(Just one more person left)
(Oh, sorry @Leo_the_lion, you can't be an Egyptian prince, cause there's only one, and he's like, a villain in this plot… spoilers a bit I guess)
(Also, historically speaking, neither Cassia nor Leo would wear pants, dress shoes or glasses)
(You can be a princess, or a non-egyptian prince though! Or you could be an Egyptian spy/rogue, if you really wanted to be Egyptian)
(Ok, I'll be the princess)
(Perfect! And sorry again)
(She's probably gonna have an… interesting relationship with her brother)
(Yeah…… Can't wait for it to start!)
Hopefully soon if we get one more person!)
(I know that technically Cassia wouldn’t wear pants, but her father is merchant and doesn’t have many rules/is never there to enforce the ones he has, mom is dead, brothers don’t care, and so, PANTS!!!)
(Yay for Gender-neutral clothing!)
(Oh! That's not really what I meant, I mean literally no Roman's wore pants [at least culturally]. Like, it was considered barbaric. But, I mean, she could wear pants from the Germanic tribes I guess if that's how you spin it, no probs!)
(Leggings definitely didn't exist. You can have her wear traditionally male clothes, like a knee length chiton, which were usually the "manliest" of clothes. I'm sorry for being so naggy, I just like historical accuracy… like a lot)
(Just fyi… likely should’ve mentioned this earlier… I’m not extremely familiar with the historical details, I mostly know the mythology, but I do like to research. So, if I get something wrong, just let me know)
(Me as well. I read a lot of Greek, Egyptian, and Norse mythology but still get some things wrong.)
(Yeah, it's all good, it's MOSTLY fantasy, so for most of it, you can just make up stuff as you go, but I like fashion and other stuff to be historical. None of y'all too far off though so ur good)
This is still open for anyone to join