forum Fitting In / One on One / Closed / MATURE
Started by @Knick

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It’s unheard of for Eldritch entities to take on human forms. And why is it unheard of? Simply; because they do not allow humans to know their identity. Eldritch entities are one of the more terrifying species out there. Their original form is unknown, but has been described as being always changing and ‘like nothing that could exist on earth.’ Chaos reigns for these creatures.

Why would you come to earth, then? If you had it all? You’re one of the strongest extraterrestrials to ever exist. Instead, you limit yourself to a Husk. A human host. One that you made for your own image.

Earth, in the year 2228 is not the best place to live. It’s crowded. Corrupt, depending on where you go. Crime filled, depending on where you go, again. Polluted in most areas. Humans have spread to other planets, but Earth always remains as the main homeworld for man.
Trees, forests, flowers, what happened to them? Most of what you see is artificial. The only jungle that remains are the towering skyscrapers. The floating cities, where only the richest of the rich live.

So why did I mention the Eldritch? Simple.

In the year of 1989, an energy spike of some sorts was captured. And so, there was a massive, electrical storm, but it only lasted eleven hours. A child was born. But this child was not a human. Maybe it was, for a few seconds after conception, but an Eldritch had found its Husk. Eldritch do their best to blend in as humans, most of the time, but this is hard: most Eldritch see humans as inferior beings.
And again, only two years later was another electrical storm, one that lasted twelve hours this time. Another child had been born. Rather, an Eldritch.

Eldritch Husks are interesting, since they usually stop aging at a certain point. Physically, at least. Because of this, some Eldritch make an effort to change their Husk at least a few times per century, to avoid suspicion. Some don’t care however.

In the new era, of 2228, Earth is an interesting planet to inhabit. Maybe bad if you’re poor or human..but if you’re Eldritch? You already have a biological advantage. Nearly impossible to kill, unless by your own kind (which we’ll speak of later) and doesn’t need to eat, sleep, drink, etc, though they can, to blend in if needed.
You can use abilities. Plant doors; ‘portals’, all around to access certain areas if needed. Manipulate reality; although this is extremely energy consuming. Change your form, to different humans, into something a little less..human. You can mimic voices and DNA prints to near perfection as well, making it easy for you to plant the blame on someone else….Though it isn’t recommended you’re too obvious with these abilities.
Oh. And you can sense other Eldritch. It doesn’t matter if they’re disguised as a Husk; you can still feel their presence. The goosebumps on your arms, hair rising on your neck. The shadow of something not so human. All subtle things. For the most part, Eldritch don’t like to share their cities with other Eldritch. For Eldritch, business is important, and it shouldn’t be stolen by others. Do what you must to protect your trade.

On a landmass formerly known as North America (technically it is still..North America.) two Eldritch, two Eldritch born in the year of 1989, meet at long last. Somehow, anyways. I’ve yet to decide that. How do they react to each other? Probably not in a good way…we’ll see.

The rules are now.

  1. This most likely will be somewhat mature, when it comes to violence and whatnot. Not sure about smut; I can write it and if it occurs we’ll take it to PMs. Violence, if that gets too bad we’ll take it into PMs as well.
  2. Cussing is allowed.
  3. Try to spell things right and use proper grammar.
  4. No one liners.
  5. I reserve the right to say no.
  6. List subject to change.
  7. Ask if you need any clarification, especially on abilities you can (or can’t) use.
  8. Let me know if you’ll be inactive.
  10. MxF romance (with me being the male character.) romance is not needed, but if you do want it; keep that in mind.

Here’s the template, as usual remove brackets and let me know if you want to join.

Name: (human name.)
Age appearance: (what age do they appear to be? Generally in twenties at least.)
Appearance: (appearance of their human Husk, or current at least.)
Clothing: (what their Husk wears.)
Employment: (due to being pretty much immortal, Eldritch can get a lot done, meaning by 2228 our characters could be billionaires or whatever. Maybe they’re a business owner? Either something more lawful or…black market. Or maybe not.)
Background: (backstory, can be brief, essay length or in point form.)
Relationships: (these are people you can control in the RP, you can add onto this list. You do not need a template for these characters. Include their relation to your character and any other additional information. You can also include if they’re dead or not. If they’re dead you cannot use them.)
Other: (anything else goes here such as fun facts)

Name: ( is a useful tool)
Personality: (how they generally act.)
Appearance: (you can use as much or as little detail as you want. Keep in mind what I say about not looking very human. Maybe you have twelve mouths? Maybe you look more ‘aquatic?’ Maybe you don’t have much of a form after all? This is the closest we’ll get to your true form, you can change this at any time.)
Opinion on other Eldritch: (are they more territorial? Aggressive? Curious?)
Other: (anything else goes here, such as fun facts.)

