"Oh, I'm glad people are nice to you. Just… don't get mixed up with the cheerleaders or the drill girls… I mean I hang out with the drill girls since I'm in drill, but literally they are such bitches, so I only hang out when I'm desperate. The majority of the basketball boys are actually the worst too. Most other people are either pretty nice or at least decent people." Finley explained, even though he realized it was unnecessary afterward. He smiled and giggled to himself a little. "Sorry, that was unnecessary information." He said finishing with preparing the ramen.
Ryoto laughed lightly as Finley spoke, he smiled, "I haven't noticed since they seem really nice at the moment, but I'll take your word because you go here and have been with these people a lot." He sat down his lunch for a second before noticing what the other was making, "Have you ever had real ramen or udon for that matter?" He asked, pointing at Finley's lunch, "It's the best~"
"I mean, maybe they'll be nice to you since you're new and you're not me.'" Finley said, sighing. He looked up from his still unmade ramen and thought. "No I don't think so, but I bet it is the best. Maybe we should find a place in town and I can try it we can hang out and stuff."
Rye grinned and nodded, "Yeah! That would be awesome." He glanced over to where the jocks and cheerleaders were sitting at, "Why don't they like you?" He asked, turning back to Finley with a frown.
Finley sighed, his frown mimicking Ryoto's. "I wish I knew… they just always glare at me and ignore me and are just rude in general to me. Maybe it's since I'm a guy that's in drill and dance. And to everyone else that's like really weird or something. Maybe it's also that I have long hair for a guy and I dye it a lot and I have piercings and I paint my nails from time to time. And maybe it's because I accidentally came out to my drill team and the girls all told basically everyone in the whole schools… even the teachers know. Who knows, but they just don't really like me…" He explained, almost rambling. He sighed and looked at his unmade ramen. He glanced at Rye then got up to put his ramen in the microwave, frowning the whole time, even when he came back.
Rye blinked in surprise and answered Finley when he came back with his finished ramen, "I don't think any of those things are weird, to me at least. It's a shame they don't support you, because they really should. 'Treat others how you want to be treated', said by an American most likely, I dunno." He paused to smile before going on, "But anyways, I think it's all cool and I support you, I'm gay myself."
Finley offered a small smile. "Thanks… at least someone isn't an ass to me. And you see I guess it's not that hard for me to accidentally say things. I end up rambling and tell someone something I didn't necessarily mean to tell them." He said, "See there, rambling. Sorry about dumping a heavy conversation on you when I only met you a few hours ago…" Finley settled with eating his ramen, looking down at it instead of Rye.
Ryoto shook his head and pulled out his bento, "You're welcome and don't worry about it, it's good to talk about things you need to with others." He sifted looked through his lunch and held up a small half-circle dumpling, "Would you care for a gyoza? My mom makes them and they're really good!"
Finley smiled, honestly really glad Ryoto was so nice to him. It was nice to know he wasn't completely alone in everything. He looked up at Rye then at the dumpling. "Sure, it looks really good!" He said, going back being relatively happy. He took one more bite of his ramen then grabbed the dumpling the Rye offered him.
"Yup!" Rye mumbled in return, gyoza in his mouth. He finished chewing and spoke once more, "You should come over sometime, I think you'd get along well with my mother and sister."