"Typically this is where the underling scurries out, but I'm thinking we could talk," Alexa told him hopping off from atop of her desk. She leaned against it and looked up at him, "Eldritch to eldritch ya know?"
"Typically this is where the underling scurries out, but I'm thinking we could talk," Alexa told him hopping off from atop of her desk. She leaned against it and looked up at him, "Eldritch to eldritch ya know?"
“Well,” Janusz started, “sure. But what exactly is there to talk about?” He questioned.
"I don't know, get to know the other Eldritch that inhabits the city?" Alexa told him as she brushed her hair quickly, "You work for the police, I basically run the underground."
“Well, it was only recently that I started working with them,” Janusz stated. “But yes, I do work with the law enforcement. And you run the underground.”
“What exactly would you like to know?”
"Oh so the police thing is new?" Alexa studied him a little before continuing on, "What did you do before working with the police? How've you spent these past 239?"
“A lot of things,” he admitted. “But the most common would probably be soldier. This planet and its people seem to have no shortage of conflict.”
"A soldier boy eh?" Alexa sort of figured giving he was working for the police instead of running the dang thing. She gave a little nod, "You probably ended up fighting in some of the wars I may or may not have helped started."
“Mm,” Janusz glances around the room. “Most of the wars that I fought in were purely human stupidity. I’m sure at least a few were caused by myself, and maybe by you as well.” He sighs, looking up.
“So what about you? What have you been doing for the past few centuries?”
"Running a business, create a monetary empire, cause the destruction of said empire, try to rule over the government, find out I'm shit at doing that," Alexa started listing off a little, "Then cause the fall of said government. You know typically things. Oh and the entire time run a majority of illegal activities taking place. Yeah, that's been like the one constant."
“Huh.” Janusz looked to the side. “I’ve made a few businesses myself. Not many, and they’ve been mostly black market. And it’s been a good ninety years or so since I’ve actually decided to make one.”
"How have we never run into each other before today?" Alexa asked him tilting her head as well, "It seems like we would have run into each other at some point before today. Given the only business, you run is in the black market, and I run the black market."
“Listen, you said that you’ve been in this city for a long time. I haven’t. I may have came here in a few times in the past, otherwise I’ve been off and doing whatever. Fighting. Different continents, different parts of the world.” Even if the planet was a lot smaller than where Janusz: no, Shiondun; used to live, it was still quite large and even more so living in a Husk.
“Besides, I only rarely did black market stuff. Most of what I did back then was purely for..” He paused. Fun?
Janusz didn’t pick up what he was going to say after that.
“To me, it makes sense we never ran into each other.”
"Ah, so while I've stayed in this place for a good part of the past centuries, you've been roaming," Alexa nodded a little. She, as Tazha, had decided rather than to move to not be noticed, she, Alexa, would stay and cultivate one city. Hence why Alexa knew so much about the city, she helped build it up from the ground up. Under different names and faces of course, "It wasn't because one or the other was incompetent."
“Yes, exactly.” Janusz nodded, letting his arms drop to his sides for now. In a way Janusz had been noticed, but rather, the Archacki family had been, although technically the original bloodline was pretty much extinct. Only a few times had Janusz gone under a different surname or none at all, most of the times he took on Archacki as his surname. He could bet at least 90% of the Archacki family was actually himself within the past century just because of how many identities he’d taken up. It was weird to hear about Bazyli Archacki in a history lesson under the identity of Janusz, given that he was once Bazyli; famed for being a liberator during one of the many wars he’d participated in.
One would feel guilt for making up pretty much everything that happened in the Archacki‘s recent history, but Janusz wasn’t the same. Eldritch don’t feel guilt like humans do.
“Most Eldritch out there do things with a purpose, and if it’s a mistake, then they typically make it into a purpose. Rarely are any of us incompetent,” although they do exist.
Alexa nodded and ran a hand through her hair. She had stuck out of the spotlight and only popped up when the name 'Law' didn't seem so strange. It was often translations of the word, but it started in English and it currently was English. Her mind wandered to the past and some of her more infamous forms, but quickly zapped back to the present, "But those that are, are probably stupider than the entire human population combined. Why do you work for humans anyway?"
Janusz listened to her speak. He considered her words.
“I never completely work for humans. It’s always to get to where I want in the endgame. Although..” He stopped, looking at the ceiling. “Although, sometimes I like to play different sides, and see different perspectives. This is more of an oddity for me anyways, most of my history was spent working by myself.”
"I understand," Alexa nodded once more and hummed a little. She understood playing the idiotic humans to get to where they wanted, but he seemed to be doing a lot of that, "Though in my personal opinion, I think you seem to do it far too much. But I won't judge you for doing so."
“Hm,” Janusz only grunted in response. “I disagree with you, but let us have our own opinions, shall we.” He gave a pause, clicking his tongue.
“What now?” Janusz couldn’t think of anything else to say.
"Don't know," Alexa shrugged a little as she leaned back on the desk. She looked at him with a slight tilt of the head, "I suppose you're free to go if you so wish."
Janusz nodded. “If that is so, then I’ll be seeing you again whenever you have something of importance for me.” He turned, making his way towards the exit.
(Sorry for a delay in response, I had some medical stuff and I could possibly be a bit more spotty in the future as well.)
(That's fine! Glad you're okay :)
Alexa nodded once more as she watched him. she tapped her fingers on the desk, "I'll be seeing you later then. Farewell."
Janusz only looked back for a brief moment and silently nodded as he left the building. He would probably retire to his home he had with Tamara and her kids. If only to catch some sleep. He himself didn’t really need to sleep, but his Husk did, unfortunately.
Luckily, the trip back to Tamara’s wasn’t long, and he didn’t face any interruptions, a rarity. He just finished up what he needed to do, then headed to bed.
Alexa let out a long sigh and went back behind her desk. She sat back down knowing she still had plenty of paperwork to go through before her husk could rest for the night. This was nothing compared to law school, which she had to go through again in this era, so she knew the husk could pull an all-nighter and be fine. As long as the paperwork would get done.
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