Deleted user

(Grayson would jolt up. He'd see the other people and back up to a wall. He'd realize there was a dagger in his hand and he'd gasp, dropping the dagger on the flore. He'd realize he was waring a white cloke, Much different than all the other people in the ally. He'd glance at the one on the flore, realizing the person was hurt. He'd walk up and offer to help the person up. He'd help the person up and realize the person also had a dark cloke. He'd be so confused on why he had a white cloke and they had dark clokes. He'd finally say "Who are you guys..?")


This is a starter from another apocalyptic type rp:

Chrysa sat alone on the rooftops looking down upon possibly one of the biggest parades in the year. It was a grand event. Streets upon streets of the cities were flooded with people as the government showed off their creations. She personally found it disgusting forcing people, the ones typically kept in the labs to ensure successful recreation, to dress up and put themselves on display. Most appeared fine, dancing and shaking around their floats, others were clearly uncomfortable and all of them female. Chrysa shook her head and mentally scolded herself into focusing on her mission. Her sources had told her a new splice was being released today, and she needed to check on which one it was. She had been up there for some time now and nothing new even as the parade was starting to come to a close. She figured no new splice was coming and it was all false hype, so she made her way down onto the streets to see if she could at least make something of this waste of a day. Maybe she could grab a new recruit or two. Chrysa dropped down onto the alley below and began to slink her way through the crowd brushing off the stares she was getting from men. She knew what they wanted and they would get a nasty shock if they tried anything.

And here's one with some dialogue (same rp later on):

Chrysa put he grapple away once on top of the shorter roof. She let out a silent curse at the sight of guards rushing after them. She looked at him then the guards. She grabbed his hand and glared slightly into his eyes. Her eyes were a piercing red and her features were made up into a panicked and frustrated scowl, “I’m helping you. You weren’t fighting me earlier so why now?”


Name: Alexa Law
Gender: Female
Age appearance: 25
Sexuality: Pansexual
Appearance: Heterochromic eyes, left is blue and the right is green; mid-length black hair currently cut in a more shabby manner, tan skin with a face dotted full of freckles, sharper features overall, stands at about 5'6", always has a cocky overconfident appearance.
Clothing: Depends on the day. Some days it's a beat-up leather jacket with faded jeans, combat boots, and worn down fighting gloves. Other days it's a straight-up business suit sometimes tie and pants other times the jacket is paired with a skirt.
Employment: She basically runs this new version of the mafia having a heavy hand in most of the black market, though it's all under the guise of a law firm. Why bribe lawyers and judges to get your people out of punishment when you can use one of your own?
Background: Alexa was born the heiress into a wealthy family and so staying wealthy was never going to be a problem. Getting disowned, that's her problem. She's doing fine for herself though.
Relationships: Madison Ruth (Ex-Mother); Jake Ruth (Ex-Father); Tim Ruth and Tom Ruth (Ex-Twin Younger Brothers); Kasey Kern and Jack Fraust (Right hands)
Other: Tends to stay in the background pulling the strings of the operations.

Name: Tazha
Personality: Tazha is, overconfident and cocky to say the very least. They are confident in their abilities physically, magically, and in manipulation. It takes a lot to unnerve them, but they also tend to be a lot more aggressive and territorial, though often let humans do their bidding. The only time they really go out is if they think another Eldritch might be nearby.
Appearance: Their being is typically tinged some shade of red and their body varies from demonic to ghastly. That's all I'm saying.
Opinion on other Eldritch: Get off and stay off their turf. They aren't going to show you much mercy if you decide to come back.
Other: The only thing they like about humans (besides the fact that they're expendable) is their invention of chocolate.

(Sorry for taking so long)


Name: Janusz Archacki
Gender: Male
Age appearance: 26
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Appearance: Janusz is an interesting case of Eldritch. Even after centuries of having a Husk, he still feels alienated, and only uses a Husk for a few reasons that he keeps to himself. Because of this, he rarely bothers with cultivating a true human form unless he’s going to be showing his face or features.
Typically can be described as a 6’5” tall male, lightly athletic build and light blue eyes. Pale skinned. Three small, faded scars mark his lips. He has a tattoo of some sort of feathered serpent on his back. Honey blond hair going down to slightly above his ears, although typically keeps it brushed.

Clothing: Janusz wears what someone of his line of work typically wears. Since he’s on the job most of the time, what he wears is modern armour, and quite good quality at that. Dark in colour, with a helmet, nothing left visible whatsoever. Fitted with different types of tech and gear.
Despite his otherwordly origins, he can’t be on the job all of the time. Typically forced to go on breaks, Janusz wears a light grey duffel jacket and black cargo pants. Black and white light boots. Dark red bandana.

