her face.
Lia stands at around 5'2".
Style: Lia wears decently fancy clothes. Mostly skin tight silk gowns, normally in black or dark red. She never wears casual clothes or anything in light colours, her dresses never shorter than her ankles. Lia will mostly wear high heels, and can run in them and do a lot in them.
When she is legitimately fighting, Lia wears comabt wear. Her heels turn into block-heeled boots.
Personality: Lia can be pretty bitchy. She knows what she wants and doesn't give a shit who gets hurt when she goes for it. She can be extremely determined, so don't get in her way.
Lia has slight anger problems, often unable to contain her rage and simply unleashing. She likes having followers and is surprisingly a good leader, though she doesn't lead for the right reasons.
Likes: The feeling of power, her sibling (though she doesn't show it), her powers
Dislikes: Showing feelings for her sibling, her parents, the hero (idk what the name is and i can't be bothered lol)
Background: Lia was always the hated sibling. Despite being older, she was treated like shit by her parents. They didn't care for her, and (your character) got everything without working for it. When Lia was 16 she came out, and was immediately disowned by her parents. This caused her to try and commit suicide, though that clearly didn't work. She decided to get back at her parents by being better.
Villain name: Radioactive
Powers: Lia has the ability to manipulate acid, and she can change the severity of it. Her acid has been known the completely burn through even the densest metals, and can easily melt a person down to nothing.
Backstory: Lia had easy access to acid, her parents owning a nuclear factory (though they didn't own it for much longer). She snuck into the factory and found a huge vat of glowing green acid. Completely willing, she just fell in.
She could feel the acid prickling at her skin, and she could feel it entering her nose and ears. After a few minutes of decidedly not-death, Lia climbed out of the vat. She walked home, (your character) being upstairs and unaware. In rage, Lia attacked her parents. The acid had dripped off her skin and was no longer on her, but just the touch of Lia's hands on her parents' skin burned them. Their faces and bodies became melted beyond recognition, and Lia left, only for (your character) to come down and see the sight as she was leaving (so basically your character knows that it was lia or something, recognising the back of lia's head).

Deleted user

Name: Jamie McKarthie
Age: 21
Gender: Genderfluid but often prefers they/them pronouns
Sexuality: Demiromantic
Appearance: Jamie has straight dark brown hair that's just long enough to cover their ears and be pulled into a small bun. Their skin is much paler than their sister's as they really don't go outside as much as they should. They do, however, has some light freckles and a birthmark under the right corner of their mouth. Jamie is a bit taller than Lia, standing at 5'6 or so.
Style: Jamie likes to wear loose fitting clothing most of the time, dysphoria can be a real bitch, but they occasionally will wear cinched dresses and skirts. Their favorite outfit is a large sweater tucked into jeans. Jame often wears bracelets and rings.
Personality: Jamie is a quiet person, preferring to just take everything in instead of participating in it. They come off as unthreatening and a little stupid, but in reality, they're very smart and honestly, could kick your ass any day of the week.
Likes: Warm drinks, anything they can tinker with, doing things with their hands, their sister.
Dislikes: Their parents, most people in general, ice.
Background: Jamie was always a quiet kid, not wanting to face the wrath of their parents, they stayed quiet about their thoughts and remained obedient. They saw the way their sister was kicked out when she came out and that just made them quieter. Their plan was to wait until college, then promptly ignore the parents.
Villain name: Virus
Powers: Well one, they're like super smart, but that's not really a super power they're just a nerd. Two, they can pretty much hack into anything with their brain. It's really all electrokinesis but they just think of human brains as computers without a lot of fire walls and they're set to crush you.
Backstory: It was kind of a stupid way to get super powers, essentially they had fallen asleep at their computer, knocked over their lemonade into the monitor. Right after that, they had gotten struck by lightning. However, Jamie had always had the powers, those electric shocks just started them up.
Other: They don't have a great grasp on what's wrong or right, they have little to no morals.

Deleted user

Lia looked around at her minions, her green eyes surveying every one of them. They sat around a table, a table full of cooked food and delicate meals. "Well, well, well. What a rowdy crew we are! The great Arachnid is dead!" A cheer went up, then died down. "Soon, we will move on to Caysee. But tonight?! Tonight, we feast!"

Deleted user

(oh probably in their lair. pretty sure they wouldn't be allowed in a restaurant lol)

Deleted user

(i would say so? just maybe in their own little area. i feel like lia would have made it and would therefore take up more of the place)

Deleted user

Lia looked around at her minions, her green eyes surveying every one of them. They sat around a table, a table full of cooked food and delicate meals. "Well, well, well. What a rowdy crew we are! The great Arachnid is dead!" A cheer went up, then died down. "Soon, we will move on to Caysee. But tonight?! Tonight, we feast!"

Jamie had snuck down from their lab to grab some food, not even realizing that Lia had friends over until they left the lab. It was soundproofed for a goddamn good reason. They quietly made their way down the stairs, trying to avoid catching anyone's attention on their way to the kitchen.

Deleted user

(i'm so sorry! i got super busy and somehow lost the tab!)

Lia's eyes scanned her minions, and then she managed to spot Jamie through a door.
"Jamie!" She called out, making a point that they were known. "My favourite sibling! Come feast with us!"