“Wing…!” She whispered, poking her head out from behind Jake excitedly, proudly fluffing up her tiny wings.
“….So…shapeshifting?” Rainbow asked, seeming uncertain, putting a single hand on her hip. “That or a very detailed mech. Either way, I’m impressed, kid.” She chuckled, looking at Tempest.
"Yeah ya got me I'm Temp." he grinned a bit and looked closer at Angle. "We'll help protect her." With all the excitement and slight mind change with his form shift Tempest had it completely out of his mind that he had been angry "Welcome to Haven." Although he was happier in this form he didn't realize that his smile could be a bit…toothy to say the least.
Angel smiled back, bearing a slightly disorienting amount of sharp teeth. “Temp!” She beamed.
“Heh. Weirdo.” Rainbow joked, before sighing. “Okay…the reason you’re here is because I have something to say to you all…” She said calmly, crossing her arms with a sudden look of seriousness.
Mallory raised a brow, crossing her legs. "What's up? Though, I already know what it's about." She muttered the last bit under her breath.
She didn't want to be rude, so she'd keep little comments like that to herself.
"what is it?" Tempest's ears twitch a bit as he looks to Rainbow
“We know Actinolite. And her intentions with Tiger aren’t good-“
“Tiiiiguurrrr!” Angel said in a slightly hushed voice.
“Shush-“ Rainbow hissed, “As I was saying; Actinolite is a terrible Gem you do NOT want to mess with. She could easily end your fragile lives with a swish of her cape!”
Jake whispered to Angle. " you need to calm down… here i'll make you something to play with." He then made ice figures of animals and handed them to her.
"Well let's not let her find Haven then" Tempest responded his tail wagging stopped and hung limp over his seat "As long as Jake can get those possessions under control we should be alright"
Jake nodded. " i will have someone watching me whenever i do have one…just in case. that way we can stop it at it's source…and maybe track down Kat. And im also willing to help fend off as many creatures that Kat may send."
Angel looked at the ice animal in awe, slowly taking it from him and smiling. That seemed to distract her for the time being.
Rainbow nodded sharply, a look of determination appeared on her face. “And make sure to keep the other critters away from her; she has quite the collection of them already.” She shuttered, remembering Tiger’s description of the unholy sight of pickled specimens on her shelves…ugh…
"I'll try my best." Tempest assured her, his expression still a calm lazy happy, though he hoped Tiger wouldn't find his collection for some of the creatures were indeed still alive.
True, that might trigger her memories, maybe even send her into a panic attack. But luckily, Rainbow was here, and it was quite obvious that she cared very deeply about Tiger, and would know how to calm her down.
“Good.” Rainbow said sharply. “I should also tell you her story…”
Mallory was tired, already scanning Rainbow's memories. She had it all in her own head now, nothing much to listen to. But she would, to be polite.
Tempest seemed to open an invisible locker where he pulled out a notepad and pen, then looked to Rainbow, listening intently
She began telling Tiger’s background, about how Actinolite mistreated her, about how she couldn’t summon her weapon… And what Actinolite’s purpose is and her most famous creation… The Cluster.
Jake sat there trying to figure out how to get to Kat without her knowing. then the idea hit him. after rainbow explained Tiger's background he said. " Hey Tempest…do you know anyone who does experimentation on people like me? "
She blinked for a moment, before saying “I’ve been talking about her for like, twenty minutes now.” Rainbow quipped, confused, and a little annoyed that he interrupted that crucial bit about Actinolite’s purpose as a scientist.
Jake then looked at rainbow. "im sorry i just. Dazed. please continue." He then sat down next to angle and made her more little figures of animals.
“So, Actinolite is a scientist, creating bio-weapons for the Diamonds. Her best creation yet is the Cluster, an amalgamation of shattered Gems, she fused their shards together to create monsters made of limbs and bodies without a mind of their own.”
Sounds like what Marcus does…creates things for his own bidding, things that…no longer have a soul…though Marcus' beings were once people…some of them people we once knew." Temp's ears flattened against his head, his mood dropping considerably .
Mallory noticed this, and stood up from her slouched position. She walked over to him and put a hand on his arm. "Hey, it's OK, I know that must be hard." She said softly looking up to his face.
"It's okay…you just…don't know if that thing that's trying to kill you, that thing that you're forced to kill…who they were. I just feel guilty…maybe I could find a way to help them instead of killing them…it's stupid though," He avoided eye contact "I know they're gone…she's gone." that last part almost silent
Mallory wanted to talk to him, wanted to tell him that maybe there was a way. But she couldn't, it may not be true, so why should she try and stop his negativity. She couldn't make it all just go away. "It's not stupid, I spent years trying to do something to bring my brother back, but I didn't even know where he was. He could've and could be completely dead as we speak. But I didn't care, I tried to find him. It isn't stupid Tempest, it's just a hope you get. You can't stop it."
"If this person is doing something so similar to your kind Rainbow…I wanna help stop that…I don't care if it's gonna be hard if not impossible…I at least wanna feel I did something." His thoughts were guarded and any attempt to delve into his mind would prove unsuccessful
“Finally, someone understands how terrifying this should be!” Rainbow gave an exasperated sigh, “Just imagine what it would look like as organics! Limbs melted together, like some sort of terrible creature reaching out for help!!”
“They actually still have minds…” A small voice interjected. Rainbow turned around to see Tiger solemnly standing at the entrance. “…They’re still alive…..”