forum Heist Squad! (The Revival | Closed)
Started by @Moxie group

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@Moxie group

You need the impossible to happen? Well, I suppose you've come to the right team then, haven't you? The impossible is our specialty . . . for the right price. We are a finely-tuned machine can pull off the most despicable and the most dangerous of missions. We'll get the job done. Just be ready to pay through the nose.

When someone from high places with deep pockets comes to her asking her to complete an impossible mission . . . well, she really has no choice but to take them up on their offer, does she? So she puts together a team of old friends and colleagues.

This is a reboot of a previous RP that I did that was very near and dear to my heart. It takes place in modern day so please have modern weaponry. There are roles but they are just the basic, basic reasons my character choose you for the team. Please try and make them more than their role and give my character more reason to pick them. If you were in this RP previously, hi I've changed some things. If your character doesn't match the new description I gave, please change them accordingly. Also, these characters work well together and most of them generally like the leader, even if they are hard to get along with. So please plan accordingly.


  • All of andrew (Our Supreme Lord and Overseer)'s rules apply
  • Ask me before joining. If you are not me, please don't make any important decisions such as who to allow in
  • Please please please use correct grammar and punctuation and all that
  • Don't control other people's characters without asking
  • LGBTQ+ is both welcomed and encouraged
  • Hate between the characters is alright, hate between each other is not (be nice guys)
  • Try and make your characters diverse in personality, race, sexuality, gender etc. (No Mary/Gary Sues)
  • I have the right to deny you from joining and it might just be because you don't have the writing style I'm looking for
  • If you have major plot ideas that is encouraged, just pm me
  • There's going to be lots of swearing here. And murder and thievery. And possibly drinking and gambling. If you're not okay with that, don't join.
  • Romance is totally allowed but don't talk about it and don't plan it beforehand. Just let it happen people
  • Please give detailed answers with vivid imagery and at least two-three sentences
  • If I haven't rp-ed with you before I'll ask you to supply a sample of your writing or link a rp you've been in on here
  • I reserve the right to add to these if I want.

The Leader - Me
The leader of the group. She brings them all together, does the majority of the planning, and leads them.
The Right-hand: @The-Moral-Ambiguity-of-Metaphors
They are an old friend of the leader. They trust her completely and know how to work with her. Let's just say this isn't their first mission together. They may not look dangerous at first, but there's a reason they're the right hand.
The Hacker: @Caustic_Fraust
They can crack any code, get into any computer, break any firewall. They are insanely smart and good with computers. Leave it to them, they'll crack the code.
The Scout: @Dances_with_Shadows
At their very core, they were chosen for the way they look. Which is intimidating. This member does not mess around and will not hesitate to break you in half.
The Seductor: - @FaeEris
They are way more than just a pretty face, but wow is that face pretty. That being said, they're also incredible at picking up on social cues, lying, and getting people to do what they want. They might as well use what they have, right?
The Informant: @LotusFlower-79Protons
If you have an idea for this character, pm me. You never know what this team needs that I may have missed.

Template - (Please no links, please fill out everything, and please make this detailed)

Age: (Late teens-late 20s)
Clothing: (Mission outfit and regular outfit)
Specialty: (Role)
Weapon of choice:
A quote you think describes them:
Other (optional):

@Moxie group

Ooo could I possibly snag seductor? I feel like that could be tons of fun

Sorry, but Eris was in the original and she had that spot already. Can I interest you in another one?

@Moxie group


This looks really interesting.

I don't think I've rped with you (sorry if we have and I don't remember). WOuld you mind posting either a sample of your writing or linking a rp you've been in?

@ElderGod-kirky group

It's all good! Fair warning, I alter my replies based off of the time I have to reply, what's going on in the roleplay, how much interaction between the characters is happening, and just motivation in general (end of the school year sucks and my brain is just dead).

Here's a roleplay I'm currently in that kinda shows my different reply lengths.

