forum Even Serial Killer Get Lonely (o/o Open)
Started by @ElderGod-yellowqueen

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Name: Ethan Sinclair
Age: Twenty-three
Occupation: bartender
Personality: flirtatious, direct, straight forward, secretive, charming
Other: He could be consodered a vigilante who takes it too far. He gets revenge for the victims that never got it. He goes after rapists and murderers and torturers. He gives them a taste of their own medicine.


Weekdays were always particularly slow, tge real rush came Friday night and weekends, when customers came in bitching about their job and their home life. As a bartender, Ethan was forced to listen to all of their troubles. Some nights he didn't mind, others, he imagined several things he could do with their intestines. He refrained from touching them. Money waa money, and if ut seemed he was ibterested and gave good advice, he could get a good tip. So that's what he did and pushed down his primal urges to kill. Ethan was happy that weekdays his bar closed an hour earlier, which meant he got to go home, or better yet, find another way to bring justice to the world. It was close to closing, just a half hour left. He was working cleaning the glasses, a rag in his hand. He refilled the drinks of the small few people littering the bar.


Raz walked into the small bar and sat in the corner. The room filled with the stinging smell of alcohol and drugs. "A water with lemon please. He asked a waitress walking around. She nodded and walked over to the bar, telling Ethan the order and pointing to where Raz sat. Meanwhile, Raz pulled out his notebook and pulled his hood down to block out the weird looks people have him. He started drawing and writing little stories to go with them.


Ethan nodded at the waitress. He grabbed a glass and filled it with water. He stuck the lemon wedge in it and grabbed a straw. He walked around the bar and headed over to the lone boy in the corner. He set down the glass in front of him, the straw beside it. He grabbed a xhair and flipped it around, so he would be sitting in it with the back of the chair pressed to his front. "What are you working on there?" He asled, referencing to the notebook on the table.


Raz glanced up, surprised that someone was talking to him. He blushed a bit, seeing that it was the cute bartender. "Oh uhm just some characters and their side stories. Thanks for the water….it's not spiked right?" Raz covered up the page with his arm subconsciously, not wanting him to see that he had drawn and took a sip of water.


Ethan gave him a dazzling smile. "Sounds cool. Are you any good?" He cranes his neck trying to get a peak. He ran a hand through his brown hair, messing it up a little bit. The boy in front of him was cute, small. Just his type. He just needed to lay down the charm to get him into bed. "Of course not. It only would be if you asked for it." He said, rasing an eyebrow at the question. Why would they think he spiked it?