Age: 20 (yes I preset their ages for the vampire ritual don't hate me)
Gender/Pronouns: (unfortunately they are all cis in this one, lads. except Justine may be enby sapphic, idk yet.)
Orientation: (my characters (Vic and Justine) are both gay)
Briefest of Brief Backstories:
Name: Justine Moritz
Age: 20
Gender/Pronouns: I went through with it. Nonbinary, she/they
Orientation: Gay in a woolawoo way
Appearance: Fuck it, picrew.
Personality: Justine is quiet around those who could hurt her, obedient and subservient, but still, she stands up for her friends where it counts. They are a bright soul, emotionally sensitive, and overall they're just kinda the chill best friend who would die for you, but would much rather live for you too.
Briefest of Brief Backstories: Justine is part of a lineage of werewolves that have worked for the Frankensteins for ages. She works as housekeeper and secret-keeper.
Other: She is kept away from the rest of the family, who work outdoors and in the gardens unlike herself, who serves indoors.
Name: Victor Frankenstein
Age: 20
Gender/Pronouns: Cis man, he/him
Orientation: Gay in a mlem way
Appearance: Also picrew.
Personality: Emotionally unstable and prone to fainting, Victor is the pure opposite of Justine. He'll argue with you day and night but when it counts, he's nowhere to be found. Overall he's a good person who just,,,, does Not know how to properly relate to others and needs to work on his own insecurities before he tries to help others.
Briefest of Brief Backstories: Victor doesn't know anything about who he is or where he's from, he was taken as an infant and has been raised a Frankenstein ever since.
Other: Has loved Henry ever since he met the man as children.
(Thinking that Liz and Justine's relationship will probably be more slow burn, whereas Vic and Henry are gonna be more, say, overt more early on? Idk?? Just some thoughts.)
(aw I love them! and yeah that sounds right!)
(Cool! Get your characters up then, and we can begin!)
Name: Elizabeth Lavenza (technically Frankenstein, but I was thinking she chose/chooses Lavenza as a new last name once she and the Frankensteins kinda part ways more?)
Age: 20
Gender/Pronouns: Cis woman, she/her
Orientation: demi-romantic demi-sexual
Appearance: a picrew
Personality: Honestly? Tends to be very sweet and kind, but will also protect those she cares about with everything she has in her. Tries to see the best in everyone, and will give people second or even third chances. Very curious and animated, loves to learn.
Briefest of Brief Backstories: Doesn't know anything about her family, as she, like Victor, was taken from them as a baby and has been raised by the Frankensteins ever since then. There has definitely been an expectation that she will just quietly do what they want her to. Marry Victor and keep the home like a good woman.
Other: what would you think of her maybe becoming a witch? perchance?
Name: Henry Clerval
Age: 20
Gender/Pronouns: cis man, he/him
Orientation: disaster bi, but prefers men
Appearance: picrew also has a scar on his left cheek
Personality: Charming, kind, and a bit of a rogue. Passionate and fun, really. His ideal life is probably a pirate. But not like, a real pirate, but like, an idealized pirate. An excellent swordsman, he also enjoys reading and learning.
Briefest of Brief Backstories: The second eldest of the Clerval family, he too was taken from his home as a baby and has been raised by the Clervals since then.
I would literally love Liz becoming a witch! Also I love them both. Shall we begin?
(Oh oh also consider: there are two types of witches, Satanic and Earth. Earth witches are more druidy and chill, more work with the earth rather than force the earth to bend to your will. Satanic work for Satan (obvi) and are basically the opposite to Earth witches. Idk?? Which Liz would be?? But it could be fun to see either.)
(:D perfect! Let's start!)
(idk yet, I'll think about it!)
Justine was currently in her bedroom, a small, spartan cell of a room but theirs anyways. It had no windows, and only a small candle for a light. She normally kept the door open during the day, as the light from the hall would filter in, but by night she locked the door tightly. Who knew, with the Frankensteins, which day would be her last? They shook their head, ears and fur bristling. It would be a full moon soon, at which point they'd turn into a wolf and lose control. Usually, Elizabeth, Henry, and Victor would chain them up and sit with her during the event, but Justine didn't want them around this time. She'd already given Victor a brutal scar across his back from her claws the last time, there was no telling what damage they'd do with this one. And that might interfere with the ceremony, anyways. In three weeks, Victor, Henry, and Elizabeth were to travel to the Castle Dracula and be then taken to a secretive location to be turned into vampires. Justine couldn't stand it. Victor meanwhile, being still human and thus awake during the day, knocked on Justine's doorframe and walked in. "Hey. Can we talk?" he said, sniffling a little bit. "I didn't… I had a bad fight with Mother. You know how she gets… threatened to drink my blood and forgo the ceremony. Again." he said, shaking a little. Elizabeth and Henry would find him here, he knew, but time spent alone with one of his friends was worth the scorn from his parents. He didn't want to talk to his sister now, nor Henry. He wished he could wait for this stupid ceremony, but it had to be now. Any older and the Satanic Curse wouldn't hold, any younger and it would burn his body to shreds.
"Sure, Vic. Sit down on the bed, I'll get you some tea and we'll figure this out." she said, voice gentle and understanding as always.
(m'kay wait question: do Elizabeth and Henry already know about this fight or not? and are they actively looking for Vic or?)
Elizabeth had heard the fight. She hadn't seen it, but she had heard bits and pieces, and knew Victor was probably devastated by it. His fights with mother were always explosive and terrifying; mother was terrifying, really. Elizabeth just did her best to keep her head down and stay out of anything, but even she got into fights with their mother every now and then. Now, though, she was more concerned with finding her brother. Her pale blonde hair was pulled back into a bun to keep it out of her face. She had already gone to get Henry; he had been outside in the gardens practicing his fencing, and he was a bit sweaty from it. But he put his sword aside as soon as she told him what had happened, and they started looking for Victor.
