forum Fathoms 2/2 (closed) One-shot
Started by @Oakiin

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@StarkSpangledBanner Mosis said they're dropping out, so I'm opening this back up for one other person! Hopefully ew can get started tonight or tomorrow then. If you know anyone who'd wanna play, point them this way xD

Deleted user

(I usually write longer.)
Alexander looked around the house. His heart pounding heard. He had heard a rustle in his house. He only had one plant. A small bush plant. He walked over and saw that it was stain with blood. Oh sh- -… He thought, moving the plant box aside. Then, he saw it. It was a black creature the size of his palm. It was chewing on something… He quickly turned to his animal birdcage. "Holy crap!" He yelled, horrified. There was a budgie on the flora of the cage and then he realized that he had two birds and one was missing…


Okay! You're in! Do you see the character template on the first page? Go ahead and use that, and if you haven't read the rules ^^ then we can get rollin


Here you go @I_Am_A_Lost_Boy
your name YOU'd like to be called:
Character's name:
Character's age:
Physical Description:
Brief Backstory:
Any special talents/skills?:
Any disabilities/impairments/illnesses?:
What did you pack in your suitcase when you left on this trip?: (Recall: you're going to an island get away via cruise liner with only you and your best friend, for probably about a week or so)
*Pick three of the following. They will be in your pockets. Note: Some things may be more or less useful than they seem.**

A pocket knife with a blade, toothpick, file, and small clip to attach it to things.
A nylon necklace string with a small amber pendant in the middle. String is about 17 inches long.
A cellphone with half battery life. Battery will last another five hours.
A chess piece, a rook. It's from the black set.
A leather bracelet with a Christian cross hanging from it.
A pocket notebook with a tiny built in pen. There are twenty blank pages.
Some loose change: three pennies, a quarter, and four dimes.

Deleted user

your name YOU'd like to be called: Lost or Low
Character's name: Alex Grant
Character's age: 23
Gender: Male
Personality: He's got a bit of an ego. He's usually a bit irritable, but will force a smile on his face if he has to. Very blunt, which can make him a bit cold sounding. If he ends up liking someone, he can be protective and less snappish. He's honestly quite the tired person on the inside.
Physical Description: Alex has hazel eyes, black glasses, and a round face. He is 5'9 and weighs 118 pounds. He usually wairs a black hoodie with black pants on weekends. On weekdays, He wairs a T-shirt or a blue sweater his mom gave him. (Depends on the weather.)
Brief Backstory:
Any special talents/skills?:
Any disabilities/impairments/illnesses?: He has a prosthetic arm (Like that but it looks more like a normal hand).
What did you pack in your suitcase when you left on this trip?: (Recall: you're going to an island getaway via cruise liner with only you and your best friend, for probably about a week or so) Extra set of clothes. Food. A mini guitar and his Laptop. A charger. Towels and a toothbrush. 2 books.
Other: He isn't an open guy. When someone is in need of help, he'd help with all he's got.

  • A pocket knife with a blade, toothpick, file, and small clip to attach it to things.
  • A pocket notebook with a tiny built-in pen. There are twenty blank pages.
  • Some loose change: three pennies, a quarter, and four dimes.


Land had long since faded from sight. You'd been sailing for hours, the breeze brisk and cold as it blew up off the ocean. The polished deck shone, even under the dim light of the sun, obscured as it was by a light cloud layer.
The crew moved about on their various jobs, the passengers enjoying the day. The excitement of setting out had long since faded, and everyone was generally relaxing, preparing to settle in for the twelve hour trip.
What are you two doing?


Zemira was up on the main deck with Quake just laying across her shoulders, one of his favourite things to do. The smell of the salty water made her sigh in delight, she loved the ocean. She rubbed Quake under the chin as he purred before walking to a higher level to find Alex.

Deleted user

Alex was currently on his computer. He had been sitting down, on it for about almost an hour. He looked out of the small window in his room and smiled. He was pumped for what they would see on the island. But then again he was quite scared. He was a bit sea-sick but he was fine. He shut off his PC and put it back into his suitcase. He waited patiently for, something, anything interesting that was happening.


(So for the most part, you guys can do your own thing, and go back and forth without waiting for me, kinds like D&D. I'll be here to add details, tell when something happens, and answer questions/play NPC's. Sorry, I forgot to mention that!)