forum Hero x sidekick OxO! Open :)))
Started by @imJUSTasillylittleguy group

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@imJUSTasillylittleguy group

Name: Haruto daiki Okamoto
Nickname/villain name: Haru, Sunchild, Sunburst, sunspot, sunblaze, heatstroke, (he's very indescive)
Age: 29
Gender: male
Ethnicity: Japanese
Sexuality: straight


Overall appearance:
He's got yellow orange hair, amber like eyes with kinda almond shaped orbs. He's always got a stupid grin on his face, pale skin. He's got a relatively strong and nice build.
Height: he's like 5'8 ft I'd wager
Weight: 160lbs
Hair color and length: yellow orange- short.
Body build: he's got a good build a majority if the way around. He's got runners calves and a bit on the slim side but still strong.

Personality: when he's with those that he cares about and holds dear he's very open, cracks a lot of jokes and is very caring. When he's enemies with someone you might find him still crack a witty remark from time to time, but he's a lot more brutal and less merciful when fighting and takes more dangerous risks, he's calm and collected when by himself, might even seem standoffish at times.
He dosent want to interact with random strangers on the street.

Motivations (Optional): To make the world a safer place for kids, and to protect those he's cares for.
Flaws: His loyalty, he's very much a risk taker and will push his limits past there breaking point. He cares a lot for his loved ones, and would put everyone and himself at risk just to save them.
Hobbies: exploring, going on adventures outside the city limits or places he's not allowed to go, swimming, tanning.
Talents: getting a perfect tan without burning.


Basic outline: Sun beam(1): He can charge up on the sun's energy and then release it on people! He can release it in bursts at people, or like a really long laser beam. It comes out his hands and he can make it come out of his eyes if he really needed too.

Basic outline: The sun's warmth(2): Haru can heal himself and others but use the sunlight he has stored up and turning it into healing energy. He can heal sick people, and heal wounds.

Drawbacks (1): He can run out of the sunlight stored up and this move no longer works. It burns his hands when he uses it too long without cool down. It makes his eyes dry.

Drawbacks (2): the more he heals someone else the more susceptible he is to getting hurt,or too getting sick. If he heals someone's sickness, depending on the intensity, his immune system will decline equally. If he heals a big cut or wound, he will loose energy up to not even being able to move.

Inherent limitations(1): if he were to use it through his eyes too much, not only does it burn his eye balls, but he could potentially go blind or burn his eyeballs up all shriveled.

Inherent limitations(2): He cannot bring someone back from the dead without him dying in return for them living. He couldn't save himself from death.

• his body is always extremely warm
• his sun charges can charge up to as hot as the surface of the sun.

@imJUSTasillylittleguy group

Haruto made his way into the cities public library..moving through out all the books, and book shelves. It was a huge library, filled with all sorts of information. Haruto was only looking for one section though.
The comic book section.
Okay so yes he is 29 but you should be allowed to enjoy comics as long as you want, he didn't care if he was seen as childish. He loves reading comic books, and he wouldn't change that part about himself even if people spat in his face about it.
He smiles as he made his way into the comic section, there were some kids there with their parents. He just minded his own business making his way over to some Superman comic books.

@padfoot_loves_his_moony group

Lyra sighed as she accidentally ended up in the comic book section of the library. She hated comics, they rarely got the superhero life right. Why would she know? She was a sidekick to a hero. Lyra can control the 4 main elements. Fire is her easiest one that doesn't use a bunch of energy. Air was the next. But water and earth took a bunch of energy out her. That's what she hated about these comics. They weren't realistic. The truth was that using your powers for longer period of time could drain you.

Lyra paused and saw one comic book that looked interesting. Probably because the title was "Being a Superhero Isn't What It Looks Like" She went to grab it.

@imJUSTasillylittleguy group

He looked up when he heard someone else walk into the comic book section, spotting a girl that looked to be around his age. He just kinda stared a little before deciding to go back to his own comic book, though he's Definitely keeping in mind that she's there in case he can swoop in and help her out with any problems she had.
Funny…she doesn't look like someone who would like comics.

