Name: Robehod Godfrey/Robin Hood
Title: Queen/Lady/Queen Consort
Age: 23
Gender: Cis woman, she/her
Sexuality: Bisexual, but currently has had it up to here with men so shrugs
Appearance: Robehod is muscular, almost masculine, and tanned with rough skin from spending as much time as she can outside, rain or sun. She has short auburn hair she cut off the night she ran away, it's faintly wavy and goes down to her shoulders, always tied back. She currently is in disguise as a man, with only her most loyal followers knowing the truth of her body, and passes by pretending to be much younger than she really is. This illusion is difficult to maintain due to her height, standing at 5'11", but manageable as the crew has seen stranger. She has freckles, an apple shaped face and a long, pointed nose, with piercing green eyes that perfectly match her green almost Peter Pan-esque outfits she makes herself.
Personality: Very loud, quick to fits of passion and even madness, and frankly a handful when drunk. Always looking up to the sky and wondering what else could be out there, and always looking to women for companionship and even love. She's fickle, Robehod has always been that way, cunning, and with a great rage at humanity and what her now ex-husband has done to her once noble country.
Likes/Dislikes: Likes the outdoors, sparring, archery, and the sky. Dislikes lectures, people telling her what to do, bitter tastes, and most men.
Backstory: Robehod was married to Prince John out of a need for her family to ascend politically. She was raised with a decent education, but always wished to spar and fight with her brothers no matter how unladylike it seemed to her family. She became obsessed with archery especially in her teenage years, and it was not until she was married to Prince John at 17 did she begin to mellow out, so her family was told. In truth, she became even more of a problem, she was just someone else's to deal with now. And now, she's running off.
Other: Has taught herself to fight by sparring with her handmaidens, and is pretty damn good now too.
Name: John "Little John" Smalls
Title: N/A
Age: 25
Gender: Trans man (kinda. See backstory) EDIT he's cis now sorry I changed in the middle of writing him.
Sexuality: Bisexual also becos it's like,,, het polyamorous couple with distinctly bi… not even subtext it's just blatant.
Appearance: 7'5" in height, and with broad shoulders and muscles to make his size even more impressive. John is a true juggernaut, with curly red hair, pale skin marked with many scars, and grey eyes like stormclouds. He's got a crooked nose, full lips, and soft hands not made to kill.
Personality: Gentle giant, more subdued than Robehod but also more sensitive to others than she. Little John is frankly a nice, genuniely loving and caring dude, and he's the epitome of himbo. I can't even.
Likes/Dislikes: Dislikes the rich, violence, and religion. Likes smart folks who can do the thinking for him, animals, and the forest.
Backstory: John Smalls was born to a poor family in a village just off the edge of the woods. He was a huge baby, and he only grew bigger, becoming a grand protector of his village despite his love of animals and his desire to be less of a hero, more of a healer. He eventually got exiled after refusing to join the military on King Richard's crusades, and lives in the woods alone which to a chronic introvert like him is honestly less lonely and more chill and peaceful.
Other: He's just a funky lil dude. Chill little man.