Dog however, was left on the road side. He whined and ran full sprint back to the house. He whined and howled at the door until Thirteen opened it. "Hey boy, Where's Tyson?!" He said before having his face shoved into the door frame as Sadao pushed past him. "Where is he?" Sadao said as Thirteen, Kaz, Ryoko and he pulled themselves onto the back of the dog.
Tyson eventually woke up. His senses slowly came back. He is in a dark room and tied to a chair. It wasn't normal rope, it was made through a combination of Holly water and hell fire. It burned through his skin. "hello there, we meet again." the voice came from the corner of the room. Tyson could tell from the scent that is was Aiko.
Aiko wandered aimlessly into the light, smirking. He looked even worse then when Tyson had last seen him, like he hadn't been taking care of himself at all. Even though it been just about a day since they had last met, Aiko was thinner to the point of looking starved and his skin was an ashey, unhealthy grey. He continued like he normally did, not feeling ny different.
"Sorry, couldn't resist." Then he looked a little confused. "Hold on, why am I saying sorry?" He stood for a few moments then shook his head violently. "Soooo… Tyson… I hear you got some secrets cooped up in that head of yours. Would you mind sharing any?"
Tyson bared his teeth and growled lunging forward in the chains that wrapped around his body and arms. He also had a dog muzzle. Suddenly a striking pain attack him in the chest the same one he had when he was kidnapped. Tyson writhed on floor.
Aiko stopped the pain and pushed Tyson's chair back upright. "Let me phrase it this way, I have access to anywhere and anything. And I know where your friends are." He took out a nice sized knife and put the edge of it under Tysons chin, forcing him to look up at Aiko. "My…" He paused to find the right word "Patron, my patron, would do well to know everything. He's offered a great price to the both of us if you tell."
Tyson kicked Aiko in the shin and pulled his head back in disgust. "place one finger on anyone of them and I will personly rip you limb from limb!" Tyson growled, trying to push away the straining exhaustion his body was under.
Aiko recoiled from the kick and lashed out. His hand didn't connect, but the knife did, cutting a slit in Tysons forehead.
The blood for the cut ran down to his eyes as he hissed in anger. Desperately he tried to break free from the chains. He should have been able to break free. Something wasn't right and Aiko was beginning to realise it too.
Aiko hesitated, then closed his eyes. "So-" He said, his eyes snapping open- "We have two options." He took a step forwards, spreading his arms, a knife in one hand and grinning like a maniac.
Tyson carefully watched the knife. And growled through the muzzle.
"Option one," Aiko stalked around to the back of the chair, "I continue to hurt you till you talk, or you just talk" He paced to stand in front of Tyson and pulled a chair over and sat in it so the back was in front of him and between his legs. He stared at Tyson as if waiting for him to say something.
Tyson didn't say anything. He had been tortured before and learned from experience that it is best to stay quiet. So all tyson did was adjust his posture to sit more upright and just started into Aiko eyes. You could practically see the hate and anger in tyson's eyes
Aiko maddened grin flickered, but only for a fraction of a second. "Option two, we wait." When Tyson looked confused, Aiko continued. "I don't hurt you, you don't hurt me, no one else has to get involved. We. Just. Wait."
Tyson was suspicious of option 2, mainly because it sounded too easy. "What's the trick?" tyson asked glaring down on Aiko. Making Aiko a little nervous for a split second.
Aiko recovered quickly. He blinked innocently and managed to make the phrase 'I don't know what you mean' last around 10 seconds.
Tyson couldn't help but let his ego take over. "despite the fact that option to is… How do you say… Obviously a f*cking trap. I imagine that it is also boring as hell, plus I'd love to sink some teeth into you" tyson grinned wickedly and even under the muzzle you could see his long (venom like) tongue come out and lick his pointed teeth.
"Ahaha no. It shouldn't be too long." Aiko countered, glancing at the pathetic clock on the wall.
"I have a very short attention span to things that piss me off." tyson said grinning like a madman.
Aiko remained unimpressed. "Well, I've been told you're reletivly intelligent, Tyson. Figure it out."
"you want me to know tell me, I know better than to trust demons." tyson said smirking "trust me"
Aiko narrowed his eyes. "Fine! I'll tell you! But only because you're to stupid to figure it out yourself."
Tyson waited unamused for Aiko to reveal his BIG secret.
Aiko opened his mouth but as he was about to speak, the door opened and the woman from before stood in view. "Oh my fucking god. Amika please! I'm talking to him!"
"Boss wants to see you."
"It can wait."
"Not really."
"Get! Out!" Aiko threw the gun at her and it clanged against the door frame and fell pathetically to the floor. She stuck her tongue out at him, closed the door and left.
Tyson chuckled a little at the immaturity of his captures. Before getting tired of waiting and rocking back in his chair kicking Aiko in the gut nocking Aiko back a few paces. Before throwing himself at the gun on the ground trying to grab it.
Aiko recoiled a bit. He kicked the gun away then wandered over to pick it up and put it back in its holster.