"Oh. It's you." Thirteen said blank faced. He blew his hair out of of his odd eyes. The hell hound helped by licking his face would could be likened to being hit with a large, thick, wet towel.
"Oh. It's you." Thirteen said blank faced. He blew his hair out of of his odd eyes. The hell hound helped by licking his face would could be likened to being hit with a large, thick, wet towel.
Tyson ignored thirteen and instead began walking toward a large castle. He whistled and the hell hound ran to his side. He got onto the large horse sized dog and said "get on"
"Uh, no." Thirteen said, frowning. "I'm not going that way. I'm going this way." He said pointing the opposite direction to the castle.
"fine, do as you wish" tyson turned and they began to bound toward the castle
Thirteen flinched and after a second, appeared on the back of the dog behind Tyson, already a mile from where he started. "So did you come down here on purpose or did something just- happen?" It sounded more like an accusation than a question.
Tyson shook his head and chuckled to himself "no one in their right mind would come here. But before we leave, I have unfinished business to attend to." they were almost there and tyson leaned back to look at thirteen "watch your mouth around these people kid. Or you will regret it"
Thirteen made a face over Tysons first sentence then said "Yeah yeah." Thirteen brushed him off. "Can't be the worst thing I've faced."
Tyson shook his head again knowing that this will be the worst.
Thirteen bared his teeth and growled but stayed silent up to the castle.
Once they got to the castle he got off the hell hound pulling thirteen off aswell he wispered something in the hell hounds ear. And the hell hound disappeared back to the overworld. At this point thirteen would have realised that tyson was the only one who could bring them back.
"Oh wow. Thanks for that." Thirteen said, his mismatched eyes appeared to glow brightly in the dim underground light. "Well let's get this over with. The supposed 'worst' experience of my life. Hah!" He stormed through the gates, switching language and muttering to himself words that Tyson could not understand.
Tyson joined him before the gates stopping him "if you are rude, or speak how you speak to me kid. That's when all hell will break loose. Just stay quiet. Don't say anything! And do not tell them your name!" tyson was dead serious
Thirteen was looking calm, but after Tysons rulesetting, he flicked into anger. "You may be a Prince down here, but that doesn't mean shit to me! I will speak how I goddamn want to. I don't need someone hanging over me, I'm not a kid anymore!" He pushed Tyson away and went inside.
Tyson drew something on the ground making thirteen slowly disappear back to the overworld. But before thirteen disappeared tyson said "if you can't take this seriously you don't deserve to be here" and with that thirteen was sent back to the overworld
Thirteen's eyes softened as he faded. "And I have a reason for being down here." His voice broke. "And if you can't take me seriously, maybe you don't deserve to know what it is." He finished and then he was gone.
Tyson heading into the castle. He didn't really care that thirteen wasn't here, if anything he was almost glad he wasn't. But as much as tyson didn't want it to be so, he cared for thirteen's safety.
Up in the overworld, everyone in the house was starting to eat dinner. Apart from Sadao, who stayed in the lounge, waiting for Tyson, and Thirteen who still hadn't come inside but wasn't invited for dinner anyway.
Down in the underworld, a demon in the castle noticed Tyson and ran over. "Hi, Prince Tyson. Do you need anything?" He said. He looked pretty striking with black hair, almost white skin and pale red and blue eyes. Feathered wings were slightly unfolded at his sides, grey with red and blue feathers at the base.
Tyson ruffled Zach's hair. "How's Ethyn?"
Zach made a face. "He went missing two years ago Tyson. If you were here you'd know that." He blinked a lot and struggled to swallow which was probably because of the cut on his neck, the reason he lived here.
Tyson stepped back. "What do you— I'm so sorry." he leaned in and huged Zach "ill never leave again" he wispered
Zach hugged him back and sobbed a couple of times into his shoulder. Then he stepped away. "Aww, Tyson. You don't have to do that, you have someone. I can just tell." Zach looked down. "He was just on a soul mission. He never came back down. They looked but-" He sighed. "Your fathers livid."
Tyson held on to Zach and wispered to him "ill take care of my father, but I won't stop till I find Ethyn… I promise."
"But you must go back up after speaking to him. You have someone. Just promise you'll keep an eye out?" Zach said, pushing away. "If they don't do anything soon, I'll go look myself." He grumbled quietly.
Back in the overworld, Thirteen stormed inside the house and slammed the door so hard the doorframe cracked. Sadao jumped and accidently teleported behind the couch. Thirteen sat in the corner and pulled his knees to his chest. He took out a pen and started to draw patterns on his arms but the ink faded almost as soon as he moved the pen away. He cursed and threw the pen across the room.
Tyson nodded at Zach, but then said sternly "I'll go back but promise me you won't leave the underworld. I won't stop until I find him, but you have to stay here…. If not for me…. For Ethyn." then tyson faded back to the overworld.
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