Employment: Most of the time, he’s top of the line Law Enforcement of some sorts, working in a line of the City’s department. The type that tracks down some of the top, most threatening criminals, gangs, whatever. Breaks into buildings to take down people.
Sometimes, Janusz is his own employer, however. With that, it’s hard to describe. Along the lines of working with the law, with his own rules. This has nearly gotten him suspended a few times, but they keep him around because he’s actually good and has a low fail rate.

Background: Having been on Earth since 1989 to the present, 2228, it would be an underestimation to say he’s seen a lot. He’s seen the world change before his eyes. He’s fought in wars, some off planet, but most on Earth. He’s ruled businesses, and seen all of those businesses come crashing down. It’s a good thing there aren’t any people that can see his mind and history…
While his original family is long gone, in the current year of 2228, he holds a slightly positive option of a different group of humans (refuses to use the term like or favour) and in a way they can be viewed as his family. Even if Janusz may or may not throw them aside if he wanted something in particular, he still protects them for now.
Arriving on the Force Janusz was seen as a prodigy right away, but as he ranked up, some began to see him as something more. He was still good at his job yes, but value of life was certainly…lacking.

Relationships: Walerian Archacki (1989 father, deceased) Aurelia Slota (1989 mother. Deceased) Kaja Archacki (1989 sister, deceased.)
Tamara Kuchta (Close acquaintance, Tamara views him as one of her children.) Hanna Kuchta (daughter of Tamara) Marzena Kuchta (daughter of Tamara) Ludomir (son of Tamara) Stojan Kuchta (son of Tamara.)
Kovrov Kirillovna (one sided relationship, Kovrov owns a fighting ring that Janusz comes by every now and then. Kovrov sees Janusz as a friend.)

Other: Contrary to popular belief, Janusz is not much of a rules follower. In fact, if his employers knew even half of the illegal activities he gets up to while not on the job, he’d be fired on the spot, no matter how good he was at his job.

Name: Shiondun

Personality: Shiondun wants to ensure that their goals are met, no matter what it takes. Some Eldritch (if they knew him) may accuse them of working for humans, not with or over them, but every thing that Shiondun does is with reason. Well, their reasons. In fact, some humans even view Janusz as too brutal. Shiondun is a believer in that your actions say more about what you are as opposed to words. They claims to view humans as expendable, which seems to be mostly true, but sometimes their true goals are hard to detect.

Appearance: Shiondun typically hovers around having an…interesting form. First of all, as a default form, it almost seems like a black sphere that typically hovers above the ground at an average of 2 metres, but can raise or lower itself. However, this form is actually a suppressed version of his (or at least the closest possible) original form. Their original form can be described as an inky black, made up of ‘nodes’, which can be thickened or thinned, removed or added. They can form just about any shape. They can also liquify or solidify, and join together to produce an actual form. Subject to change. Occasionally, a splash of bright, vibrant colour may be revealed, though this is rare.

Opinion on other Eldritch: Before 1989, before achieving a Husk, Shiondun was not very friendly to other Eldritch, and by that, I mean they attacked on sight. It would not make sense for them to have changed their opinions in that time, although they’ve become a lot more tame with how they act around them.
Other: It is unknown if Shiondun truly has blood or not, given he doesn’t always bleed when wounded. His blood has been shown to be able to defy gravity, however. It is also extremely hot and acidic. He is able to mimic human blood, however.
Shiondun sees humans as interesting as well as their politics.


(Same Husk, yes. Husks can change in appearance however, that’s one of the abilities the Eldritch have which is to change appearance. They typically just have a main appearance they hover around for the most part. Anyways I will try to get a starter out soon.)


The city, as usual, was cold. Cold and wet. Not that Janusz really cared. Currently, he was searching the lower levels of the city for a criminal of some sorts. A particularly nasty one as well. He knew this criminal was wanted, but he also knew quite well that the Department would not take kindly to his methods of delivering justice, so this was a job he had to do by himself.

It would be quick, anyways. One could say Janusz was just being overconfident, but he wasn’t. He was quite sure, that this would be an easy job…

Interrupted by the buzzing of his communication device, Janusz gave it a look. Tamara calling. Picking it up, the Eldritch entity listened to the woman’s loud but happy voice. “Hello, Janusz! Where are you right now?”

“At the market.” A lie. His eyes scanned his dark surroundings. He could see the outlines of some people, on the sidelines or in the alleyway.
“Oh! Can you pick up some potatoes for me?”
One of them turned into the alleyway. “Sure.”
“Thank you! Take care!”
“You too.”
The brief call was over, and Janusz could resume his pursuit. His focus was on that person in the alleyway. To which he learned was something more. It led deeper into the city. Much deeper.
Though he couldn’t see the person with his eyes, he could still hear them walking, their heartbeat. They were running themselves into a corner, and Janusz was going to ensure that person didn’t make it out of the corner.


