forum "Haven't seen ya' around here before~" (O/O) (closed)
Started by @Dirt

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"Apparently, I'm the force behind the weather. Woulda been nice t' know durin' that hurricane." Lucky grumbled, not making an immediate move for her gun. This is what I get for saying I'm good at getting out of bad situations. Of she could help it, she wouldn't need the gun at all. She knew that was wishful thinking though.


"She's gonna get us all killed!"
Estaban sighed, could the idiots he called his crew get anymore stupid? He shook his head and glared. "Mutiny?" He asked, loud enough for everyone to hear over the ever louder wind. "Is that what's going to happen?" He couldn't deny he was scared, but that wouldn't stop him from hidding it. Some of the pirates started to gather around them. Apparently mutiny was, what was going to happen.


"Oh, for the love of-" Lucky muttered, slipping the gun from her boot and firing a single shot into the air to quiet them. "Mutiny? Where the hell've your brains gone? A little storm ain't gonna fuck you over, unless this is your first damn day on the sea." Her voice was commanding, like she'd had practice getting people to listen to her.


It wasn't the gun shot that scared Estaban, but much rather the way Lucky was so commanding all of a sudden. It even seemed to frighten the rest of the crew. They all suddenly stopped and looked at each other dumb-founded. Thunder screaming in the background. "But-" Estaban sent a glare that shut the one talking up. "The only way we're all gonna die, is if ya idiots don't get yer carp together. Nd' if ya really think we're all gonna die I'd be more then happy to throw ya over board right now."


Lucky lowered the gun, tucking it back in it's place in her boot. She watched Estaban, glad she'd at least made the crew pause. He'd offered her a means of escape, she wasn't going to repay him by getting him killed.


"see, she's friendly." Estaban chuckled at his own joke. "Now, this ship ain't gonna sail its self." He mentioned around them before turnning to lucky. "Glad ya had that gun."


"Ya alright?" He took into consideration her posture. He himself was also somewhat weary still. After all, scared people can be hard to predict. He hadn't known how'd they would react to the gun. Though he was glad it seemed to frighten them.


"Fine." Lucky nodded, shooting him a smile that didn't quite reach her eyes. "Bit startled, which don' make sense. Considerin' it was bound t' happen at some point. I'll be gone at the next stop, so don' worry about the high tensions lastin' too long."


"I'm sure tensions wont last long anyway. They'll get used to it. But yer more then free to leave at the next stop still." Estaban felt a twang of- what? He didn't really know.


(Sorry I was gone all day yesterday.)

"Eh, there will always be issues." He waved a hand.
The wind seemed to be picking up more and more. Making the ship rock.
"Now, I have a ship to steer. Either get to safety or be useful- just don't get into any trouble."


"You're forgettin' who I am." She said, rolling her eyes. "You go do your thing, cap." Lucky turned, pulling her hair out of the way with a scrap of cloth, and headed off to help.

((It's cool!))


"Ya don't have to call me cap!" Estaban shouted after her, a smile pulling at his lips. He stalked off the the stern of the ship, and took hold of the wheel.
(I have no idea how to write a ship in a storm, so bear with me. Lol.)


((Sksksk moOD))

Despite the original looks and wariness, Lucky's help with the sails seemed to be appreciated. It was obvious she knew her way around a ship, and the violent rocking of the boat wasn't phasing her.


(Or how to write a ship, or storm. This is gonna be a mess I'm sorry.)

The waves seemed to be trying to take over the ship. Trying to send it under along with everyone on it. Estaban shouted commands and fought with the steering wheel. Taking as many waves head on as the ship could.


((Well, ship terminology is pretty easy to find online, but the storm part…eeehhh))

The deck was slick from ocean water, waves nearly taking the ship every few seconds. And Lucky was loving it. It had been too long since she'd been on a ship of decent size, and storms had always been one of her favorite things. Even if she seemed to be the only one to think so, bustling about the ship and lending help where it was needed.


(Yeah I've been looking up the ship thing, but I'm not getting much on storms.)

"Man over board!" Shouted someone from the left edge. Estaban cursed. "Get em back up!" He shouted back. A rope was thrown over board in hopes the man wasn't already dead.


A shout of man overboard from near the port beam caught Lucky's attention as she helped a man stand. Shit. That's not good, in waters like this. "Any luck gettin' 'im?" She called, making her way over.


Men shook their heads at her question. Estaban cursed. The wind seemed to laugh, the sea had claimed her prize. Now was the real question, would she claim more.
"Back to work!" Estaban shouted, sorrow finding a way into his voice.


"Wait!" Lucky leaned over the beam, not exactly a safe idea, as she caught sight of something. Dimly, a shout reached her ears, cut off by the waves.


Estaban panicked when he saw lucky lean over, he thought she was falling. He quickly let go the wheel and ran to her side, put and arm around her waist and pulling her back. "Don't go so close to the edge," he hissed out.


A startled noise slipped from her, and she looked down at his arm. "I saw-fuck. He was right there." Lucky didn't elbow him like she had last time, just made for the railing once more.


Estaban almost completely released her, but kept an arm aroumd her for safety. "Crud." He waved someone over to the wheel so they wouldn't cap size. He bit his lip anxiously, looking from the water to the rope. "You better be right." He pulled his arms back away from Lucky, grabbed the rope, threw the other end to some men and started lowering himself over the side. It was stupid yeah, but if he could save one of his crew it might be worth it.


"Fuckin'-shit." If she'd been being honest, that had been what Lucky was about to do. That didn't mean she wanted anyone else to do it though. "Be careful." Was all she shouted over the roar of the ocean, carefully leaning over to keep an eye on him.