Deleted user

Name: Luca Winchester
Age: 21
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Bisexual
Appearance: Lithe hour glass frame that she feels more comfortable dressing down, but on a job she flaunts it. She's got sharp Russian features (cheek bones for days, straight pert nose, big full lips). Nice olive toned skin with a slight tan; long golden hair that usually adorably messy or perfectly styled, there is no in between. Storm grey eyes that are tilted slightly upwards at the corners giving her a catlike look. A bit on the short side at, 5'5" but she makes up for it with killer heels.
Clothing: For missions she wears a skin tight kevlar cat suit, black in color (The Catwoman vibes are real) For regular day to day clothing she wears really comfy modern styles. Mostly jeans and tshirts.
Personality: She is a stone cold manipulator. She is a pro at reading people and can easily use that information to get what she wants. She has a knack for being lucky in all situations, which has gotten her out of trouble plenty of times. Fate seems to be on her side. Incredibly intelligent and confident in her abilities. She's loyal to her crew, who she views as her family. With them she is kind, teasing, affectionate, and all around the life of the party. Everyone on the crew views her as a little sister.
Specialty (Role): The Seductress, but she's also an accomplished acrobat, thief, and hand to hand fighter. (Think Catwoman)
Weakness(es): Under her armor of being a manipulator she is actually very emotional and can let it get in the way sometimes, borderline bipolar. When she snaps, she snaps. She once murdered someone on accident after losing control of her anger. She carries that guilt around still. She has a really shitty taste in men and still bares the scars from her last 'relationship'.
Weapon of choice: anything that can be hidden under a slinky dress or in her cleavage, usually a fancy set of slim throwing knives. She has a bizarre love of guns but rarely ever uses one.
Background: Raised on the streets of New York, she got in with a Russian crime family that did no good things to her. But she used the training she got from them and got her revenge. Picked up by the crew mostly on accident because she tried to steal from them.
Hogwarts House: Slytherclaw
Likes (optional): big warm sweaters, guns, cake
Dislikes (optional): foster care system, mob/crime families, dirt
A quote you think describes them (optional): "There is no beauty without some strangeness."
Other (optional): is a kind of person that sits where humans shouldn't sit: counter tops, fridges, rafters etc. The higher, the better.
Shipping: Open (ish) I really gotta like the character and they have to vibe well with Luca. She's a handful. (Trust)

@Moxie group

It's all good! Fair warning, I alter my replies based off of the time I have to reply, what's going on in the roleplay, how much interaction between the characters is happening, and just motivation in general (end of the school year sucks and my brain is just dead).

Here's a roleplay I'm currently in that kinda shows my different reply lengths.

You're in! What spot would you like? (besides hacker. I'm holding that open for the moment just in case)

@ElderGod-kirky group

Hmm, I have a character in mind that might be good for the right hand, but I'm not too sure where she'd fit (a lot of my characters are good at multiple things) She's really versatile in her skills, but is mostly good at gaining information and people's support. Sharp tongue and blade, as I like to say about her.

Deleted user

Moxie, I'm here! Can I still use the same character/position as last?

Deleted user

hi um may I

(Though I noticed a Right Hand might be taken rip)

@Moxie group

hi um may I

(Though I noticed a Right Hand might be taken rip)

(I mean you were in the original so you would have first dibs on your original role)
The only thing is I don't feel like Casey and Cameron connected all that much. The right-hand needs to trust her completely, be comfortable around her, and ideally not immediately dangerous
So maybe if you re-worked the character a little or used a new one?

Deleted user

hi um may I

(Though I noticed a Right Hand might be taken rip)

(I mean you were in the original so you would have first dibs on your original role)
The only thing is I don't feel like Casey and Cameron connected all that much. The right-hand needs to trust her completely, be comfortable around her, and ideally not immediately dangerous
So maybe if you re-worked the character a little or used a new one?

I could definitely work out a couple of the problems in Cameron's character. I definitely understand what you mean. I'd love to join again if I could.