@padfoot_loves_his_moony group

Lyra felt eyes on her and immediate she went on full fight or flight mode. When she saw a guy looking at her with a face that looked like it would do her no harm, she relaxed and gave a smirk, "You know these are overrated right?"
She put the comic in her hands back on the shelf and walked closer to the guy. "Lyra….."
Her dark blue eyes held no signs of malice like they usually did whenever she met someone new but then again, this guy was cute. Lyra held out her hand.

@imJUSTasillylittleguy group

He looked back up at her when she started talking and he realized that she was talking to him. Then she started walking over to him? He moved to shut his comic, and seeing her deep blue eyes…those eyes were like the ocean…or the night sky.

He chuckled softly.

"Haruto…and I think that they are pretty great." He smiled back at her.

@padfoot_loves_his_moony group

Lyra tilted her head, "Oh so your one of those people…." She smirked and adjusted her black miniskirt so that her green sweater laid down better. "I think these comics make what actually happens and sweetcoats it."
After all, hero work could be risky and sometimes they had to make big decisions. "If you had to choose between saving the world or the person you loved the most, who would you save?" She raised an eyebrow.

@imJUSTasillylittleguy group

He raised a brow at her, watching as she adjusted her miniskirt before speaking.
"You think so? I would say that the superman comics don't sweetcoat a lot of things that happen, or the spiderman ones. There's a lot of struggle in those." He spoke, before listening to her other questions.
"Well, I guess I would try to do both."

@padfoot_loves_his_moony group

Lyra laughed, "You can't do both silly." But she smiled at him with a more sincere smile. "I gotta go…but I would like for you to change my mind about the whole comic book thing. What's you number?" She held out her phone to him with a raised eyebrow.

@imJUSTasillylittleguy group

He was kinda shocked, I mean a girl wanted to get his number? He moved to just take her phone and enter his name and number for handing it back to her.
"here! My name is Haruto by the way but most people just call me Haru." He smiled at her, "I look forward to changing your mind about comic books."

@padfoot_loves_his_moony group

Lyra just laughed and winked, "Text me." She then left the library. Heading back to her apartment, she thought about tomorrow. She was back to the sidekick gig.
The next day she entered the 'secret hidout' in her hero outfit. She had a skintight dark green body suit that was low cut. It had silver streaks along the side. Lyra had a dark red mask that only covered the upper part of her face. She went by the name Elementress.

@imJUSTasillylittleguy group

He just couldn't wipe that stupid goofy grin off his face. That just seemed surreal, he was walking on clouds the whole day, especially when he met up with Elementress later. He showed up at the secret hideout in his superhero outfit. He was decked out in colors like oranges and yellows. He wore a bright purple mask that covered his eyes, the eyeholes blacked out so you couldn't try and peer in them. He had a grin on his face as he entered.

@padfoot_loves_his_moony group

Lyra, who was sitting in her chair in front of the monitor with her feet kicked up, raised an eyebrow, "Why are you so happy?" She currently was playing with fire in the palm of her hands. Her long, silky, black hair was sorta flowing around her.
It wasn't that she didn't like the hero, it was just the way he gushed was sorta annoying.

@imJUSTasillylittleguy group

He just smirked at her, waving his finger at her. "wouldn't you like to know~ it's personal! Let's just say that it's started to get brighter for me. I'm very happy about what happened." He chuckled softly, thinking back to the girl in the library that asked for his number.
"I see your the same as usual."

@padfoot_loves_his_moony group

"Well Sunchild or Sunburst or whatever your going by right now, one of us has to be dependable. And if that needs to be me then so be it." Lyra smirked and sent a burst of wind towards him so it messed up his hair. "Anything today so far?"

@imJUSTasillylittleguy group

"Hey-! Why'd you mess with my hair?" He shook his head so it would fall back to where it was naturally.
He thought and well …he can't remember anything pressing they needed to get done.
"I'm not sure…I can't think of anything. Was there anything on the police radio?'