forum Eyes Are The Window To The Soul (OXO Romance CLOSED)
Started by @ShadeStar

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She sat up fully "what? The kiss and small park date yesterday didn't?" She asked with a teasing grin


Ferris nodded "it did." She laughed at Myrah's blush "I'm getting good at seeing the blush." She teased


"I'm aware. The question is how stubborn are you," Myrah said with a slight grin, "You're the super cute one here."


"pretty dang stubborn. And that may be true but you are 100 times cuter, I dare say Adorable." She said in a dramatic way, lifting her chin in defiance, spurred on by the challenge


"No, you're then one that is adorable here," Myrah countered quickly, "No one could ever match your beauty and innocence."


She laughed harshly "I'm far from beautiful. Or innocent for that matter." She blushed and tilted her head down "you win." She said quietly


Myrah reached up and gently cupped Ferris's cheek, "Babe, your definitely beautiful. So don't think bad on yourself."


She smiled softly and tilted her head into Myrah's hand "thanks. Nothing on the innocence though? Wow…." She joked


"then you haven't seen me play Lazer tag. It get messy." She kissed Myrahs palm "should we get going? The concerts gonna a start soon."


Ferris nodded and stood, waving to the girl behind the counter on thanks as they headed out the door and towards the park