forum Gay fluff (1/1 oh this is closed. Stalk if you want :)
Started by @basil_

people_alt 29 followers

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(I’m not feeling up to it but I’ve been putting this off for far too long. I’m sorry)


(I know I’m not very helpful and there are people better then me but you can always rant or vent to me if you need to)

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(Oh no you are helpful, love. You understand what I’m going through. I will if I need to.)

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(Rocko and Oreo are making me so happy. Rocko is so happy around me, as if he understands what’s going on, and Oreo isn’t running away from me and taking food from my fingers. Bless them ☺️)

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(Thanks. My friends (on and off of the site) are helping a lot. I’ma get cookies on Monday)