forum Dynamic RP with ya boi, Ewen. SMALL GROUP. OPENNN
Started by @Ewen_the_Eccentric

people_alt 55 followers


Oooh, yes. A very good number. I'll probably do about 4 or 5 characters or so. And I think those locations sounds great. Do you want me to get a template up? It can be brief since we have so many characters, unless you like to do detailed ones. Then be my guest.


Brief Backstory:

You can add as much as you like, but you don't have to add anything if you don't want to.

I'm probably gonna do
I dunno
three guys and one or two girl characters?


  Here are 3 of my characters. I'm gonna just drop these here real quick—  

Name: Robyn Jessamy
Age: 16
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Alignment: Chaotic Good
Personality: ENFP. Kind-hearted and energetic. Has a dark sense of humor at times. She seems more trusting of people than she is. Adventurous. Very chaotic. Likes to flirt, but not with everyone cuz she's not a ho. Determined. She's doesn't like being controlled or told what to do, so she has a tendency to be stubborn and rebellious. Loyal. She's not very girly and might be considered a tad tomboyish, but she wouldn't describe herself as such. She's just her.
Backstory: (undecided)
Build— 5'7, with a slim build. Not very curvy, though she does carry a tad more weight at the hips; almost flat-chested.
Skin— Fair, with a birthmark on her wrist.
Facial Features— Round face, with large brown eyes and a small nose. Full lips. Very smiley. Does not wear makeup.
Hair— Chin length jet-black hair that aligns almost perfectly with her jawline. It's straight and thick, and half of it is usually pulled back into a small ponytail while the other half hangs down.
Clothes— High-waisted, distressed jeans. A t-shirt, usually tucked in (generally has a popular meme on it). Converse sneakers. Thick rectangular glasses. Rubber bracelets from bands she likes.
Cats. Dogs. Sunny days. Dark jokes. Memes. Spending time with her friends. Being spontaneous. Being just a tad bit annoying to the people she loves most.
Rain. Bland people. Makeup. Being alone. Being told what to do. Being expected to act like anyone else. Stereotypes. Having to plan things out.


Name: Leonardo "Leo" Tallis
Age: 17
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Demisexual
Alignment: Neutral Good
Personality: INFJ. Quiet, reserved, and sensitive. Incredibly shy and bashful 90% of the time. Easily embarrassed, and doesn't handle embarrassment well. Fearful of a great many things. Way too hard on himself.Will stand up for others, but not for himself. Often perceived as weak, even by himself, but he doesn't want to be. Currently trying to figure out how to get a backbone and stand up himself. Would appreciate tips.
Backstory: (undetermined)
Build— Mega lanky, standing at about 5'11 with long skinny limbs.
Skin— Mega pale
Facial Features— Soft features. Baby blue eyes, average sized nose, and thin lips. Oval shaped face. Long blond eyelashes, and sort of a doleful expression.
Hair— Soft white-blond hair; super curly and soft. Always a mess; he cannot control it for the life of him.
Clothes— He is self-conscious for some reason (cuz he thinks he's too skinny but he's honestly just too hard on himself), so he wears baggy clothes like big hoodies and sweatpants and stuff. Vans. Square glasses that usually slide down his nose.
The quiet. Rainy days. Libraries. Warm hoodies. Hot chocolate. Autumn. Nighttime. Stargazing. Reading.
Loud atmospheres. Himself. Summer and hot weather. Physical activities. Any sort of pressure whatsoever.


Name: Alexsander "Alex" Ossian
Age: 17
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Alignment: mmmm not sure. Possibly Chaotic Neutral.
Personality: ISFP. Creative and artistic, with a rebellious side. He has little to no respect for authorities unless they earn his respect. He's big into graffiti art and is actually incredible at both drawing and painting, as well as being able to play a variety of musical instruments. He can come across as selfish at first, but he's actually a nice guy when you get to know him. Has a lot of trust issues, but once you earn him he's pretty loyal. Can be somewhat flirty. Comes across as overconfident sometimes but isn't as confident as he seems.
Backstory: (undetermined)
Build— 6'1", with broad shoulders and a much smaller waist. Very lean and traditionally attractive.
Skin— A nice, light brown color, with tattoo sleeves up and down either arm.
Facial Features— Oval shaped face, though his cheekbones are a bit more prominent. He's traditionally handsome, with a sharp jawline and average lips.
Hair— Jet black, a curly mess of hair that is shoulder-length. He usually pulls it back into a pony-tail but sometimes lets it go wild.
Clothes— Sleeveless shirts, dark jeans, and Adidas shoes will do him just fine. He will sometimes wear beanies, caps, or hoodie jackets, too. He likes bracelets and chain necklaces.
Art (all forms). Photography. Freedom. Movies. Exploring. Sarcasm.
Authority. Being expected to conform. Blandness. The mundane.

