forum Fathoms 2/2 (closed) One-shot
Started by @Oakiin

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It's based off a card game actually, so this is not going to entirely be standard back-and-forth rp? I mean, it's still an rp, but there's more to it than that.
idk if anyone's gonna go for it at all lol

"Everyone longs to take their best friend on a secret island get-a-way vacation, and guess who just got tickets to go? You board your own private cruise liner, setting out for the best week of your life. But before you can reach your destination, your boat has a critical failure, sending you you plunging into the ocean, where you'll uncover a secret you may wish had remained hidden."

First come first serve
I may ask for a writing example if we haven't rp'd before
This may die incredibly suddenly, hence why it's being hearkened as a one-shot.
There is plot in place, with a beginning, middle, and end, but don't stress about derailing, we'll get where we need to go by hook or by crook
May contain some pretty dark themes
Do not be rude please
andrew (Our Supreme Lord and Overseer)'s
If you have any complaints, do not hesitate to bring them to me!
I may change or update these at any time
You don't have to reply super speedy, but please let two days be the limit, unless you let us know beforehand.
While your characters are your own, there are a couple regulations:

  • Characters must be early 20's, max of 25
  • Characters must be human, no special abilities
  • Your characters should be friends. So make sure you read each others characters
  • I will be playing everyone else, so I will have few reoccurring characters
  • Basically, I'm the DM

~Game Rules~

  • 90% is regular rp, tbh
  • You guys will have an 'inventory' of sorts, which is what would have been the cards. The cards do some other things as well, but we'll get into those if I get interest
  • This game is heavy puzzle solving and story. Bring your thinking hats!
  • Preferably, keep your replies on the longer side. One sentence replies are sometimes necessary, but overall, at least three.

Will post character sheets if I get any interest


(Since I don't think I've rp'd with either of you before, can I see examples of your writing? Otherwise, you're both totally welcome! ^^)

Deleted user

Bazzamal was sitting on a big rock. He was thinking to himself about how he hated hell. He always had to fight and dodge but in the end, he loses. He sighed and jumped up, taking flight. As he was flying the Reaper came flying past him and almost made him fall. "Damn it, Reaper! Watch where you're going!" He said, flying Into a rock. The reaper looked at him and chuckled. "You try being on a 24/7 job. Taking souls and taking them to the pit…" The reaper said, pointing to a pit of fire.

Bazzmal rolled his eyes. "Ya, ya. Same excuse as last time." The reaper laughed. "Would you like to do my next soul? I'd gladly let." The reaper said, looking Baz, straight in the eyes. Bazzmal thought for a second. I mean…An excuse to get out of Hell? Hell ya! He chuckled at the pun. "Sure, what's the name of this human?" Bazzmal asked. The reaper sighed. "Adrian Kane. Age 24." Bazzmal shrugged. "Sounds interesting. Ill check him out." Bazzmal said, flying out of hell.


(Awesome! You're in! I'll wait for starkspangledbanner, and then I'll post the template tonight or tomorrow! ^^)


"Alright, so I cleaned the counters, broomed and mopped the floor, and set the condiments right. Mind if I head out a bit early?" Lizzy asked. She was a high school senior that worked part time at the bakery and Freya had taken a liking to her. She stopped taking inventory and smiled at her. "Of course! Take a few treats if you want. I know your little brothers loves the lemon cake." She said, sliding a paper bag across the counter. Lizzy smiled and picked up some pastries, cakes, and cookies and put them in her bag before heading to the door. "See you early tomorrow!" She waved and pushed open the door, disappearing into the evening.

Not too long after Lizzy left, Freya had finished taking inventory and left a small list of instructions for Lizzy when she came in tomorrow. She grabbed a baggy of dog treats and a few cookies for herself before closing the lights and heading out. Freya shivered when the cool night air touched her bare shoulders. "Should have brought at least a cardigan." She mumbled, slinging her bag over her shoulder and walking down a narrow street to head to her apartment.

Freya turned her music off once she saw the building come into view and put her headphones her bag. She was almost across the parking lot when a strange low rumbling sound broke through the silence of the night. "The (can we curse?)" She swore, and grabbed onto the streetlight. Something was happening.


