"Couple hours I think." Every time she spoke, her 'r's gad a certain 'flip' to them, voice rolling like honey. "Waddya got in mind, cap'n?" It was only slightly mocking, mostly just a reference to how quick he seemed to take charge.
"Well like I said before, most won't try n' take on a witch. When my crew comes we'll get ya' out, n you put on yer little show n' scare the blood hell out of everyone else." Estaban froze, seeming to be listening to something. His grin only grew. "Hope yer' ready ma'am."
A few seconds latter a scuffle was heard above. A few shouts and curses, then silents. Estaban chewed the inside of his lip, hoping the suden lose of sound was his crew and not just some idiot they where dragging in.
"Ma'am is somethin' you call a lady." Lucky shot back, tossing her hair over one shoulder. "And I ain't one of those. I can put on a good show though, don' you worry." She winked, before focusing on the sounds above them. If it was a show he wanted, it was a show he'd get.
The door at the far end of the hall flew open and a lanky man walked though, walking with a slight limp and holding his side. "Morn' cap. Enjoyn' yer cell?" The two laughed. "Ya' blanken' fool. Glad yer still alive." He added and walked to the cell, keys in hand. Once the cell door was open Estaban walked out and stretched, "this little lady here's a witch. Our ticket ou'. Get her cell too." Estaban clapped the other on the back as he went to unlock the girls cell door. "What be so special about ya'd?" He asked as he swung her door open too.
"Absolutely nuthin'." Lucky shrugged, unbuttoning the top couple buttons of her button up, and rolled up the sleeves. She slipped a small knife from her boot, twirling it with a wicked grin. "I make a pretty good witch, though."
"A witch?" He shot a questing look at Estabon, who only smiled in response. "Onward shall we? We ain't got much time." Estabons tone Ernest. Who know how much time they had before guards where sent after them.
" 'Bout five minutes, if you're lucky." Lucky said, tossing the knife in the air and catching it. "Shall we, cap'n?" She shot him her signature grin, less evil than the other.
"We shall." He returned the grin and martched out. Of course it didn't take long before someone spotted them and started screaming blood murder. What a sight they must have been. Two pirates and a supposed witch. Why anyone in their right mind would go running to the guards. "Hasten thy selves, lets try n' not have ta' kill anyone."
"Well aren't you responsible." She quipped, matching his pace but staying just a couple inches behind him to his side. Her stride was confident, and she kept her chin up and her smile sharp. Just like the witch these people feared.
The news of a witch spread quiet fast, and most people cleared from their path. But of course guards had a job, no matter how much fear they had. "Got yer' little show figguered out?" Estaban shot a quick glance at Lucky, he wasn't sure if this would work.
"I've had my show figured out since you suggested it." Lucky affirmed, the blade of her knife glinting in the light as she moved it, prepared. "Give me the go, and you got a show."
"Cap- we gotta' problem." Said the one how rescued them- his name Raphael. As from before, he'd been limpping and holding his side. Now he seemed to be lagging behind. "Raphael you blumming fool. Yer' wounded?" Estaban took a few steps back and threw an arm around Raphael. "How abou' now?" He said, speaking to Lucky.
"Gotcha." Lucky winked, before stepping away from them, raising her now bleeding hand. "Vocationem imperium, quod ut incredibile! Creatio autem non est de hoc mundo mihi copulare?" She chanted in a loud and eery voice, watching everyone pull to a stop around her. Using the fresh blood, she pulled open the collar of her shirt and began painting strange symbols, thanking whatever god allowed a gust of wind to whip around her.
Estaban raised an eyebrow, surprise jumping to his face. He almost stopped. But he remembered this was all just an act. Or at least he hopped it was. He picked up his pace, almost dragging Raphael along. He hopped the wound wasn't to bad. Its not like they had someone for this kinda stuff. Raphael would either get better, or not. That's just how things where. "Good work." Estaban smiled at Lucky.
Lucky followed, her back to Estaban and facing the onlookers as she continued to chant in Latin. She paused for a second to make a few odd gestures with her arms, and a few people jumped back in surprise. "I'm good at what I do. I hope you've got a needle and thread back on your ship, because he's limping like he's bleeding out." She resumed her chanting, steadily growing in volume.
"He'll be fine." Or at least that's what Estaban hoped. They might not look it, but his crew was his family.
By now a few soldiers had joined the crowd, holding their swords out as if that would help. Not that it wouldn't, but the whole chanting had ridden them with fear.
"Not much farther." They just had to get to the docks, steal a row boat, and get to Estaban's ship.
"I have an idea." Lucky muttered out of the corner of her mouth. A way to keep them scared, and cause a distraction. "Can you carry him at all?" She resumed her chanting, occasionally looking over at the two pirates.
"Why do ya' ask?" Estaban took to a stop and hoisted his friend onto his shoulders, and resumed his walking. Slower then before of course, but if he really pushed himself Estaban could get to a jogging pace. At the sight of the soldier's Estaban's fingers twitched for some kind of weapon. He didn't like being unarmed. Unable to defend himself if push came to shove.
"Good. Hope you don't mind loud noises." Lucky said cryptically, winding down her chanting and letting the stillness fester. The crowd stood silently, anxious and anticipating. And with a sleight of hand, Lucky pulled something from the pouch at her waist and threw it to the ground, a loud bang sounding, and they were enveloped in smoke and gunpowder.
You'd think someone who'd been around cannons most of their life wouldn't have played heed to the noise. But that still didn't change the fact Estaban and Raphael both jumped. "Maybe a better warning next time?" He shot a glare her way.
"You're a pirate!" Lucky said, shoving him gently to get him going. "I figured it wouldn't matter! Now hurry up, 'fore they realize I'm full 'o' shit." In any other situation, she would have found it kind of amusing, but the sound of a gun firing blindly into the smoke sobered that thought.
"Well pardon me ma'am." Estaban hurried along at her shove. Smiling secretly to himself. It wasn't ever day a woman helped you escape a death sentence after all.
The gun shots earned another jump from Estaban. Being shot at wasn't nescacerly his favorite pass time, though it seemed to be what happened most. "Ya'd make a fine witch ya'd know." He joked as he picked his pace, Huffing slightly.
"Aw, how sweet." Lucky cooed jokingly, ducking out of the way of a rock being thrown. Who threw rocks at criminals? She was grinning wildly, visible through the dissipating smoke as they neared the docks. It probably wasn't healthy, but something about the adrenaline rush she got from chases like this made her excited.
Once at the docks Estaban practically threw Raphael into the boat. "Sorry mate." He said as he hopped down grabbing an ore. "Well my lady. I fear this is where we part ways." Though nothing in his tone was fearful- we maybe a little. The rocks kinda surprised him.
Lucky had known this was coming, women were a bad luck charm on ships, after all. Didn't change the fact that she actually kind of enjoyed his company. "Yeah, yeah. Get on then, and you're welcome." She said, a little hint of something fearful in her voice as it hit her that she was trapped. She turned her back to the pirates, trying to think of a way out of another mess. They had taken her gun, and any weapons they could find. All she had left was herself then.