forum I am in too many Roleplays but I'm bored.... 4/4
Started by Deleted user

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Deleted user

Finally Damian pulls his hand away and drops back, walking just behind Evelyn in pure confusion.

Deleted user

"It's nice, alright. Really lets you appreciate nature sometimes…" Evelyn seems lost in thought as she self-consciously walks to town.

Deleted user

Damian ignores her, trying to figure out what the heck was happening to him.

Deleted user

Asuka doesn't really mind when Damian pulls away his hand, he just drops his hand to his side, and keeps walking.

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Eventually they reach an area full of shops, and by that time Damian had gotten ahold of himself, although still utterly confused on the earlier situation.

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"That's… a lot of stores." Asuka just stays with the group, trying to not just ditch them for stuff he wouldn't use.

Deleted user

Evelyn chuckles, "You've never been to a marketplace? They've got everything you'll need, besides the rare things, of course!"

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Damian shies a bit when he sees all the people, but recovers quickly, following Evelyn into the crowd.

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Asuka realises the other two are moving, and soon follows. He has his hands front and center, holding each other.

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Damian shoves his hands in the pocket of his hoodie, wary of both the other people, and Asuka.

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Asuka almost loses track of the other two, but luckily sees Evelyn through the crowd.

Deleted user

(I like how Damian is just fuckin wary of Asuka now, he just like "What are you doinggggg." XD)

Deleted user

Damian stays close to evelyn, keeping his head down, wary of anyone and everyone.

Deleted user

"Don't get lost now, Asuka. Wouldn't want that happening, now would we?" Evelyn still has a smile on her face, stopping by occasionally at stores.

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Damian can't help but smirk, "Just chill" he said, dropping back next to Asuka, "Chill, and focus, anfthen maybe you won't get lost"

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"No, we would not. I would find my way back to the bakery eventually if I did get lost though." Asuka says awkwardly.

Deleted user

Asuka starts to run out of breath, panting, he still keeps up though.

Deleted user

Evelyn slows down, allowing Asuka to catch his breath. She wanders until she finds a shop selling flour and sugar, where she walks in the direction and talks to the cashier, handing him money before taking her ingredients.

Deleted user

"Thank… you for… slowing down." Asuka breathes heavily, which starts to return to normal.

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Damian rolls his eyes, Surprised that Asuka had that much trouble with the brisk pace they had set.

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"t's fine, I know I'm a bit faster than most, so I'll try to slow my pace." Evelyn smiled warmly. "I'm not really used to people following me, so do please forgive me."

Deleted user

"It's no trouble for me" said Damian, "Although I also have the advantage of being half wolf.. he laughed again, also regreetting it, as his side and back ached with the movement.