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

Name: Nathaniel Harper
Age: 18
Gender: Male
Personality: He’s good at talking but not a chatterbox, doesn’t use slang much and was a kid with a prodigious lexicon, mostly from being an advanced reader. He’s extremely empathetic but not weighed down by it. He still holds on to the dream that’s he can one day go on a great adventure, though he rarely mentions it, and wonders if he would be able to take the chance if it appeared to him.
Brief Backstory: Grew up rather uneventfully but in the best way possible. He’s had a lot of lessons and hobbies (though never sports) that makes him surprisingly full of a multitude of talents, sometimes helpful, others not so much.
Appearance: Brown haired, light skinned, green eyes. He would look very average except for his height that makes him stand out.
Other: Is president of the Orange Juice Club. Gives off perfect kid vibes but not in a try hard way.

Name: Daniella Jacobs
Age: 18
Gender: Female
Personality: She’s very driven to be perfect and very stressed with a side of fear of failure. Her life is very structured both to give her a feeling of order and security, but also simply to help her father out around the house as she does most of the shopping and cleaning. Adults love her and consider her the perfect child, never noticing it’s only so long before she has a full on meltdown. She wishes she had more time for friends but only makes room for Orange Juice Club.
Brief Backstory: Her mother died when she was nine, forcing her into an adult role that even though most don’t notice she wasn’t ready for. She’s basically her own mom and doesn’t know it.
Appearance: Dark hair, light skin, and Arab features.
Other: Club members know her schedule of going on a run on Tuesdays and Thursdays.

Name: Lizzie Harker
Age: 17
Gender: Female
Personality: She is a bit head in the clouds, trying to catch whatever her dream might be to pursue it. She wants approval from everyone around her, but isn’t desperate for it. She is a reader, and like Nathaniel, finds a lot of inspiration in books.
Brief Backstory: She’s the middle child of two sisters. Her parents always gave the air that they all should be perfect. Her older sister was the straight A student, leaving her to be the artistic one, dipping her toes into watercolors, and dance. Her younger sister is the rebel.
Appearance: Dark hair, eyes and lips that’s stand out always has a hair clip in her hair, normally pink.
Other: She has an interest in Nathaniel, though she hasn’t told him.

Name: Ian Park
Age: 18
Gender: Male
Personality: He never really figured out who he was. He was always trying to be what other people wanted him to, leaving him not much but a philosophical teen in search for a meaning to his existence. He finds the only meaning he can see in watching out for Lizzie, who he sees as a sister, and hanging out with Eos, the only guy who’s good at making him laugh.
Brief Backstory: His Korean parents hold him up to a high standard, and he always chafed under their expectations, doing well in school in fear of disappointing them. Orange Juice Club is his place to relax.
Appearance: Korean face obviously, tall, dark almost curly hair that never grows out that much, not quite pale skin, but rather light.
Other: Has a folder of colleges to apply to and careers to decide between.

Name: Eos Lewis
Age: 17
Gender: Male
Personality: He’s jovial enough, likes doing whatever he can for a good time as long as he doesn’t get in trouble with the law. He had a hard time fitting in, but decided in his first year of highschool that the Korean kid in his math class needed someone to help him lighten up. He tries to help anyone he can, either with a general helping hand or his useful skills as a math tutor. On his down time he likes to chill with his headphones and some Lofi type beats.
Brief Backstory: He lives alone with his mother since his father left them. He has a sister, but she ran off when he was a toddler and he prefers not to think about her.
Appearance: He’s black for one, with curly hair that bounces and sometimes hangs in front of his eyes. He’s a tad short, and a bit chubby. It’s pretty rare for him not to smile easily, and he normally has a slightly thoughtful expression, like he’s thinking on a sweet memory.
Other: He’s grown out of most of his insecurity about being heavier, but still hates it being commented on and tries to turn it into him telling as a joke if he has to.

Name: Eva Sinclair
Age: 17
Gender: Female
Personality: A bit cynical, but means well. Casual depressed punk kid, listening to MCR and the like. She feels left out of everything, but the kids at Orange Juice Club are nice enough so she hangs around whenever she isn’t with one of her rapidly changing boyfriends.
Brief Backstory: Her parents divorced when she was thirteen sending her spiraling into depression, which she tries to cover with her facade personality of a cheerful kid.
Appearance: Plum colored hair, elfin type face, rarely wears any makeup. Rather short, speaks in a high pitched voice when happy, though she has a somewhat deep voice for a teen girl. Wears either shirts far too large for her in pastel colors or men’s dress shirts.
Other: Is currently questioning if she’s straight. (I Don’t Do Gay But some of my characters do soo…)


Wait— my name? As in my actual name? As in Ewen? I get that question a lot. It's kinda like YOO-an or YOO-en. More as in ewe when talking about like, a sheep or something, than the word ew when talking about something gross. My name's like Owen, except as if someone decided to overcomplicate it. But at least it's unique I guess.