Alexa wished she was inside of her stronghold on the upper levels of the city. Instead, she was in the lower levels waiting for her consistent to arrive. She had gotten wind that he had been caught so she had come along with Kasey to get him out of there. It annoyed her to no end that she had to take time out of her day to get him, but she really couldn't afford to have him brought in or worse. He had valuable information and there was no way she could let that just go to waste.

Kasey nudged Alexa as her right hand caught sight of the man they were looking for. Alexa could hear them working, but it was paired with something else that made her worry. The raising goosebumps and chills all over her body told her as much. Another Eldritch in the city? How did they slip in under her nose? She frowned slightly, this made things slightly more difficult. Hopefully, Alexa could run into whoever it was on her terms and get this extraction over with. But first, the girls needed to pick up the idiot with information.


Janusz had entered a warehouse of some type. He glanced at the ceiling upon entering. No holes, only lights stood above him. Quickly, he also made sure to check his surroundings.

No one else that he could see.

Keeping his senses in check, Janusz proceeded into the warehouse, where he didn’t see the man immediately. That was because the man was behind him, and in attempt to knock Janusz down he tackled him. However, Janusz shook the criminal off with ease, spinning around and taking out his handgun. No words were exchanged as Janusz turned and began to approach the criminal, the criminal beginning to realize that Janusz was not here to talk.


Alexa had sent Kasey ahead of her in an attempt to get the guy early, but given they weren't out yet told her that it hadn't worked. She had tried to stay out fo the area in case the other Eldritch came by. However not only was her information guy was in trouble but so possibly was Kasey. Oh well.

Alexa shrugged and decided to just wait it out and clean up the aftermath. Kasey knew well enough to lay low if things went wrong, that's why she was one of Alexa's right hands. The information on the other hand? Yeah, it would be horrible to lose it, but it wasn't worth Alexa getting her hands dirty with whatever was going on in there. She was willing to go and get his stupid head out of the situation, but she wasn't going to put her neck out on the line for this guy.


Janusz allowed the guy to keep moving back, up until he reached the wall where he had nowhere to go. Like Janusz had thought earlier, he was going to run this guy into a corner, and that was exactly what he’d done. Now, he only needed to ensure he didn’t lose criminal. Taking out his gun, he pressed it to the man’s head.
“Who are you?” The man managed out when Janusz didn’t speak. He still didn’t respond.
“You dress like one of them, those enforcement guys…but you don’t act like them, and you are alone!”

Janusz responded this time. Although, his true voice was concealed due to what he was wearing. “I’m something who likes to take his own matters into his own hands.”
He was probably going to take the shot within the next minute or so.


Alexa was listening in from where she waited for Kasey. She frowned at the conversation with the man she assumed was the fellow Eldritch. He was either some vigilante justice type that dressed like law enforcement, or he was law enforcement. She really hoped it was the former considering it would be harder to deal with him if he was law enforcement. It also begged the question how had she not sensed him earlier? This was her city and if she didn't know that another Eldritch was here, who knows what else was going on.


Janusz was just about to pull the trigger, when he realized there was something off. Two other people.


He could barely sense either of them, because of how he was focused on his current target. One seemed to be hanging a bit further back, and yet, they had the stronger presence. An Eldritch? Janusz knew just how low the chances of coming across another Eldritch was. In the centuries he’d been on Earth, he’d only come across one other Eldritch, an encounter he would prefer not to repeat again.

The other presence seemed closer and Janusz went with a human.

“I’m not letting you see the light of day tomorrow, just so you’re aware.” Janusz begrudgingly whispered, roughly taking the man and his handgun, almost like a hostage. He began to move to leave the area. He had no clue who either of these people were, their business here. And Janusz had no intentions to stay and find out.


Kasey didn't move an inch from her spot in the shadow. Had she been seen? She didn't know, either way, there was no way that the informant was getting out there alive. She began to slowly and stealthy making her way towards the back of the warehouse where there was a hidden exit. She didn't want to get got in the crossfire in case the officer ended up thinking she was with that guy. She was, but he didn't know that.

Alexa stayed outside watching the main entrance of the area. She could almost spot both her informant and the Eldritch. Maybe she should get involved. Make her presence known and scare this other guy out of her city.


Janusz keeps walking towards the main entrance, back towards the alleyway where he first entered. Although, he stops. His senses may not be in their prime at the moment, but he can tell that the signature of the other Eldritch is getting stronger and stronger, the more he heads out of this area.

So, not wanting to waste anymore time, he takes the shot. There’s only a brief, “Wait, no” from the guy when he pulls the trigger. Such a maneuver would’ve gotten Janusz fired, but he technically wasn’t on the job right now.
Whatever they wanted from the man, they couldn’t get, and Janusz would be sure of that.
The body slumps to the ground as Janusz steps away from it, prods it with his foot, then proceeds to the alleyway again.