@Moxie group

Yeah, totally go for it

And just so everyone who was in the previous rp knows, I updated the character sheet a tiny bit

Deleted user

Name: Cameron "Umber” Metzler
Age: 28
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Bisexual
Appearance: Dark brown hair that is swept up into a left part that suits his face very well. Matching dark brown eyes that are somewhat hooded and dog-like. This dog-likeness comes out when he is confused. He’s 6’4 with a rather broad frame and face.
Clothing: Often wears dark clothing with long cloak-like drapes from a hood and mask that covers his face effectively. Outside of that, he doesn't really wear much of value, just jeans or a t-shirt.
Personality: On the outside he is soft and caring, but the inside he is a stone cold criminal. He can be very alluring at times, though he mostly doesn’t mean to. He gets confused very often. Though depending on his mood, he can be very different.
Specialty: He is Right-Hand, but he’s also specialized in blacksmithing, goldsmithing, silversmithing and jewelry making.
Weakness(es): He can get so confused he looks stupid. He’s not the most intelligent. Secretly a psychopath, very manipulative and keen. He is also incredibly protective and noble, will hold any promise to heart and will protect anyone who falls under his care.
Weapon of choice: He enjoys a particularly meaty axe or just a happy little knife in his boot. But he will use his favorite sniper rifle if it comes to it.
Background: Abandoned as a child with his two sisters at a young age and sacrificed to an army to be raised as a stone-cold soldier. This is where many of his quirks stem from, but the most is from the abandonment issues. He and his siblings broke away from the army at age twenty-three, where Cameron found them a place go live (an abandoned warehouse). In a desperate search for a well-paying job, he found one in a Hired-Assassin group who gave him his classic nickname “Umber” from his hair and eye coordination. He still has the cloak he was gifted, and he still works for them when he is needed (though they will not be getting in the way ^-^)
Likes: He loves a good cup of tea and a warm blanket. And murder.
Dislikes: He dislikes pricks who are so far up their asses they can't snap awake to see who they’re talking to.
A quote you think describes them: “We can easily forgive a child who is afraid of the dark; the real tragedy of life is when men are afraid of the light.”
Other (optional): I will not have his small sidestory, considering that's what I think mainly got in the way of his character from trusting Casey. Also another thing: His two sisters are living in a nice country home near the base. He often goes and visits them. Their names are Sophie and Rem.
Shipping?: Depends what Eris says lmao


Name: Lloyd Saxon Windsor (nicknames are up to y'all of course)
Age: 18
Gender: male
Sexuality: g A y (closeted)
Appearance: his hair is kinda like this but blond. He has green eyes, pale skin, and freckles and is about 5'5". Thin, smol, adorable boyo
Clothing: (Mission outfit and regular outfit) His mission outfit is a form fitting latex like black suit, similar to the ones normally seen on females if you were to look up female spies or something. He wears a belt for electronic things (and bobby pins if worst comes to worst) and he has a black bag for carrying his laptop and extra wires he might need for a mission. His every day clothes are typically just a hoodie and jeans, sometimes with black headphones.
Personality: Cold and calculating most of the time. He doesn't speak much unless necessary for a mission or something, but he's not necessarily against it. He's just not super great with social interaction. He's very tech savvy and generally incredibly smart. There's something about computers that he understands much more than the average person, and he's practiced hacking since he was young.
Specialty: (Role) hacker
Weakness(es): Can occasionally cause problems with a lack of communication. He's not very physically adept and freezes up in fights. (Basically he is bad at protecting himself) He can be tense or anxious, but never really bothers to fix his own problems. He also (while it does take a lot of pushing) can harbor quite a temper when provoked enough.
Weapon of choice: He doesn't really like weapons, but he has an emergency dagger in his laptop bag
Background: Lloyd grew up as a sort of distant person. He always had a way with technology that he didn't with people. His sympathy and empathy skills are lacking, which led some people to think he's a psychopath (he isn't, but occasionally displays psychopathic tendencies). He discovered hacking in middle school and got really into it, in addition to general coding. He hacked the PA system a couple of times for practice, and was suspected, but never caught. He left home as soon as he turned eighteen and now he's in this group.
Likes: Computers, nighttime, silence, coffee, dogs, Irish folk songs
Dislikes: Crowds, clamor, having to pick locks manually, when people ask him personal questions
A quote you think describes them: "Technology is a useful servant but a dangerous master"
Other (optional): He has really bad trust issues so y'all probably have to break his walls before he'll tell you anything about himself other than his name
Shipping?: I mean why not?

Deleted user

Luca probably is going to adopt him. Justsayin.