Justine prepared the tea on the little wood stove in the corner of the room, it was warm and full of flavor, they added a bit more sugar than she thought was sane because she knew that was how Victor liked it. “Here, Vic, now why don’t you tell me what’s the latest craziness you’ve faced from that literal vampire of a mother?” she said, laughing at her little pun she wouldn’t dare repeat to anyone who could hear. Victor sighed, and told them the truth.
It had started with a snide comment about Victor’s weight, how the ritual wouldn’t take hold in such a skinny boy. Victor commented that it was almost like Mother had been trying to fatten him for the slaughter, and at any rate, who said he wanted the ritual anyways? That set her off. They screamed and shouted at each other until eventually Victor ran off crying, pushing past Liz and hiding in a cupboard until he knew he was safe. He went to Justine, and she comforted him, but Victor was having second thoughts by the day about the ritual. Elizabeth wasn’t wife material, she was more than a sister! She wasn’t supposed to marry him! Anyways, he loved other people, at which Justine teased “Henry, obviously.” to which Victor flushed and told her not to repeat that in front of the man in question. Justine knew Victor loved Henry, and Justine had crushed on Elizabeth for quite a while, with both parties being startlingly oblivious to the whole situation. Justine laughed, tail wagging and ears bristling with the hilarity of the situation. “Well, neither of us are getting it from the ones we actually like anyways, eh? Liz is painfully oblivious to my flirting, and you don’t even try with Henry.” she smiled.
“Yes I do! I write strongly worded love letters to him… that I end up burning later.” he said, Victor felt wounded at that particular remark.
"I wish some plucky hunter would just off your mother." Henry said conversationally. This had been a conversation point between him and Liz a few times.
Liz sighed softly. "Yes, well, that isn't happening any time soon, unless you want to become a vampire hunter?" she gave him a pointed look, arching one dark brow at him. "Which means you would have to kill me eventually, not to mention Victor." the look turned slightly more teasing, her lips curving into a faint smirk.
He cleared his throat. "My family would kill me first." he replied with a faint laugh. "So, that is not happening either. Besides, I'm not the one marrying Victor, so don't give me that look."
She gagged, shaking her head at him. "Don't be a dunce, you're the one that wishes you could." she retorted. "And I wish I wasn't, so we're in quite a conundrum, are we not?"
He stiffened, drawing his shoulders back defensively. "Don't– ah, let's just find him!" he cleared his throat, cheeks flushing pink for a moment as the two continued to quietly search for Victor. They couldn't be too loud about it, or someone would hear, and they didn't want to draw the attention of either of the older Frankensteins.
Ernest popped out of his bedroom, which the two had walked past as they argued. Ernest was sixteen now, and a quietly curious child who looked almost exactly like Victor despite coming from an entirely different family. He was taller, too. "Victor went to the werewolf's room. That's all I know." he said, snidely, closing the door. He and William still shared the nursery, and Ernest wasn't fond of the fact at all. He undermined the family quietly, too, but he didn't like Justine. She was a werewolf, and thus below him.
Liz gave Ernest a look, studying him and shrugging one shoulder. "Thank you, Ernest." she replied, silently wondering how much of that he had heard. Neither the Frankensteins nor the Clervals would be pleased if they discovered Henry's feelings for Victor; the repercussions would be terrible. Henry could be disowned or even killed, and Victor, if there was any hint of a return of these feelings…well, Liz doubted that Victor would still be turned if that happened. Instead, it was likely she would have to marry…Ernest. The thought was more disgusting than the idea of marrying Victor. Not only was Ernest her brother, but she didn't particularly enjoy his company, and he was four years younger than her. None of it was ideal, but if she had to choose a brother to marry, it was Victor. She put her hand on Henry's arm, a silent warning to keep his mouth shut, and led him down the hall and away from Ernest and the nursery.
Justine and Victor laughed a little bit more, then Victor managed to fall asleep on Justine's bed as he usually did when he was emotionally distraught. He simply was a small, wet kitten in the rain of a man and Justine was the mother cat that sheltered him when nobody else would. Though she was tired, she allowed him to rest even when he hadn't drank any of the tea, and stayed watching over him until Elizabeth and Henry arrived. "What am I going to do with you?" she smiled, and tucked Victor in, deciding cleaning her room for the fifth time that day wouldn't do much harm.
Liz and Henry headed to Justine's room, and Liz knocked on the door, waiting for Justine to open it. Henry's face had recovered and was back to it's normal tone, absent a blush or any freckles, the only abnormal thing about it the scar on his left cheek. He was dressed in a loose white shirt, with a green vest and dark slacks. His sword he had left tucked away, not wanting to carry it around the Frankensteins' home.
(btw did you have a plan/idea for how Henry's brother and brother's wife died, or am i free to come up with it myself?)
(Come up with it yourself if you want but I was thinking something something vampire hunters.)
Justine came to the door, the only mess in her chronically clean room being Victor mussing up the bedspread as he moved in his sleep. "Hey. Vic's asleep, and I'm not doing anything. Do you want to talk?" she said, looking to Liz and then Henry kindly. She was shorter than all three of them, and that was saying something as Victor was shorter than Liz and Henry both. He just hadn't gotten that tall, probably from starving himself routinely as he simply forgot to eat half the time. Chalk that up to being an insane little shit, Justine would never say but think often.