Crimson stared at the numbers 'why would he put his phone number?' 'would he want her to contact him?' 'was he playing her?'
Crimson stared at the numbers 'why would he put his phone number?' 'would he want her to contact him?' 'was he playing her?'
“Why did I agree to that? I’ve known about this concert for months.” Dylan mumbled, lifting his head up to give her a weak smile. “Well, clearly I need sleep. I have some stranger my phone number tonight. That’s probably not going to end well.” He mumbled, resting his face in the crook of her neck.
Crimson shook her head and pulled out her phone punching in the number Hey hi uh sorry this is Crimson you put your number on my autograph so I figured I'd text you
Feeling his phone buzz in his pocket, he slid it out as he sat up. “Probably my manager coming to nag me again.” He mumbled, reading over the message in silence. “Or- not.” Dylan mumbled typing up a reply. ’I honestly didn’t think you’d text me.’
Crimson felt her phone vibrate and looked at it honestly I didn't think you'd want me too
When Dylan received an odd look from Payton, he waved it off as he started to reply. "Don't worry about it. It's nothing… just a friend." He insisted, typing. 'I gave you my number, didn't I?' Payton scoffed, taking his phone from him. "Yeah right. You don't have any friends. The only contacts you've got are me, dad, Carrie, and your manager. You don't even have celebrity numbers." She sassed, reading over the text. "Hey! Come on, don't be mean. I can keep you from coming back stage next time."
True True she typed back with a small smile
When a new text popped up, Dylan reached out to take it. Though Payton pulled it back. "Payton! Give me my phone!" He whined out, unable to take it from her. "Not until you tell me who you're texting!" She whined back, in a mocking way. "It's a girl I met at the concert, now give. It. Back." Dylan grunted, taking it back so he could respond. 'Anyways, why'd you text? Just wanted to say hi?' He asked Crimson, setting his phone aside. "Wait- you actually talked to a girl? You talked to a girl!?" Payton asked in disbelief, trying not to laugh. "As a matter of fact, I did. Now, just buzz off."
Im not exactly sure I wasn't going to text you but something drew me to you that probably sounds stupid
'Not more stupid then me saying it earlier.' When Payton scooted away, he sighed sinking into the seat of the limo. 'I can't talk for long. I'm on my way back home. It's already late, and I'm going on 'Morning Show' tomorrow.' Dylan insisted, drumming his fingers on his knee.
The morning show with Kathy Gorce well in that case good luck and I'll see you tomorrow
'Oh god… you're going to watch?' He asked her, resting his head back on the head rest. 'Well, prepare to watch me anxiously wait for it to be over. If you're heading out, I'll text you tomorrow.'
Okay goodnight Fitzpatrick
'Night Wolfie. Take care of yourself.' He sent in, before locking his phone and sighing. "Well, I might just fall asleep in the car if we don't get back soon…" Dylan whispered as he slowly started to drift off.
She smiled at the nickname before shutting her phone off and laying back on her sheet covered matress
(Shall we timeskip until the next day?)
(Alright! I'll get it up.)
As the sun rose, Dylan was already on the set of 'The Morning Show' with Kathy Gorce. He was exhausted, his head still pounding from the night before. He looked as awful as he felt. But you couldn't see it though the hundred pounds of makeup he had on his face.
"I hate this stuff… I don't understand how you women wear it all the time." Dylan muttered to Payton, so badly wanting to smear it off. "Because it's expected from 50% of society. That's why." She whispered back, her smile just as tired as his. "Now, you've got thirty seconds until you're live. Coffee will be brought to you on your first break… with a breath mint. Now get ready, and break a leg."
Crimson as she said was watching she was on her worn out couch watching with her Dalmatian's head on her thigh as she ate popcorn, everyday breakfast for her
"Gooood Morning, everyone!" Kathy's overly perky voice was heard, as the show started. The younger woman was sitting on the edge of her seat, with feet crossed in a proper way. "I'm glad to see all of your faces today, because just as promised, we've got America's current big thing! Starting out as just an internet star, our favorite male artist pulled ahead when his videos were caught by a big name. Everyone say hello, to Dylan Fitzpatrick!"
Crimson couldn't help but smile when she saw his face on her television, she didn't know why or how but when they met yesterday she felt a connection
Waving, his smile was barely there as he took a seat on stage. "Morning, Kathy." Dylan greeted, shaking her hand firmly before sitting down. "Good morning, young man! I'm so thrilled you could join us, especially right after an amazing show last night." Kathy complimented, pulling back from the firm handshake."We're all so honored to have you here, right everyone?" She asked the studio crowd, receiving loud applause.
She shook her head but the smile remained on her face "people are so loud buster" she said
Once the crowd died down, Dylan seemed to relax a little bit. His smile was more genuine, and he tried to focus on the fact this was totally normal. "Thank you, you guys are too kind. As you know, I'm preforming my newest song later in the show. All I'll tell you now, is that it's an acoustic, so just me and my guitar." Dylan informed them, relaxing into the couch. "Oooh, sounds exciting!"
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