forum g/g Cinderella RP kinda (Closed)
Started by @Spider-man

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“Yeah her books and poetry are amazing. I tried writing because of her but ended up writing songs instead of poetry. She’s my inspiration though,” she said rambling slightly. When she realized what she was doing she blushed a little more. “Anyway I don’t have you on the chart but mr. Jones was unable to make it so if we get in there now we can move some people around and get you a spot.”


“It’s fine no trouble at all,” she said and her eyes went wide again. “Wait really! I’d love that if you really don’t mind!” She said walking into the dining area gesturing for Mivasis to follow.

@-ellia-cant-think-of-a-username- group

"Of course!" Mivasis followed her into the hall and gasped at the room. "Wow," she gasped. "This is beautiful. You did this yourself?" The tables were decorated with lovely flowers and silver cutlery, a small band played in the corner, and she noticed a large, empty space; a dance floor, perhaps. Mivasis adored it.


Melody smiled and shrugged. “I had help but yeah. It’s the same almost every year,” she said walking over to the table. She looked at the name tags and moved some around. “Do you want to sit with your parents or down at the end where most of he teens are. Only 13 and up are allowed at the main table. There’s a kids table over there,” she said pointing to a smaller table a few feet away. “Warning The adults get so boring but honestly so are the teens.”

@-ellia-cant-think-of-a-username- group

Mivasis followed alongside her. "Anything to get away from my parents. Adults are boring." She smiled and decided to sit closer to the end of the table, near a small group of people around the same age as her. Although, they probably were younger. Their suits and dresses made them look elegant and put together- something she was sure no teen was. "Will you be joining us?" she asked the girl.


"Yep. There's now an open seat next to me if you want," She said sitting down. The nameplate in front of her said her name. She realized that she never told Mivasis her name. "I'm Melody by the way."


“Thank you,” she said blushing slightly. “Its a pretty simple menu. Salad then steak then lemon tart and vanilla ice cream for dessert. Usually coffee is served afterwards as well. If you need there’s a vegan option.” She paused between some of the courses to think but never for longer than a moment.


Melody tried to stay calm but she couldn’t help the look of shock when she saw Mivasis’ mother. Her smile did falter a little when she saw her stepmother walk in. Right behind her was her uncle though so it wasn’t all bad.

@-ellia-cant-think-of-a-username- group

"Come on," Mivasis urged. She reached out to grab Melody's arm, but decided at the last second that it would be a weird move. She and Melody went over to her mother, who smiled politely.
"Mum, this is Melody. She's a big fan. Maybe you could autograph a napkin or something for her?"


“H-hi that’s ok you don’t need to do that! But yeah I’m a big fan,” she said stuttering slightly nervous.

@-ellia-cant-think-of-a-username- group

"Nonesense," her mother replied as she sighed her signature. "It was nice meeting you, Melody." The band seemed to have grown quiter, and the room was now filled. Mivasis went to go sit back down when her father caught her by her arm.
"Where are you going?"
"Just to sit for dinner," Miva replied, raising her eyebrows in a look that said and please let me.
"Fine," he replied. "But no drinking."
She frowned a disappointed look, but agreed nevertheless.


“Thank you! It was great meeting you too” Melody said before goin to walk back to the table. She was stopped by her stepmother and uncle.
“Melody! You’ve grown so much,” her uncle said hugging her. She hugged back.
“Uncle Fredrick! It’s so nice to see you!” She said. They spoke for a moment and he went back to sit at the table. Her stepmother stayed and whispered something to her. She kept a small smiled on but had to bite her cheek. Finally she walked back to the table.

@-ellia-cant-think-of-a-username- group

"Are you alright? You look tense," Mivasis said as she marveled at the exquisite food that had just been placed in front of her. She immediately sliced the steak and took a bit, though a worried look remained on her face.


Melody shook her head and smiled. It was slightly forced. “I’m fine,” she said trying not to look at her stepbrother who sat a little closer to the adults.


She shifted slightly in her seat and ate as well. “I um. My stepmom owns the ship. I’ve been doing small stuff and helping out since I was 10 but I officially started working two years ago,” she admits. “How about you is this your first cruise?” She tried to change the subject.

@-ellia-cant-think-of-a-username- group

Mivasis could tell there was something off, but she decided to ignore it for now. Leaning forward, she rested her chin on her fist. "My third," she told Melody. "And probably my last. I'm not a fan of the ocean… never have been, really."
It was true; ever since she was little, she refused to go to the beach or even to the aquarium. She didn't even know why she let her parents bring her on this trip.


Melody smiled. “I like the ocean. Well more like I like boats. I don’t like swimming in the ocean,” she said.

@-ellia-cant-think-of-a-username- group

"That's nice, then," Mivasis said sweetly. "Spending lots of time near something you like, that's nice." She ate the rest of her meal silently, very much savoring the food. As the plates started to clear and the guests rose from their spots, the band started to play louder; dance music. Mivasis didn't realize there would be dancing, and she wasn't sure she knew how to. She decided to remain seated and turned to Melody. "Do you… do you dance?"


Melody smiled and shrugged. "not usually," she said listening to the music for a second and watching some people start to dance. "I might join in though. How about you?"