(Wonderful!! You're in! I'll post the templates, and yeah, swearing is fine ^^ Just keep it at a reasonable frequency xD)


Character Form:

your name YOU'd like to be called:
Character's name:
Character's age:
Physical Description:
Brief Backstory:
Any special talents/skills?:
Any disabilities/impairments/illnesses?:
What did you pack in your suitcase when you left on this trip?: (Recall: you're going to an island get away via cruise liner with only you and your best friend, for probably about a week or so)
*Pick three of the following. They will be in your pockets. Note: Some things may be more or less useful than they seem.**

  • A pocket knife with a blade, toothpick, file, and small clip to attach it to things.
  • A nylon necklace string with a small amber pendant in the middle. String is about 17 inches long.
  • A cellphone with half battery life. Battery will last another five hours.
  • A chess piece, a rook. It's from the black set.
  • A leather bracelet with a Christian cross hanging from it.
  • A pocket notebook with a tiny built in pen. There are twenty blank pages.
  • Some loose change: three pennies, a quarter, and four dimes.

(It's okay if you both choose the same items. Also, this may get added to.)


Your name YOU'd like to be called: Stark
Character's name: Zemira Eilís (Ze-me-rah Eye-leesh) (Mira)
Character's age: 23
Gender: Female
Personality: Zemira is a sensitive person. She doesnt like being the center of attention in large groups, hates being alone and surrounded by silence, but is a playful girl. She likes to laugh and play jokes on her friends. She hides many things about herself in fear that others may judge her too harshly for them but hope's that one day she can be open about herself to others
Physical Description:

  • Appearance
    Zemira has dark red, almost burgundy hair with cool pink undertones. She has blue grey eyes(last ones in the picture) and a light olive skin colour. Zemira has full lips, slightly arched eyebrows, and freckles dotting her nose. She has long fingers, an almost perfect hourglass shape (she is a bit pudgy around the stomach), and long legs.

  • Tattoos and Piercings
    Zemira has a tattoo(the pisces and scorpio one) of the planets on her collar bone, a rose on her lower back and a A with flowers around it on her leg. Zemira has a lip piercing, an eyebrow peircing, and the traditional ear piercings.

Brief Backstory: Alexandra was taken away by CPS at the age of 5 when they found out that her abusive father had killed his first wife and was holding his girlfriend captive in the basement. They managed to free his girlfriend but she didnt want Alexandra, a reminder of all she suffered with him. Alexandra spent a couple years going from foster home to foster home until a loving half British half scottish family adopted her. They changed her name from Alexandra to Zemira and gave her their last name. And she has been with them since
Any special talents/skills?: Zemira is, surprisingly, a boxer. She never joined any clubs or fights but was trained as one when she wanted to take self-defense classes at her local gym. She is able to climb any tree, and knows which trees have edible parts. She is also ambidextrous
Any disabilities/impairments/illnesses?: Zemira had three fingers in her right hand crushed in a bowling incident as a pre-teen. She had to get them amputated and recieved a specialised prosthetic that replaces those fingers
What did you pack in your suitcase when you left on this trip? as a very extra packer, Zemira packed more than she would need including:

  • three pairs of lazy clothing
  • three pairs of stylish Jean's
  • two pairs of comfortable Jean's
  • two pairs of heels
  • an extra pair of beach shoes
  • two pairs of sneakers
  • two formal dresses
  • a lounging jacket/hoodie
  • two stylish jackets (one is leather)
  • socks
  • towel
  • toiletries
  • bits of jewellery
  • an instant camera and film
  • phone and accessories
  • a tablet
  • A few books

Other: she brought her Cat named Quake
Pick three of the following. They will be in your pockets. Note: Some things may be more or less useful than they seem.

A nylon necklace string with a small amber pendant in the middle. String is about 17 inches long.

A chess piece, a rook. It's from the black set.

A pocket notebook with a tiny built in pen. There are twenty blank pages.


(So Mosis said they might not be on friday and Saturday, just FYI ^^ They're gonna try and get their sheet up tonight or tomorrow morning though.)


(Alright, perfect! ^^ While we're waiting, I do have one quick request: Can you add a couple details about Quake to your sheet? Just brief physical/personality/anything of note. Just so Quake can be an actual character xD)


Quake character bio:

Appearance: an Australian Mist breed with soft brown and grey markings and dark green eyes
Age: one year old
Favourite food: grilled chicken, canned fish, cooked carrots, cucumber slices, treats
Favourite toys: badminton birdie, mom's socks, that weird fishing rod toy with a feather attached, tennis balls
Personality: like most cats, Quake is an asshole. He loves sleeping on mom's laptop while sh'e working, enjoy's pushing glasses of water, and loose to chew on hair. Quake is like the average cat but cares for his mom. He will bring his favourite stuffed animal if Zemira is crying, bring a bag of treats to her if she is working too late,and lay on her face if she can't sleep.
Habits: see above


ffff they are beautiful, much love to them <3 Also, whoever decided to name them 'mist' is a genius