It’s unheard of for Eldritch entities to take on human forms. And why is it unheard of? Simply; because they do not allow humans to know their identity. Eldritch entities are one of the more terrifying species out there. Their original form is unknown, but has been described as being always changing and ‘like nothing that could exist on earth.’ Chaos reigns for these creatures.
Why would you come to earth, then? If you had it all? You’re one of the strongest extraterrestrials to ever exist. Instead, you limit yourself to a Husk. A human host. One that you made for your own image.
Earth, in the year 2228 is not the best place to live. It’s crowded. Corrupt, depending on where you go. Crime filled, depending on where you go, again. Polluted in most areas. Humans have spread to other planets, but Earth always remains as the main homeworld for man.
Trees, forests, flowers, what happened to them? Most of what you see is artificial. The only jungle that remains are the towering skyscrapers. The floating cities, where only the richest of the rich live.
So why did I mention the Eldritch? Simple.
In the year of 1989, an energy spike of some sorts was captured. And so, there was a massive, electrical storm, but it only lasted eleven hours. A child was born. But this child was not a human. Maybe it was, for a few seconds after conception, but an Eldritch had found its Husk. Eldritch do their best to blend in as humans, most of the time, but this is hard: most Eldritch see humans as inferior beings.
And again, only two years later was another electrical storm, one that lasted twelve hours this time. Another child had been born. Rather, an Eldritch.
Eldritch Husks are interesting, since they usually stop aging at a certain point. Physically, at least. Because of this, some Eldritch make an effort to change their Husk at least a few times per century, to avoid suspicion. Some don’t care however.
In the new era, of 2228, Earth is an interesting planet to inhabit. Maybe bad if you’re poor or human..but if you’re Eldritch? You already have a biological advantage. Nearly impossible to kill, unless by your own kind (which we’ll speak of later) and doesn’t need to eat, sleep, drink, etc, though they can, to blend in if needed.
You can use abilities. Plant doors; ‘portals’, all around to access certain areas if needed. Manipulate reality; although this is extremely energy consuming. Change your form, to different humans, into something a little less..human. You can mimic voices and DNA prints to near perfection as well, making it easy for you to plant the blame on someone else….Though it isn’t recommended you’re too obvious with these abilities.
Oh. And you can sense other Eldritch. It doesn’t matter if they’re disguised as a Husk; you can still feel their presence. The goosebumps on your arms, hair rising on your neck. The shadow of something not so human. All subtle things. For the most part, Eldritch don’t like to share their cities with other Eldritch. For Eldritch, business is important, and it shouldn’t be stolen by others. Do what you must to protect your trade.
On a landmass formerly known as North America (technically it is still..North America.) two Eldritch, two Eldritch born in the year of 1989, meet at long last. Somehow, anyways. I’ve yet to decide that. How do they react to each other? Probably not in a good way…we’ll see.
The rules are now.
- This most likely will be somewhat mature, when it comes to violence and whatnot. Not sure about smut; I can write it and if it occurs we’ll take it to PMs. Violence, if that gets too bad we’ll take it into PMs as well.
- Cussing is allowed.
- Try to spell things right and use proper grammar.
- No one liners.
- I reserve the right to say no.
- List subject to change.
- Ask if you need any clarification, especially on abilities you can (or can’t) use.
- Let me know if you’ll be inactive.
- MxF romance (with me being the male character.) romance is not needed, but if you do want it; keep that in mind.
Here’s the template, as usual remove brackets and let me know if you want to join.
Name: (human name.)
Age appearance: (what age do they appear to be? Generally in twenties at least.)
Appearance: (appearance of their human Husk, or current at least.)
Clothing: (what their Husk wears.)
Employment: (due to being pretty much immortal, Eldritch can get a lot done, meaning by 2228 our characters could be billionaires or whatever. Maybe they’re a business owner? Either something more lawful or…black market. Or maybe not.)
Background: (backstory, can be brief, essay length or in point form.)
Relationships: (these are people you can control in the RP, you can add onto this list. You do not need a template for these characters. Include their relation to your character and any other additional information. You can also include if they’re dead or not. If they’re dead you cannot use them.)
Other: (anything else goes here such as fun facts)
Name: (https://www.fantasynamegenerators.com/lovecraftian-names.php is a useful tool)
Personality: (how they generally act.)
Appearance: (you can use as much or as little detail as you want. Keep in mind what I say about not looking very human. Maybe you have twelve mouths? Maybe you look more ‘aquatic?’ Maybe you don’t have much of a form after all? This is the closest we’ll get to your true form, you can change this at any time.)
Opinion on other Eldritch: (are they more territorial? Aggressive? Curious?)
Other: (anything else goes here, such as fun facts.)