Ashley shrugs, already done.
"Sorry. . . but I'm already done," she replies.
She stands up and stretches, looking at her hands.
"I'm going to go now. I might see you tommorrow. It depends on how I feel about human interaction. . ." she says, disappearing.
Emily turned around and laughed
"Oh so eat my food and leave- oh your already gone okay. "
(The moral of this story? Socially inept ghosts are hilariously good at disappearing when they don't want to talk anymore XD )
It's another few days before Ashley shows up again.
"I- I was thinking. . ." she starts.
(Of course)
Emily was cooking and when Ashley popped up outta nowhere she nearly had a heart attack "ah! Jesus Christ I said stop doing that! "
Ashley yelps, then sighs.
"And could you stop yelling when you get startled? It's a bit distracting and just a tiny bit scary. Just a tiny bit."
"I tell when I'm surprised okay there's nothing wrong with that, just- what were you saying?"
"I forgot. . ." Ashley says, embarrassed.
"Y- you screamed. That tends to make me forget everything and want to hide."
"well think about what you were going to say."
"I'm trying. . ." Ashley whispers.
"well I'm going to continue to cook let me know if you remember."
Ashley nods and sits down against a wall, semi-close to Emily.
Eventually, she just starts watching the still living girl.
Emily shook her head and laughed a little to herself as she cut vegetables when she could feel the girl starting at her she smiled and turned to her "did you need something?"
Ashley yelps and falls through the floor. Literally.
"I- um- no-?"
Emily laughs and puts her hands of her hips "now come back here, I'm not going to hurt you."
Ashley pokes her head back up a bit, her face bright red.
"I- I think I know that-" she murmurs.
"would you like to talk?"
Ashley looks distinctly embarrassed.
"I- if it's not too much trouble. . ."
(Bites you)
Emily laughed and shook her head
"I promise I won't hurt you okay?"
Ashley slowly comes back up from the floorboards, clearly blushing brighter than earlier.
"A- alright."
She smiled a little and went back to her cooking "well.. How about we get to know each other? Hm? "
(you bit me what else am i supposed to do)
Ashley looks like she's about to die - again.
"I- um-"
(Not be weird?)
Emily giggled and looked over at her sweetly
"Look this is weird for me too okay? I mean I'm living with a ghost-"