forum Heroes & Monsters 6/6 Group rp CLOSED
Started by @The-Dyonisia group

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@The-Dyonisia group

Tilila got up from her chair and followed the guards as they walked through the eastern hall. She kept a close eye on princess Neni. She could sense her discomfort in the situation, but assumed the least of it. She was a princess after all. As they walked through the hall, Tilila couldn't help but gaze in awe at the architectural beauty that was the Pharaoh's palace. She almost fell back on herself seeing the paintings rise into the roof of the hall. Then the scenery changed, and she noticed they had stepped out onto the sand beach of the nile, and she fixed her gaze at the Pharaoh who stood by it, paying sharp attention.
The guards that surrounded Neni dispersed as they stepped onto the beach of the Nile, exiting the Eastern hall. She sighed in relief, and looked up at her brother, and the ship he stood in front of. This was one of their father's prized ship, and he was just giving it away to some amateurs going on a wild goose chase? She looked sternly at him, almost angry, as he waved at the group.

@DancingWithMyDemons business

(This needs to start again. It is a must!)

Cassia followed the two guards, walking almost on their heels, trying to hear what they were saying. But, what she did hear made no sense, so she fell back until she was walking beside Ehlaea. “Do you know where we are going?” She asked, before realizing that she hadn’t introduced herself, to this new person yet. “Oh, sorry. I thought that you were someone other than who you actually are, but you’re not, you’re you…” Cassia stoped talking, she was processing what she had just said, but after about three seconds, she said cheerfully, “My name’s Cassia, and I don’t think I know you yet.”

@Serpentess health_and_safety languageChaos Shall Reign

(Lol, yeah)

Ehlaea turned to Cassia, listening to her. She then smiled shyly.

“I am Ehlaea. And, in regard to your question, we are being led to the Pharaoh’s ship.”

She turned away, suddenly feeling even more shy. Ehlaea knew few people, and most of them were as old as her, if not older. It was strange to talk to someone younger than her.