“I think I am ready. I’m more embarrassed by the fact I was caught so quickly and so easily.” He admitted, laughing nervously.
“It wasn’t too long after I ran away from home, actually. The first group of people I came across were a small caravan. They told me they were on their way to a new place to call home, asked if I wanted to join them. Of course I agreed to, it was too good of an opportunity to turn away.
“I got to know them over the night, and they asked about my powers, about my race and such, what I could do, if there was anything that harmed me, what they should keep away from me. Unfortunately they didn’t want to know that out of curiosity, they weren’t a normal caravan.
“They trafficked people and creatures like us. They were all humans who sought money from selling magical slaves.” He growled under his breath and drew closer to her. “It was too late when I found out their true intentions. But they didn’t sell me right away.
“They used me more like a magic detector than a living being. I lived in iron chains, wore a blindfold nearly all the time, was given nearly nothing to eat and drink, and was tormented daily. Some days they’d toss me around like I was nothing.
“I was treated more like an animal than an intelligent being. I was kept in iron chains, that burned my skin - take note I’m partially Fae - and put in a muzzle that kept me from speaking out of turn.
“If I disobeyed they’d set the dogs and wolves after me, only calling them off after I had been bitten a good few times or my throat had nearly been ripped open.”
He fell silent, scowling as he rubbed at the scars on his arm. “Then one day, I fell ill. I couldn’t stand or walk on my own, the wounds their dogs had inflicted were infected. The chains were heavy and had burned good sized wounds into my skin. When I fell into the dirt and refused to get up, the group pulled their weapons on me, threatened to cut my head off and feed me to the dogs.” That last part was only part of the truth… the caravan group had found out that he was the missing prince, and conspired to receive a heavy ransom for his head… and they meant that quite literally. They wouldn’t return him alive. Just his severed head. The rest of his body would have to be bought for an even higher ransom.
“I panicked and… the forest listened to my cries of help. I’ve never been able to replicate that power ever again. I could hear the trees as they groaned, and their roots as they broke free of the ground.
“I was still blindfolded, and so I didn’t see exactly what happened. All I remember is blacking out to the sounds of screams, and then waking up to the soft voices of a group of women. They removed the heavy chains and cloth bound across my eyes and the muzzle from my mouth. Then they treated my wounds and starvation.”