She set her guitar to the side and rested her chin on her hands "show me."
She set her guitar to the side and rested her chin on her hands "show me."
"Okay," Myrah had a little smirk has she raised her violin up and began playing "Flight of the Bumblebees" at full speed.
"wait is it that really fast one? Ooh that one's fin!" She clapped and tilted her head.
Myrah grinned at her as she continued to play effortlessly. She had no problem playing this one.
She sighed and layers back, closing her eyes and enjoying the music
Myrah finished the song and looked over at Ferris, "Um yeah. That's my favorite song."
Ferris smiled at her and nodded "you play it amazingly well."
"Thank you," Myrah had a light blush on, "Do you have any songs that you know on guitar that are freakishly impressive?"
She thought for a moment, "I know 'sound if silence.'"
"Can you play it for me?" Myrah asked her.
"it's not going to be as good as what you just did but sure." She picked up her guitar and started to play the song, low and slowly, a complete contrast to what she had just played before
Myrah grinned and listened to Ferris play. She nodded along and swayed a little with the song.
She played so that the strings made that high pitched sound at the end of some notes, adding another element to the song
Myrah watched Ferris curiously, she hadn't heard anyone play like this before.
Ferris got the last chorus and smiled softly, pausing and then strumming each individual note until the song faded out
Myrah smiled at Ferris, "That was amazing."
She glanced up and blushed "Thanks," she set the guitart to the side and layed back down next to Myrah, the sparks still remaining around her "this things are annoying…."
"Maybe try and calm yourself down?" Myrah suggested.
"I've tried, maybe later when I go to sleep…." she closed her eyes and tried to even her breathing and heartbeat
"Maybe," Myrah let out a quiet sigh, "It's getting late. I should be getting home."
Ferris opened her eyes and nodded "yeah, me too. I'll see you tomorrow?" She asked, starting to get up
Myrah stood up and handed Ferris the violin, "Definitely. Good night Ferris."
She nodded and stood their awkwardly "good night." She turned in a small circle and sighed. She headed down the path and started to hum
Myrah walked along the path to her house which wasn't far from the park. But her eyes wandered everywhere weary of each shadow that poked out.
Ferris headed back to her small apartment and shut the door behind her. She flopped into bed and laughed "I'm so done for…"
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