Actually these kiddos aren't from a particular story. Leo is adapted from a pre-existing character whom I'm fond of because he's just this pure little awkward being (the child of two of my other characters from a larger, overarching universe actually). He's not exactly the same as that character, but based off of him. Alex and Robyn are two vague ideas I had for characters that I literally just fleshed out as I was doing the temp. That's what 90% of my RP characters are: new characters I make on the fly. Then I drown myself in characters until I have an anxiety attack but it's cool.


Also dude I love your characters sm. They are amazing. I love em all a ton but especially Eos and Eva.

(And I don't do gay either but that doesn't mean my characters don't sometimes :P)


(OH yes I'm so sorry I didn't respond to your previous messages. I thought I did. I am so brain dead. That's my bad. Yes if you wanna join sure. We could use another person or two.)

@imJUSTasillylittleguy group

Name:Evan Arden
Age: 17
Gender: male
Personality: sarcastic, impatient, cares for most people, incredibly loyal, likes being around people but sometimes he just cant deal with hearing people and 'talks' does signing with deaf people. he tries to be honest at most times, can be pacfist until someone forces him to be violent.(harming those hes closed too.)
Brief Backstory: he was put into foster care about 5-6 years old by his bio mom and dad. he went through a couple families and eventually stopped around one. He found out he was deaf around 12, when he was upstairs doing something, and he didn't hear his mom calling him for 20 minutes straight or even hear her come upstairs. As he grew older it become more of like a partially deaf thing where it sounded like his head was underwater and someone was speaking to him from above water. HIs bio mom and dad weren't deaf, however apparently his bio dads dad was deaf and he got those genes. He went into learning ASL and uses it frequently.
Appearance: dyed white hair that used to be naturally black, fair paleish skin. he's pretty tall, probably like 5'8ft.
Other: he can lip read pretty well :3

Deleted user

If this is still open I'd love to join! (just to get back into some more detailed writing) I read through some of the earlier messages but do you mind going over the plot idea one more time too?


Name: Benjamin "Benny" Hal
Age: 16
Gender: Male
Sexuality: He says heterosexual but we all wonder about him sometimes.
Alignment: Chaotic, but fluctuates between good, neutral, and evil.
Personality: ExxP. A total goofball, despite everything. Will gladly have a dance-off with you. Jokingly flirts with a lot of people; it's impossible to tell if he ever means it or not— except for sometimes, when his sincerity bleeds pure. Loves making new friends. Likes to do dangerous things, except not with fire. Will debate you over something stupid just for the fun of it. Has a temper.
Backstory: Lives with his single dad who's a really sweet guy but a struggling alcoholic. When Benny was 13, he and several of his friends were camping. Benny and his friends had been putting gasoline into the fire to make it bigger. Having little knowledge of the danger of gasoline and fire, Benny attempted to pour the gasoline straight onto the fire— but things did not end well when the fire caught the gasoline and immediately spread to the can itself. The gasoline can and fire exploded on Benny immediately. He was severely burned and could've died, but miraculously he is okay now— aside from permanent scarring and an everlasting fear of fire.
Build— He's about 5'6 or 5'7", with average shoulders and stuff. Kind of a smallish guy overall.
Skin— Pale, except for areas where blotchy burns still cover him. Although healed, they're still very visible, especially on his arms and chest, where the deepest burns were. (He has nerve damage in some places and cannot feel anything.) He also has burns all over his hands and neck. They are on his face, too, covering the lower right half of his face, from his jaw all the way up to right beneath his eye. Luckily these are not as bad as the ones on his arms, but he is still very self-conscious about them, even if he hides it.
Facial Features— He was considered a pretty cute lil' dude before he got crisped up. He doubts anybody actually thinks he's attractive anymore since he has such burns, but he tries not to let it get to him. Overall soft features, heartshaped face, large brown eyes.
Hair— Chocolate brown hair; stick-straight, generally sticking in every direction as if he's been electrocuted.
Clothes— Usually t-shirts and sweatpants that are always too big for him, with untucked shirt and untied shoes.
Foolishness. Goofing off. Puns. Dirty jokes (sometimes). Self-depreciating jokes. Feeling valued. Popsicles. Cartoons. Video games.
Fire. Camping. Movies about fire or camping. Horror films. Silence. Being alone. Being patronized. Hospitals. Alcohol.
Notes: Despite his burns, he gets around really well and has no permanent damage aside from having lost some feeling in the places where the burns occurred. He is self-conscious about his burns, but he will fight you if you patronize him.