forum Death on Silent Feet (Abandoned) (X/1)
Started by @RhysTheFirebird group

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@RhysTheFirebird group

Clara sighs and then pulls a bottle out of her bag, pouring the contents onto a cloth and then putting the bottle away and walks over to Lavi, looking down at her, “I told you to shut up.”

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"What are you going to do? Drug me, anesthetize me, euthanize me? Where did you get that bottle?"

@RhysTheFirebird group

Clara sighs, “I wish you;’d stop asking so many quiestions.” She crouches down, grasping the back of the girl’s head and pressing the rag to her nose and mouth, “This’ll just make you sleep for a while.”

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(yeah, makes sense. if you'd like, we could make a new one.)

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Lavendar tried to push the woman's hand away, holding her breath, and tried to kick her stomach or wherever else she could.

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Poppy extract? She wondered if she had seen this girl near her father's shop… The shop! She kept resisting until she inhaled again… very soon her body went limp.

@RhysTheFirebird group

Clara gently lays the girl down, a confused look on her face. Despite the girl fitting the description that was given to her, she had the feeling that she had the wrong girl.

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(my girl's passed out… what can she do now? lol)

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(okay, well its up to you. i really can't do much with her rn…)

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Lavendar blinked her eyes open again without any clue what time of day it was. She thought she could hear the girl and someone else talking, but it was all fuzzy to her…

@RhysTheFirebird group

Clara sighs, “Your description is so generic! I don’t have a name, or a specific place! I just knocked out someone who’s no even involved and put her life in danger for no reason!”

“Then just kill her. She’s a liability anyways.”

Clara huffs, “I’m not killing anyone.”

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Lavi groaned slightly and slowly tried to get up, the throbbing in her head was waning but not gone. She could make out two people talking, but barely.

@RhysTheFirebird group

The second voice paused, “I just told you to kill her, so kill her.”

Clara sighs, “She’s not a part of this. Get out of here. I’ll send her home, she’ll keep quiet, I’ll make sure of it.”

“Fine. But if one word gets out-“

“Yes, I know.” Clara turns, moving back to the girl and pressing a hand into her shoulder, pushing her back down, “Wait for your head to clear.”

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"Don't touch me," she said, not very loudly though. She pullled away from the girl and tried to stand up, but suddenly sank back to the ground with a dizzying feeling. "Don't touch me…"