forum CountryHuman Rp! (Open)
Started by @Ray-Mightbegone

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America decided to drop the matter for the time being, if only for Russia's sake. "Enjoying the party?"


America drank more of his beer, unsure what to say. Russia didn't really seem to want to talk right now.


It's insane how much he can drink… America hesitated a moment before taking another shot of vodka himself.


Russia drank what was in his cup then hesitantly got more but he didn't he didn't want to embarrass himself in front of family and a guest.


(America: drinks to 'show off' for Russia
Also America: Shit this was a bad decision)
I really should stop… Nonetheless, America finished his beer and cracked open another.


Ugh… my head's already spinning. America shook his head slightly to clear it before finishing off the beer. He was definitely a bit drunk, but not completely wasted like the night before. He could still control what he was doing and consciously think.


"Yeah, I guess you could say that… although ten shots is pretty stupid for just about anyone. Except Russ, apparently."